Bands that you vowed to never listen to...

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Rack Fu
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Bands that you vowed to never listen to...

Post by Rack Fu »

that you eventually ended up listening to?

Alice In Chains - Not sure why I disliked them at first. It took me seeing them live right before Dirt came out that they blew me away. One of the best bands of the last 20 years, IMO.

Coldplay - I placed them in the Eurofag music category too fast. I also hate Gwyneth Paltrow. Chris Martin is a talented guy and they remind me of Unforgettable Fire era U2.

System Of A Down - I just didn't get it. Now I do. I could do without their politics.

Godsmack - Thought they were a third rate, grunge wannabe band. That just might be true but they've dished out some rockin' songs.

Korn - I thought nu-metal was shit for the most part. Korn eventually won me over. Loved the rhythms.

Rage Against The Machine - I saw them live in '93 or so right after their first record came out. They were obnoxiously loud. It was like 75 minutes of sonic torture. I had a piercing headache and held a grudge.

Metallica - I hate metalheads. Metallica was the metalhead's posterband, therefore, I hated them. I eventually actually listened to their music and loved it. That said, they haven't come out with a good record since ...And Justice For All.

The Pogues - I had a roommate in college who played nothing but The Pogues. It drove me nuts. After graduation, I sort of missed it.

Oasis - A blatant Beatles ripoff band but Beatles-lite is still better than 95% of the music out there.

Probably more that I'll think of later.
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Anything by Bu++Spray - "Rack The Trolls" made me laugh the first time I heard it.
rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Post by Bizzarofelice »

teenage fanclub

snoop dogg

the game
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patsy stone
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Kelly Clarkson :oops:
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Green Day


Blink 182
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Post by Mikey »

The Carpenters

I only listened because I had to.
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Fat Bones
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Post by Fat Bones »

Lets Make Love and Eat Fast Food

I heard this and vowed never again.
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