Was THAT part really needed?Dinsdale wrote:You're an idiot.
Water is wet too.
Moderator: Jesus H Christ
Sadly for you, they'll never drink enough.jtr wrote:thats funny ive found the more attractive women when they've been drinking
Too much for Jess? Sure.SaladTosser wrote: I realized that 1 - 1 1/2 cases of beer a day was too much
Sudden Sam wrote:Now, Dins...some of us live in regions where we can actually go outdoors without a slicker and galoshes.
Don't argue with him about weather Sam, he spent 12 years as a meterologist after looping for the Dali Lama. I mean Dins not only knows the weather, he IS the weather .....Sudden Sam wrote:I'm not allowed to utilize the stereotypical image of Oregon in order to make a point about ST's drinking/liver recovery?Dinsdale wrote:Sudden Sam wrote:Now, Dins...some of us live in regions where we can actually go outdoors without a slicker and galoshes.
By "some of us," you mean people who don't live on or near the Gulf Coast, right? Where Louisiana, the rainiest state in the country is? Those places where it rains more than twice as much as where I do?
You mean people away from that region, right?
Sudden Sam wrote: I'm not allowed to utilize the stereotypical image of Oregon in order to make a point about ST's drinking/liver recovery?
Tom In VA wrote:Don't argue with him about weather Sam, he spent 12 years as a meterologist after looping for the Dali Lama. I mean Dins not only knows the weather, he IS the weather .....
Jsc810 wrote: Learn something new every day, thanks Dins.
Dinsdale wrote:Nevermind that of the 50 largest American cities, Portland ranks somewhere around 36th in rainfall
Dinsdale, Real Man of Genius!Dinsdale wrote:Too much for Jess? Sure.SaladTosser wrote: I realized that 1 - 1 1/2 cases of beer a day was too much
Too much for Anatomically Punked? Obviously.
Too much for one lunch break? Probably.
But for MEN like you, me, and bbqjones, it's about right...and it's about our rights...as men...to be the biggest drunks we can be, and then score cheap floozies for meaningless drunk sex.
Now be a MAN, dammit, and get back in the bar and fight the good fight!
We're all counting on you.
Oh, the irony, Jess.jtr wrote:Dinsdale, Real Man of Genius!
Orjtr wrote:AP, real men of genius
Keep on keepin on, grasshopper. And hey, remember, Vonage is your friend ... i.e. you could run some smack with that shit ... i.e. ...jtr wrote:Wow, this thread is great
Van wrote:It's like rimming an unbathed fat chick from Missouri. It's highly distinctive, miserably unforgettable and completely wrong.
rack every word oif those posts. except , goddamn, i too am going to follow the st train and go into sobriety in a couple weeks. whether its volunteeery or invoulunteeery, i expect someone to knock on the door & 10 thirty in the morning on janurarey two or one. i really really like drinking beer. and im goinga to miss her. but if im going to get more pussy and blowjobs and work related thingers because im almost sober, then hell, ill pick up a tennis racket and ast play fingerbang with a bunch of alchoholic junctions. im so far gone, but im worth saving. and thats what is a tried to tell the wife last night when asi ti got the boy to sleep early so she could give me a handjobal and i ended up sleeping bymyself with her pillows soiled. i cant wait until the day i can think clearly and ai all i have to worry about ti sis is the box scores in the paper. rack st and rack all of the dindalholics on the isa board.Dinsdale wrote:Too much for Jess? Sure.SaladTosser wrote: I realized that 1 - 1 1/2 cases of beer a day was too much
Too much for Anatomically Punked? Obviously.
Too much for one lunch break? Probably.
But for MEN like you, me, and bbqjones, it's about right...and it's about our rights...as men...to be the biggest drunks we can be, and then score cheap floozies for meaningless drunk sex.
Now be a MAN, dammit, and get back in the bar and fight the good fight!
We're all counting on you.
Aren't you the guy that cummed on a Dickie Thong pog and took a picture and posted it?SaladTosser wrote:since I've been back this week;
The Reindeer Trolls never get old
Luther is still boring
Dins is still disliked by most, yet is still $
Bace is still lies, and is probably my favorite overall poster here
AP is a complete moron (MA told me so)
Elvis Monster is sorely missed
IB is just flat-out annoying and unreadable
The political threads still put me to sleep
Mo doesn't post enough
Jack is easily the worst thread-starter here
JTR is still JTR
PrimeX makes me laugh every 4 out of 5 posts
Patsy has breasts
bbq still likes to drink, and should post more when not passed out
Biggie - where's Biggie?
M2 still ads comedic relief and excellent smack fodder
mvscal is still nails with his takes and quick whit
If I left you off the list, either; A. I plain forgot, or B. You are just another insignificant face in the crowd (not that there's not a place here for people like you). If you are not sure, go with B. RACK the Trolls. I've enjoyed reading this joint this week.
Hey Bsmack you seen thisBSmack wrote:Something like that.Mississippi Neck wrote:Is that like the hood clutch??BSmack wrote:Holy shit Luther. You just dropped the Atomic Knee Drop, the Camel Clutch and an Inverted Suplex Slam all at once. Somebody hit the mat 3 times.
I didn't say that, the ladder to the face was planned the other guy remembered to block it. I was just showing a brutal scene to bsmack, someone who respects the wrestling biz.smackaholic wrote:so what's your point jess? dude's get fukked up like in real sports, ergo, it is a real sport?