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No booze, no show

Post by BSmack »

Amazing that this hasn't happened before.
LEWISTON, Maine - Guns N' Roses canceled a performance in Portland, Maine this week after being told by state officials that the band could not drink on stage.

Inspectors from the state fire marshal's office gave the band the no-drinking order when they came to look over the pyrotechnics planned for Monday's scheduled concert at the Cumberland County Civic Center, said Stephen McCausland, spokesman for the Maine Public Safety Department.

McCausland said the band had wanted to drink beer, wine and Jagermeister while performing. A couple of hours after being told that would violate state law, Guns N' Roses canceled its concert, he said.

After the cancellation, a band spokesperson blamed fire marshals for "making it impossible for the band to perform their show to the usual high standards that their fans deserve." The press release, however, did not give a specific reason for the pullout. ... s_n__roses
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Post by Derron »

We think the state is just a bunch of pussy's and should go fuck themselves and stay the fuck out of our shows.. .


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Post by Dinsdale »

So, I take it that G'n'R pretty much gave up on that whole "rehab" thing?

Dang, I'm getting old. So old, I even remember when they were 1988.
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Post by Neely8 »

Derron wrote:We think the state is just a bunch of pussy's and should go fuck themselves and stay the fuck out of our shows.. .


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Post by Dinsdale »

Oh Neely is going to have to kick somebody's ass.
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Post by BSmack »

Dinsdale wrote:So, I take it that G'n'R pretty much gave up on that whole "rehab" thing?

Dang, I'm getting old. So old, I even remember when they were 1988.
Yep, Appitite For Destruction. The ultimate one hit wonder. Or at least it should have been. Nobody ever made less out of more than Axl Rose.
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Post by Dinsdale »

BSmack wrote: Nobody ever made less out of more than Axl Rose.

Oh, I wouldn't say "nobody."

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Post by BSmack »

Dinsdale wrote:
BSmack wrote: Nobody ever made less out of more than Axl Rose.

Oh, I wouldn't say "nobody."

Eddie Vedder
Pearl Jam never even managed to eclipse Nirvana. They had their moment and moved on, but they never were more than what they appeared.

On the other hand, G&R should have been the hair metal answer to Zeppelin. Their debut album is quite possibly the best hard rock album of the 80s and showcased a band that should have left every other hair metal band on the planet tearing their spandex in frustration at being exposed for the poseurs they were. But no, once they got a taste of sucess, they decided it would be far better to morph into the very thing they were poised to destroy. That is, they became just another shitty hair metal band complete with sappy ballads and shitty covers of songs they had no business ever attempting to cover. Top it off with Rose's piss poor attitude and work ethic and you have a band then went from being on top of the mountain to unable to record an album in under 7 years. As annoying as Vedder may be, he's nowhere near Axl Rose in terms of self destructive behavior.
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Post by jiminphilly »

Any truth that K-Fed was the opening act?
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Post by Dinsdale »

BSmack...make some more shit up.

Just because G'n'R had long hair, it certainly didn't make them a hair band. Matter of fact, they were the antithesis of the hair band, and brought the hair metal era to an abrupt end(something I outlined in great detail in the music forum quite a while back).

That was a pretty ill-informed take.
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Post by Uncle Fester »

I know I'm a banjo-picking, Hamm's-drinking, middle-age fartstick, but name one recent "rock" band that's worth the powder to blow it to hell.

Does rock still exist?
Do they still publish Rolling Stone?

I think of semi-recent rock bands and only a few names jump out:

REM - weren't bad early on
U2 - Other than the nice guitar part on "Gloria," the appeal of this band escapes me.

Beyond that, who am I forgetting?
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Post by BSmack »

Dinsdale wrote:BSmack...make some more shit up.

Just because G'n'R had long hair, it certainly didn't make them a hair band.
No, playing shitty hair metal music after Appetite made them a hair band.
Matter of fact, they were the antithesis of the hair band, and brought the hair metal era to an abrupt end(something I outlined in great detail in the music forum quite a while back).
Not so much. Plenty of hair bands had success after GnR hit. Warrant, Vixen, White Lion, Whitesnake, Winger, Conderella, Bon Jovi (just to name a few) all charted after Appetite was released. You forget, I was there too back in the late 80s. I heard WAY too much of that shit.
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Post by Dinsdale »

Uncle Fester wrote: name one recent "rock" band that's worth the powder to blow it to hell.

Actually, there's a link on this board to a thing called the "music forum," and...


Uhm...G'n'R is "recent" in your world?

They did most of their damage almost 20 years ago, dude.

Sucked, more than less.
REM - weren't bad early on
Not too shabby, until some douchebag critic taold them they were the greatest thing EVAR...then what's known as the "Sting/Police Syndrome" kicked in.
U2 - Other than the nice guitar part on "Gloria," the appeal of this band escapes me.
See witty comments re: REM.

There's just as many badass rock bands coming out these days as there has been in ANY other era. It all evens out. We just tend to remember certain times in our lives when we discovered a bunch of new stuff and decided that it was the greatest period ever in rock.

BTW -- The Mars Volta is BADASS!

Tool ring a bell with your U&M ass?

I guess if GNR is "recent," that must make Pantera "brand-new," and Alice In Chains become spring chickens.

If you like the softer, "bebopper" rock, the Foo Fighters are pretty good at that.

Modest Mouse is deece if you're into the dark, trippy thing.

North Mississippi All mStar are a BITCHIN southern rock band.

System Of A Down has a pretty strong following in their short time.

The White Stripes appeal to many, along with the offshoots like the Ranconteurs.

That's not neccessarily a list of my personal favorites...just some names that popped up when I opened an MP3 file.

With as broad a question as you posed, over such a long timeframe, the posters of this board could crash this server listing bands.
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Post by Dinsdale »

BSmack wrote:Warrant, Vixen, White Lion, Whitesnake, Winger, Conderella, Bon Jovi (just to name a few) all charted after Appetite was released.
Oh, brother.

If I'm not mistaken, every single one of those bands made their "name" before G'n'R came along. Ever single one of them. Unfortunately, they didn't quite die the rapid death we all would have liked, but their hangers-on kept them on life support for a couplafew years.

But thanks for proving my point, though.

The music execs told the hair metal bands how to sound. GNR told the record execs "this is what we sound like." Hence, the end of an era(sort of...only to be replaced by the hip-hop formulaic sound of the day...which was replaced by worse formulaic hip hop...etc.)
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Post by Neely8 »

Velvet Revolver......

Post by Screw_Michigan »

the use your illusion albums were far from stereotypical "hair metal albums."
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Post by RadioFan »

Dinsdale wrote:Tool
Dream Theater
Ozric Tentacles

Though none are "recent," in the sense they started becoming relatively widely known in the late-80s/early 90s, all are still putting out kickass albums.

Of course, we all have the RIAA and Clear Channel to thank for all the innovative, ground-breaking FM radio these days. :rolleyes:
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Post by Dinsdale »

Screw_Michigan wrote:the use your illusion albums were far from stereotypical "hair metal albums."

No. They're stereotypical "Hey, those REM guys sure had the right idea" albums.

Crown yourself the reigning Kings of Rock, and start cranking out over-the-top sentimental bullshit that sounds good to you, and only you.

I believe a relatively current term for that is "jumping the shark."
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Post by JeffintheCuse »

Now that Axl has cancelled a show, he needs to to the following to equal the Illusion Tour(s):

- Have opneing act set himself on fire, shortening that set, then storm off stage because of sound problems, causing major rioting.

- Jump in the crowd and attack a guy taping the show, causing another riot.

And the album isn't even out yet (technically)

Dejavu all over again :?
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Post by BSmack »

Dinsdale wrote:Oh, brother.

If I'm not mistaken, every single one of those bands made their "name" before G'n'R came along. Ever single one of them. Unfortunately, they didn't quite die the rapid death we all would have liked, but their hangers-on kept them on life support for a couplafew years.
You are quite mistaken. Here's a list of just a few bands with the year of their first charted album.

Winger- 1988
Vixen- 1988
Warrant- 1989
White Lion- 1988
Skid Row- 1989

Proof that record company A&R guys were recruiting and developing hair metal bands after GnR.

Never mind that hair metal bands were regularly charting albums through 1992. We wouldn't want facts to get in your way or anything. :meds:
The music execs told the hair metal bands how to sound. GNR told the record execs "this is what we sound like." Hence, the end of an era(sort of...only to be replaced by the hip-hop formulaic sound of the day...which was replaced by worse formulaic hip hop...etc.)
More like they were like Motley Crue in that they kicked ass, got rich and then got lazy and high. The difference being that Crue didn't piss away their lives quite as badly as GnR.

PS: Jeff, nice to see a CNY guy in here. You don't live in Phoenix do you? :lol:
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Post by YD »

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Post by JeffintheCuse »

Thanks BSmack... I'm in the Camillus/warners area, lived in a shit area for years and just bought a house this year. 8)

Post by Screw_Michigan »

Dinsdale wrote:No. They're stereotypical "Hey, those REM guys sure had the right idea" albums.
no, you fucking idiot. i'm pretty sure that was NOT going through their minds when they recorded those two albums.

thanks for playing, cock holster. way to show us how completely full of shit you are.
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Post by YD »

Is that the jeff in the cuse I know from some other site?
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Post by Dinsdale »

Motley Crue released an album that was somewhat revolutionary in its approach. When the execs saw the dollar signs that the "LA sound" could bring, Crue then released a follow-up that was quite formulaic in nature(arguably the first hair metal/buttrock album), and all of their imitators all followed suit with formulaic albums, because that's what got them record deals. This formulaic bullshit was the norm for about the next 5 years or so, a relatively long time by music trends standards. With the release of Appetite, the rock consumer essentially put their foot down and said "we're not going to take it anymore." And buttrock was on its deathbed shortly thereafter.

And last I checked, Vince, Tommy, Nikki, and Mickey had screwed their lives up pretty badly...what with the prison sentences, manslaughter convictions, and a particularly disturbing reality show. I'm guessing there's probably some HepC and HIV floating around that crowd, too(don't tell me Pam didn't catch the hep from Tommy). And last I checked, GNR was launching new albums and tours and being the subject of messageboard topics. The last time I heard of an opportunity to see Crue, I believe it was at the state fair.
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Post by Dinsdale »

Screw_Michigan wrote:i'm pretty sure that was NOT going through their minds when they recorded those two albums.

Really? I guess that "commitment to artsy-fartsy" threw me off.

But since you've now outed yourself as an expert, would you care to give us all some more of your unique insight as to GNR's state of mind when they made the Use Your Illusion albums?


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Post by Wolfman »

re: Maine's drinking laws--
maybe if they sat down and drank , they
would have been compliant !!
I'll never forget the reaction of the bartender
at Pat's Pizza in Orono when I first got up
with glass of beer in hand to walk over to
another table !!
At least that's the way it was back in the
olden days !!
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Post by Screw_Michigan »

Dinsdale wrote:
Screw_Michigan wrote:i'm pretty sure that was NOT going through their minds when they recorded those two albums.

Really? I guess that "commitment to artsy-fartsy" threw me off.

But since you've now outed yourself as an expert, would you care to give us all some more of your unique insight as to GNR's state of mind when they made the Use Your Illusion albums?


you already set the standard for idiocy by comparing the illusion albums to what REM put out. to your credit, it doesn't take a fucking genius think axl wasn't saying "you know, our next albums need to sound less like 'appetite' and more like 'automatic for the people.'"

and as far as their state of mind when they made the illusion albums, i'm sure it was a lot like how you waste your days: drunk as fuck, except they had a lick of talent, unlike yourself.
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Post by Uncle Fester »

The whole bit with hip-hop, rap, Britney, "modern cuntry," and everything else on modern radio just leaves me sitting on the curb like an old milk bottle.

But at least I saw Lee Mavers at First Avenue
and The Blood Oranges..
John Hiatt
Steve Goodman
Johnny Cash
Bill Monroe
and lots of other good stoof in my lifetime.

And thank Gawd for YouTube!

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Post by Dinsdale »

Screw_Michigan wrote:you already set the standard for idiocy by comparing the illusion albums to what REM put out.
Oh, I see where our problem is -- you're a fucking idiot.

Would you care to point out where I compared the two?

Yeah, I'll hold my breath waiting for that link...

I used REM as a comparison...put on that thinking cap and try to follow along, you insignificant twit...because they had already been mentioned in the thread as having "jumped the shark."

Is the light coming on in that tiny little brain of yours?

Not sure what the fuck went wrong in your douchebaggery-plagued world that you somehow took that to mean that they sounded in any way similar...wait, yeah I're a fucking idiot, which I'm sure you'll continue to prove with all of your unfortunate subsequent postings.

and as far as their state of mind when they made the illusion albums, i'm sure it was a lot like how you waste your days: drunk as fuck, except they had a lick of talent, unlike yourself.

Newsflash, dipshit -- GNR were heroin addicts, to a man. I'm thinking that affects the mental process more than the drinking.
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Post by BSmack »

Dinsdale wrote:Motley Crue released an album that was somewhat revolutionary in its approach. When the execs saw the dollar signs that the "LA sound" could bring, Crue then released a follow-up that was quite formulaic in nature(arguably the first hair metal/buttrock album), and all of their imitators all followed suit with formulaic albums, because that's what got them record deals. This formulaic bullshit was the norm for about the next 5 years or so, a relatively long time by music trends standards. With the release of Appetite, the rock consumer essentially put their foot down and said "we're not going to take it anymore." And buttrock was on its deathbed shortly thereafter.
If you call 5 years of platinum sales thereafter "on its deathbed" then yea, GnR killed buttrock.

And last I checked, Vince, Tommy, Nikki, and Mickey had screwed their lives up pretty badly...what with the prison sentences, manslaughter convictions, and a particularly disturbing reality show. I'm guessing there's probably some HepC and HIV floating around that crowd, too(don't tell me Pam didn't catch the hep from Tommy). And last I checked, GNR was launching new albums and tours and being the subject of messageboard topics. The last time I heard of an opportunity to see Crue, I believe it was at the state fair.
GnR hasn't released an album of original music since 1993. If and when "Chinese Democracy" is ever released, we'll see how it does. So far it's been 13 years and counting. Furthermore, last I checked, the version of GnR currently gravytraining off the past err "touring" has absolutely not a single original member save Rose, whereas Motley Crue has released 3 albums since the last GnR album.

BTW, is there really a big difference between the 6,000 seat Portland Civic Center and your average state fairground? I know around these parts the NY State Fair does a pretty good business with their shows.
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Post by Neely8 »

Dinsdale wrote:
Screw_Michigan wrote:you already set the standard for idiocy by comparing the illusion albums to what REM put out.
Oh, I see where our problem is -- you're a fucking idiot.

Would you care to point out where I compared the two?

Yeah, I'll hold my breath waiting for that link...

I used REM as a comparison...put on that thinking cap and try to follow along, you insignificant twit...because they had already been mentioned in the thread as having "jumped the shark."

Is the light coming on in that tiny little brain of yours?

Not sure what the fuck went wrong in your douchebaggery-plagued world that you somehow took that to mean that they sounded in any way similar...wait, yeah I're a fucking idiot, which I'm sure you'll continue to prove with all of your unfortunate subsequent postings.

and as far as their state of mind when they made the illusion albums, i'm sure it was a lot like how you waste your days: drunk as fuck, except they had a lick of talent, unlike yourself.

Newsflash, dipshit -- GNR were heroin addicts, to a man. I'm thinking that affects the mental process more than the drinking.

Post by Screw_Michigan »

Dinsdale wrote:Newsflash, dipshit -- GNR were heroin addicts, to a man. I'm thinking that affects the mental process more than the drinking.
no shit, mensa. and those jack daniel's bottles in the appetite liner notes were just props. go jump in front of a fucking train.
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Post by Dinsdale »

Douche_Douchigan, I ask this with all sincerety --
Screw_Michigan wrote:go jump in front of a fucking train.

Has anyone told you that you have all the smacking ability of JTR, only without all of the endearing qualities, like...

Well, I'll get back to you on those. But for now, just know that you're easily one of the biggest gimps to ever stink up these boards...seriously.
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Post by Dinsdale »

BSmack wrote:BTW, is there really a big difference between the 6,000 seat Portland Civic Center and your average state fairground? I know around these parts the NY State Fair does a pretty good business with their shows.
I suppose the fairgrounds here do a decent business, but it's definitely geared to the "has-beens" set -- both performers and audience.
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Post by Mister Bushice »

Dinsdale wrote:BSmack...make some more shit up.

Just because G'n'R had long hair, it certainly didn't make them a hair band. Matter of fact, they were the antithesis of the hair band, and brought the hair metal era to an abrupt end(something I outlined in great detail in the music forum quite a while back).
Id' say early on it was more than just long hair:





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Post by Nishlord »

BSmack wrote:Nobody ever made less out of more than Axl Rose.
Hell yeah. I'm bored of reading about how seminal G n' R were, when all I can remember is some ginger fuckwit in the wrong trainers and his Dad's cycling shorts, whining.
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Post by BSmack »

The Seer wrote:Image
Any and all George Jones resets get racked.


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Post by JeffintheCuse »

timmay wrote:Is that the jeff in the cuse I know from some other site?
Yeah I'm trying out being a multiboard looser :D
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