Dins is known as "Haterproof" over there. BWHAHAHAHA
Here are a few samples:
but i lay the ground rules out very well so that things are done on MY terms.. which is a totally different experience from what YOU'RE used to..
you don't put in the time and effort it takes to learn bitch management because you want the shortest distance between 2 points.. no problem with that.. but i'm a lot smarter because i know that in the long run, I'M the one spending less time/effort going out to fetch the pussy and Game the pussy via the 1st two parts of the Game.. i water the bitches and give them sunlight..and now i have a bitch orchard.. yes, more time and effort to learn how to be a farmer..but now i've got a farm.. all you have is a bitch on a stick..and you'll have to find another bitch on a stick when you're done with that one.. that takes effort.. and that doesn't guarantee that bitch will be around when you want some...
You pathetic fucks still seek each others nics on other boards.
Please, bottle this shit now and make millions on parents trying to get their children to sleep. And perhaps the random 30+ male sleeping on his buddies couch. Heres to looking out for you AP!