Maybe 420's Post had merit - Was Kim's Death Murder ?

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Post by Derron »

Ingse Bodil wrote:

1. He froze to death so that his family might live.

2. Well, imagine you're in the woods, in the middle of nowhere, with no way to contact anybody, and no real supplies, with
your spouse and two little babies.

3. There was life all around the Kim family; something like an impassable road would have been nothing to any of our
ancestors even 100 years ago. The Kim family didn't have that. They were stuck at a boarded cupboard with no can
opener once they did open the Mother Nature's cabinets. And now the father is dead.

4. What would you have done, if you were caught in that situation?

5. What would you have done for your family, to get them out of it?

Boy oh boy I tell you I am getting the fuck out of got to be one of the dumbest trolls to bleed your pussy here in a long time.

1. He froze to death because he was a stupid zip. His croaking did not have a goddamn thing to do with his family living. Best thing he could have done was have about a 1 mil life insurance policy for them. Rack Darwin

2. How about this... do not take your spouse and babies into the woods unprepared ?? Have a fucking clue and don't put them in that situation in the first place. Rack Darwin

3. Righttttt....and they took every precaution and means to make sure they were safe....Rack Darwin

4. Don't get in that position , period....have a fucking clue...... situational awarness any one ?? Maybe let a family member know where the fuck you are and going and how your going to get there ?? Rack Darwin

5. Never would have been in that situation to begin with ... babies belong in safe situations and not be parented by stupid fucks like him. Rack Darwin and Fuck you...
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Post by Dinsdale »

warren wrote: Do you think we out of state fuckers give a shit what you people have to do.

I'm thinking the dumbass Texan up there does.

What good are the tourist bucks when we spend more than that digging their corpses out of the snow?

Although I believe they passed a new law that puts people on the hook for the rescue bill they rack up...nice "welcome home" gift after getting down off the mountain...a 5-figure bill.

And it's hard for me to have compassion for someone who would try to climb Hood during a winter storm watch...which is just about a daily occurance between December and March. Dumb dumb dumb. Darwin strikes again.
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Post by Ingse Bodil »

mvscal wrote:
Ingse Bodil wrote:freezing to death is a horrible, horrible way to go.
By all accounts, it is a very warm, peaceful way of drifting off.
And drowning is supposed to be euphoric. I'm not buying it. Just like I don't buy how many people are killed immediately in horrific crashes. The only way it's 'warm and peaceful' is if you've lost your mind on the way to death.

He froze to death. While a bear was chasing him. And (I'm conjecturing here, but by all appearances, he loved his family) he didn't know whether his family would be rescued, all he probably knew was that he would fail them if he didn't keep going. And he couldn't keep going. Horrible way to die.
He froze to death so that his family might live.
No, he froze to death because he was a dumbfuck. He went skying well off the beaten path in the middle of winter without the slightest bit of prior preparation or planning.

Believe it or not, it's a wild world out there and this planet will certainly kill you if you insist on not using the brain you were given to cope with it.
What I mean is that he froze to death in search of help, so that his family might live. He wasn't freezing to death because he was some bonafide thrill seeker doing stupid shit like climbing a mountain without oxygen or free climbing the walls of canyons or scuba diving caverns with no backup. Freezing to death while seeking help is noble. Freezing to death because you snuck into an avalanche zone to get some righteous board time in is not noble.
X wrote:Ludacris... was kicked off the Pepsi brand ad campaign based on explicit lyrics in his album. But with Snoop, here's a coon who admittedly sold drugs and gang banged, was charged with murder and maybe even slapped his wife, representing one of the largest corporations in America--in essence, selling cars to sixty year old white men and blue-haired white women.
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Post by Mikey »

We've got black widows all over the place here. When I was in Vegas you could count on finding them in any woodpile or shed.

And if you think Mt. Hood is dangerous, you haven't been to South Central (LA clones know what I'm talking about) in the past 20 years. I dare any "out of stater" to venture into that neck of the woods, any time of the year, and come out alive.
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Post by Mister Bushice »

Pettey had surgery that removed 10 pounds of skin and flesh.
Cindy must have been quite a heifer to lose 10 pounds of belly flesh.

When does the "U&L hobo diet" book go to press?
If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator." —GWB Washington, D.C., Dec. 19, 2000
Martyred wrote: Hang in there, Whitey. Smart people are on their way with dictionaries.
War Wagon wrote:being as how I've got "stupid" draped all over, I'm not really sure.
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Post by Ingse Bodil »

Mikey wrote:We've got black widows all over the place here. When I was in Vegas you could count on finding them in any woodpile or shed.

And if you think Mt. Hood is dangerous, you haven't been to South Central (LA clones know what I'm talking about) in the past 20 years. I dare any "out of stater" to venture into that neck of the woods, any time of the year, and come out alive.
but only if you don't speak espanol, right? even south central changes... allegedly. but what's the real story going down, there?
X wrote:Ludacris... was kicked off the Pepsi brand ad campaign based on explicit lyrics in his album. But with Snoop, here's a coon who admittedly sold drugs and gang banged, was charged with murder and maybe even slapped his wife, representing one of the largest corporations in America--in essence, selling cars to sixty year old white men and blue-haired white women.
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Post by Ingse Bodil »

mvscal wrote:
Ingse Bodil wrote: but what's the real story going down, there?
Ni...ggers wearing red murder ni...ggers wearing blue and, when they aren't busy murdering each other, they are robbing and raping.

Yes: how can american citizens kill one another, when foreigners who have been smuggled into the country have been very successful in removing said americans from the premises using threats, intimidation, a well-organized plan of forcing current residents out while packing foreigners into the same residences, and when all else fails contract killings by el salvadorans?

From what I understood, South Central isn't 'black' anymore. It's more mexican than anything. Have i heard wrong, though? That's why I ask, what's the real story going down, there?
X wrote:Ludacris... was kicked off the Pepsi brand ad campaign based on explicit lyrics in his album. But with Snoop, here's a coon who admittedly sold drugs and gang banged, was charged with murder and maybe even slapped his wife, representing one of the largest corporations in America--in essence, selling cars to sixty year old white men and blue-haired white women.
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Post by Degenerate »

Why don't you pedal your ass to Compton and find out?
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Post by Dinsdale »

Dinsdale wrote: I believe they're expecting well over a foot of snow and high winds on the moutian today...peace be with the rescuers.
Searchers are currently reporting 14 degrees, 85MPH winds, heavy snow, and a complete whiteout.

Dude's snowcave is going to collapse. See you next summer, buddy.
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Post by Dinsdale »

Props to the tremendous nads of the resue parties. Time for them to call it a day and keep the death toll to 3.

And the dumb part is, the weather they encountered was about what was predicted for their trip. Fine weekend for a mountain climbing trip with "minimal gear."

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Post by Dinsdale »

Oh dear...


The dude in the snowcave is a Mullet (from Texas...who woulda thunk it?).
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Post by Dinsdale »


Lovely day for a stroll.

Meanwhile, on the coast --


We may even be able to pull a two-fer today. Since during a high surf alert, some dumbass out-of-stater will invariably ignore all the signs, and decide it would be a good idea to take a stroll on the beach...and then the sneaker comes, and the Coast Gaurd has a busy, but fruitless afternoon. The other common story of out-of-staters this time of year.
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Post by Ingse Bodil »

Dinsdale wrote:Image

Lovely day for a stroll.
Nah. It's nice weather for a winter BBQ though. Or maybe I'm the only one who likes meat that's been warmed in the snow.

What's with all the water on both photos?
X wrote:Ludacris... was kicked off the Pepsi brand ad campaign based on explicit lyrics in his album. But with Snoop, here's a coon who admittedly sold drugs and gang banged, was charged with murder and maybe even slapped his wife, representing one of the largest corporations in America--in essence, selling cars to sixty year old white men and blue-haired white women.
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Post by Dinsdale »

Ingse Bodil wrote:What's with all the water on both photos?

Oh, dear.

This my come as a shock to a shut-in, but when the wind is blowing at 80MPH(like in the coast pic), and it's raining, it's kinda tough to keep a camera lens dry.

And for the mountain cam...which is at the bottom of the chairlifts at Mt Hood Meadows...when it snows and it's really windy, snow tends to get on stuff. And a camera produces a slight amount of heat, which melts water.

Hmm...water in the sky in Western Oregon in winter...who woulda thunk it?
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Post by Dinsdale »

Search has been called off. It'll be dark up there in a couple of hours, and the clearing in the weather that us Lowlanders are now seeing probably won't get there before that, if at all.

We'll call these ones "mulletcicles."
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Post by Ingse Bodil »

Dinsdale wrote:
Ingse Bodil wrote:What's with all the water on both photos?

Oh, dear.
you were supposed to make up a wacky explanation.

anyway, 80 mph and there's only a single puddle on the cam. ok. nice fog, though. very pretty, in a 'loch ness' way. except that's not fog, that's rain, correct? looks clammy.

as for the snow photo, it snowed once, a couple weeks ago. Schmeck can give you the details -- unless he was holed up with his collection of imported blended scottish malts, like Scrooge McDuck counting his horded riches, and didn't notice it because he was too busy laughing at the rest of us. So I don't quite remember what happens in a deep freeze when snow meets glass... immediate melting, immediate freezing, or just a feathery crystalization that doesn't quite disappear right away.
X wrote:Ludacris... was kicked off the Pepsi brand ad campaign based on explicit lyrics in his album. But with Snoop, here's a coon who admittedly sold drugs and gang banged, was charged with murder and maybe even slapped his wife, representing one of the largest corporations in America--in essence, selling cars to sixty year old white men and blue-haired white women.
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Post by Mister Bushice »

Pretty sure Luther meant for you to take a MUCH longer break.
If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator." —GWB Washington, D.C., Dec. 19, 2000
Martyred wrote: Hang in there, Whitey. Smart people are on their way with dictionaries.
War Wagon wrote:being as how I've got "stupid" draped all over, I'm not really sure.
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Post by Ingse Bodil »

Or maybe Luther didn't give a fig one way or the other. But I liked his contest idea, and I wanted to enter. I was feeling competitive.... and not just because all the entrants were (presumed) white males. It's a little too late now, though.

Alright, good night :D
X wrote:Ludacris... was kicked off the Pepsi brand ad campaign based on explicit lyrics in his album. But with Snoop, here's a coon who admittedly sold drugs and gang banged, was charged with murder and maybe even slapped his wife, representing one of the largest corporations in America--in essence, selling cars to sixty year old white men and blue-haired white women.
Moving Sale

Post by Moving Sale »

Dinsdale wrote:If they wouldn't go putting locks on public lands, people wouldn't have to cut them to access what is theirs.
So all public land should be open 24/7/365? Courthouse? Prison grounds? Or just 'parks'?
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Post by Derron »

I am going to rack the Texans for taking the north route up Hood. From Cooper Spur around the north side to the summit.

Advised for VERY experienced climbers in GOOD CONDITIONS.

It is the toughest fucking way up that mountain. The absolute toughest climb. I went up the south face, the one normal people take and the majority of the some 5,000 plus that climb that mountain every year, in May 1995. Not a cake walk by any means but enough of a challenge.

Since my weather station in my office gave me a nice wind gust reading of 48 mph on the flats at about 1:30 pm and about 1.25 inches of rain today, I think those guys are probably ...well.....FUCKED ??

Screw_Michigan wrote: Democrats are the REAL racists.
Softball Bat wrote: Is your anus quivering?
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