Envy me, other dwellers of the northern half of the country.
Fear me, other golfers on adjacent fairways...been a while.
Over/under on 9 holes...? Haven't played or even hit a ball since mid-October. I'll put it at a really high number, then I won't be disappointed by hitting the over.
Really high...
I'll go with 55...just to be safe.
If I crack 45 first time out this year, I'll blow someone in the clubhouse. If I break 40(after 3 months...yeah, right), I'll blow everyone in the clubhouse.
Then again, I'll be exploiting every legal bullshit winter rule there is, so maybe I shouldn't be too hasty with the "blowing people" thing.
It's looking like...
Moderator: Dinsdale
It's looking like...
I got 99 problems but the 'vid ain't one
Except for the part where I had some business pop up that needed tending to, one of the others had work go a little long, and the other had his car take a dump...
So that didn't go quite so swimmingly.
Going to try for this afternoon, but looking like saturday(or maybe Sunday morning).
Had the shit loaded in the car, driving to the course, the whole bit...when the series of backfires went down.
Shit happens.
But I'll tell you what...a person couldn't ask for finer northern-latitude winter golf weather than we're having lately. And I WILL be taking advantage here...ohhhh, yes I will. Bet the farm on it.
So that didn't go quite so swimmingly.
Going to try for this afternoon, but looking like saturday(or maybe Sunday morning).
Had the shit loaded in the car, driving to the course, the whole bit...when the series of backfires went down.
Shit happens.
But I'll tell you what...a person couldn't ask for finer northern-latitude winter golf weather than we're having lately. And I WILL be taking advantage here...ohhhh, yes I will. Bet the farm on it.
I got 99 problems but the 'vid ain't one
- indyfrisco
- Pro Bonfire
- Posts: 11684
- Joined: Fri Jan 14, 2005 1:15 pm
OK, got that taken care of.
I totally renegged on the "blowing someone in the clubhouse" deal, though.
Was actually going low, pinched nerve in the shoulder and all. Then, there was this unfortunate matter of a triple on an easy par 3. I hate it when that happens. Had it rolling through 6, though. Was +5 between the 2 par 3s(both really easy)...WTF? Boged 1, easy bird on 2...then a double on the world's easiest par 3. Missed a 3-footer for bird on 4.
And in a shocking turn of events...there's only 4 driver holes on this particular niner...and all 4 hit the fairway. With the way the Law of Averages works out, I figured I'd get hit by a bus on the way home. Although I did get under one and send it a hair on the sky-side, but right up the middle.
Since I hadn't swung a club in 4 months, I ain't bitching too much. My putting speed sucked donkey balls, though, which was made worse by the wet greens and light rain. I'm hoping to knock 4-5 off the next time out, and maybe get in the 30's, which is what I should be doing on that course(unless I get really drunk, then 48 is cool).
I totally renegged on the "blowing someone in the clubhouse" deal, though.
Was actually going low, pinched nerve in the shoulder and all. Then, there was this unfortunate matter of a triple on an easy par 3. I hate it when that happens. Had it rolling through 6, though. Was +5 between the 2 par 3s(both really easy)...WTF? Boged 1, easy bird on 2...then a double on the world's easiest par 3. Missed a 3-footer for bird on 4.
And in a shocking turn of events...there's only 4 driver holes on this particular niner...and all 4 hit the fairway. With the way the Law of Averages works out, I figured I'd get hit by a bus on the way home. Although I did get under one and send it a hair on the sky-side, but right up the middle.
Since I hadn't swung a club in 4 months, I ain't bitching too much. My putting speed sucked donkey balls, though, which was made worse by the wet greens and light rain. I'm hoping to knock 4-5 off the next time out, and maybe get in the 30's, which is what I should be doing on that course(unless I get really drunk, then 48 is cool).
I got 99 problems but the 'vid ain't one
- World Renowned Last Word Whore
- Posts: 25891
- Joined: Mon Jan 17, 2005 1:07 pm
Parking lot still counts.Dinsdale wrote:OK, got that taken care of.
I totally renegged on the "blowing someone in the clubhouse" deal, though.

Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass
Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim