Goober McTuber wrote:You missed this one:
Terry in Crapchester wrote: Do you have anything intelligent to contribute to the discussion, you subhuman, assbreathing mongoloid?
Yup, entirely missed that one.
Hey Terry, YOU RACIST FUCKSTAIN...many anthroplogist classify humans as being from one of 5 subspecies of
homo sapiens sapiens, although there has been so much interbreeding, the lines are blurred.
Of those, the vast majority are primarily made up of combination of three subspecies -- Caucasoid, Negroid, and...
Mongoloid. (If memory serves me correctly, the other two are Congoid and Australoid, or something like that, but they represent a very small portion of the gene pool, whereas Mongoloids are a larger contributor than Caucasoids.)
So, are you implying that people of Asiatic descent are less intelligent by
genetic predispositon than other human subspecies?
Any Native Americans here? They're predominantly Mongoloid, so I would assume they'd be offended by your racist comments.
Nice job on your own keister, you racist fuckstain. You called out someone for dropping racist takes by...
dropping racist takes.
Referring to a person with mental deficiencies as "mongoloids" has deep racist roots, and is considered quite offensive to anyone who actually knows what they're talking about, since it's a term to descibe defects in Caucasians. It originated from people with mental defects being likened to the Mongoloid peoples, where a defect in the brain put them closer to Mongoloids on the
evolutionary scale that they were to Caucasians.
Fucking brilliant.
Nice catch, Goobs.