You're making this pretty easy Nick. Is it your way of saying Happy Hanukkah to me?
LTS TRN 2 wrote:
Look, Whistler, YOU are the one posting right up front that "You're faith is right, and theirs is wrong." Okay?
OK so we've established my position on that. Like potart said, someone has to be right, I just like to think it's me. It would be kinda foolish to support something I think is wrong.
LTS TRN 2 wrote:I'm with the people who have been victimized by the Hebraic intolerance.
You can't possibly be serious about this. The victim card, you're going to the victim card? The same thing you accuse the Jews of up and down the internet? Holy shit you've got some big stones, to bad there in your head and not in your nutsack. I'll agree you're been a victim here for all these years, but that was a beating you brought on yourself. No restitution for you!
LTS TRN 2 wrote:
And that's a lot. Face it, you cowering twit (who NEVER actually takes a stand, states an opinion, explains a position, or has ANY take to begin with)
Now you have me confused, we established my position quite thoroughly. Could it be that you're so full of shit that you don't know what your talking about and have a need to lash out? Just because you don't like or agree with my stance/opinion/position doesn't mean I don't have one.
LTS TRN 2 wrote:
the Old Testament is a vile and utterly primitive record of a seething nomadic stone-age tribe...PERIOD. The few sections of philosophic proverbs, etc, are BORROWED. Like the Christer cult it bred, Judaism is a hodge-podge quilt of other older religions and cultures. As for the New Testament, this is a perverse and desperate cult effort of these very same Hebrews to somehow preserve their (70 ADE) crushed and scattered city...PERIOD.
Like I told IB, if you believe that Judaism is all about the bullshit you stated above, then you're either ignorant or stupid or trolling (or a combination of all three).
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Now it's time to rack Jimmy Carter for calling BULLSHIT on the thoroughly criminal and vicious Zionist race-state experiment. Read the N.Y. Times today? They slipped in a little piece, admitting all the news that's fit to read, that Carter is holding fast despite the pissy auto-smears coming from the Anti Defamation League.
With all due respect to the former President, he should stick to Habitat for Humanity and leave the international relationship business to those with the capacity to understand it.