Hardaway = Guts

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Hardaway = Guts

Post by Sky »

I was taken aback when I heard the interview but wow.......

Whether or not you agree with him, we don't often hear someone speak their mind like this.
Hardaway makes anti-gay comments on radio show

By Michelle Kaufman

McClatchy Newspapers


MIAMI - Retired Miami Heat guard Tim Hardaway, known for his candor, said on a radio show Wednesday that he would not want a gay player on his team, would ask for him to be traded, and went so far as to say: "You know, I hate gay people, so I let it be known. I don't like gay people and I don't like to be around gay people. I am homophobic. I don't like it. It shouldn't be in the world or in the United States."
Hardaway was a guest with host/Miami Herald columnist Dan Le Batard on Sports Talk 790 The Ticket, and at the end of the interview, Le Batard asked Hardaway how he would deal with a gay player, in light of last week's disclosure by retired NBA center John Amaechi that he is gay.

"First of all, I wouldn't want him on my team," Hardaway replied. "And second of all, if he was on my team, I would really distance myself from him because, uh, I don't think that is right. I don't think he should be in the locker room while we are in the locker room. But stuff like that is going on and there's a lot of other people I hear that are like that and still in the closet and don't want to come out of the closet, but you know I just leave that alone."

Asked what he would do if he had a gay teammate, Hardaway said he would ask for the player to be traded or to be bought out of his contract.

"Something has to give," he said. "And I think the majority of players would ask for him to be traded or they would want to be traded. Or buy him out of his contract and just let him go. Something has to give. If you have 12 other ballplayers in your locker room that are upset and can't concentrate and always worried about him in the locker room or on the court it's going to be hard for your teammates to win and accept him as a teammate."

Hardaway is the first NBA player - current or former - to make anti-gay statements since Amaechi's news came out. In fact, most of the players and coaches quoted last week, including Heat center Shaquille O'Neal, were supportive of Amaechi and said they would not be bothered by a gay teammate.

What if the gay player were a great player, Hardaway was asked.

"If he were that great something would still have to give," he said. "People would feel uncomfortable with that. If you're not gay, nobody in that locker room would feel comfortable with that person on your team."

Amaechi probably will not be surprised when he reads Hardaway's comments. He said in a phone interview Tuesday he believes there is still a lot of homophobia in society and in professional sports locker rooms.

"We are much further behind than I'd like," Amaechi said. "People in America and England where Amaechi grew up would like to think racism is over, sexism is over, and homophobia is over, but it's not. My coming out will show that gay people don't all look like Jack from Will and Grace. Some of us are big, athletic men, and that should be OK."

Amaechi said he had not heard from a single former teammate or NBA player, that he had only heard from former coach Doc Rivers. He challenged straight athletes "who feel able" to stand up for gay rights.

"I would like professional male athletes to be active supporters, and that doesn't mean putting a rainbow decal on their car," he said. "It means letting other guys in the locker room know that it's not OK to make gay jokes, that it's hurtful, and that it's not OK to be homophobic.

"But it's hard to get straight guys to step up. When men stood by women during the suffrage movement, they were called progressive and bold. When whites stood by blacks, they were heroes. But a straight guy standing up for a gay guy faces discrimination, and that's a big part of the battle we're fighting."
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Post by kcdave »

Guts? No more. Dude offered up an apology a few hours later. Spin control in full effect.
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Post by Dinsdale »

I'd say it takes a fuckload more guts to stick up for someone whose views/behaviors/lifestyle was radically different from your own, in the interest of American Freedom.

THAT'S "guts."

Saying things like "It shouldn't be in the world or in the United States" is fucking cowardly.

It's easy to have "guts" when you find your strength in numbers, and you're pandering to reactionaries. It's a little tougher when you're a lone voice in the crowd.

Personally, I think Amaechi should have kept his cockwarmers shut. I don't believe homos have any less or any more rights than I do.
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Post by Trampis »

What is it about homsexuals that they dont understand straight mens absolute disgust for the act of accepting another mans penis into your asshole? Its repulsive. I cant reason that feeling away.No amount of northeastern U.S. intelectualism will make it leave any man,it just is. Its the underlying current in any working relationship with a gay man,"how can you suck dick dude"?
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Post by See You Next Wednesday »

Trampis wrote:What is it about homsexuals that they dont understand straight mens absolute disgust for the act of accepting another mans penis into your asshole? Its repulsive. I cant reason that feeling away.No amount of northeastern U.S. intelectualism will make it leave any man,it just is. Its the underlying current in any working relationship with a gay man,"how can you suck dick dude"?
I can't understand how someone can eat broccolli, but it doesn't mean I find them repulsive.
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Post by RadioFan »

Trampis wrote:What is it about homsexuals that they dont understand straight mens absolute disgust for the act of accepting another mans penis into your asshole? Its repulsive. I cant reason that feeling away.No amount of northeastern U.S. intelectualism will make it leave any man,it just is. Its the underlying current in any working relationship with a gay man,"how can you suck dick dude"?
I've heard plenty of announcers sucking dick during sporting events.
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Post by Mister Bushice »

Trampis wrote:What is it about homsexuals that they dont understand straight mens absolute disgust for the act of accepting another mans penis into your asshole? Its repulsive. I cant reason that feeling away.No amount of northeastern U.S. intelectualism will make it leave any man,it just is. Its the underlying current in any working relationship with a gay man,"how can you suck dick dude"?
So in other words, the only difference between the you and Tim Hardaway is that you won't be retracting your statements because it won't affect your wallet and no one cares what you say any way.

Shooting someone, stabbing someone is repulsive. What people do in the privacy of their own homes is their business.

They aren't sticking their dicks in your ass. Get the fuck over it.

I wonder if Timmy H. ever ass fucked a woman, or if he thinks that's ok?
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Post by SaladTosser »

mvscal wrote:It's, OK. N...iggers can say these things. This latest "outrage" will burn itself out very quickly assuming it ever catches on.
EXACTLY. Tim Hardaway will redisappear into obscurity again within a few days, and forever be known as an above-average NBA player. However, when discussing John Rocker, how does the first sentence of his bio read?

Oh, as always, RACK Dins. Well put.
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Post by SaladTosser »

Mister Bushice wrote:I wonder if Timmy H. ever ass fucked a woman, or if he thinks that's ok?
Dude, do you realize the comparison you just tried to make? Fucking ponderous, man.
Bizzarofelice wrote:I drank as much orange soda as an inner city block party.
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Post by Mister Bushice »

SaladTosser wrote:
Mister Bushice wrote:I wonder if Timmy H. ever ass fucked a woman, or if he thinks that's ok?
Dude, do you realize the comparison you just tried to make?
Yep.. Do you?
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Post by SaladTosser »

Mister Bushice wrote:
SaladTosser wrote:
Mister Bushice wrote:I wonder if Timmy H. ever ass fucked a woman, or if he thinks that's ok?
Dude, do you realize the comparison you just tried to make?
Yep.. Do you?
So if, in your opinion, a guy is OK with placing his penis inside the anus of a woman, then he is discriminating by NOT being OK with placing his penis inside the anus of a man. Ya, I understand.

Is this your personal outcry to all men you have engaged in anal sex with women yet have not sent you PMs requesting the same? Fucking moronic.
Bizzarofelice wrote:I drank as much orange soda as an inner city block party.
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Post by SaladTosser »

Mister Bushice wrote:Shooting someone, stabbing someone is repulsive. What people do in the privacy of their own homes is their business.
By the way, I am not homophobic, and I could care less what people do in the privacy of their own home. HOWEVER, that does not preclude me from still being allowed the opinion that I find certain acts they perform in the privacy of their own homes disgusting.

Glad to see that you are OK with it, though. Way to out yourself, Mr. "Man-on-Man Buttfucking is Cool by Me" guy.
Bizzarofelice wrote:I drank as much orange soda as an inner city block party.
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Post by Tom In VA »

SaladTosser wrote:Way to out yourself, Mr. "Man-on-Man Buttfucking is Cool by Me" guy.
Was that designed to illicit the "Real American Heroes" Bud Light song ?

Cause it did.
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Post by SaladTosser »

Tom In VA wrote:
SaladTosser wrote:Way to out yourself, Mr. "Man-on-Man Buttfucking is Cool by Me" guy.
Was that designed to illicit the "Real American Heroes" Bud Light song ?

Cause it did.
Bwah. Chuckled, Tom.

Actually, GI Joe is a "Real American Hero." I believe you may have been thinking "Real Men of Genius." Then again, I shouldn't speak for you. You may have been making an obscure GI Joe reference with which I am not familiar.
Bizzarofelice wrote:I drank as much orange soda as an inner city block party.
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Post by Tom In VA »

GI Joe and butt references was Eddie Murphy.

No, it was the O.G. Bud Light deal ....

The series began in 1999 and was originally called Real American Heroes. The name was changed after the 9/11 attacks, as Anheuser-Busch felt that they could not continue to use the term "hero" in that context after so many people had performed genuine acts of heroism.
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Post by SaladTosser »

Damn, you're so old school. Sexy.
Bizzarofelice wrote:I drank as much orange soda as an inner city block party.
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Post by rozy »

There are a lot of people in this world that need to learn the definition of phobia.

Anyhoo, Chipthedogblaster hasn't made an appearance here yet? Ponderous...
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rozy wrote: Anyhoo, Chipthedogblaster hasn't made an appearance here yet? Ponderous...
The nurse probably wouldn't let him take his Blackberry into the colonoscopy room, I'm sure he'll be along shortly.

Fuck Hardaway, he sounds like an ignorant pussy.

Oh, Rack Dins for the "Guts" take!
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Post by Smackie Chan »

mvscal wrote:It's, OK. N...iggers can say these things. This latest "outrage" will burn itself out very quickly assuming it ever catches on.
Does this situation constitute a dilemma for you, what with a cockslurper on one side and a nog on the other? Are the pillow biters higher on the evolutionary chain because they haven't demonstrated a predisposition toward violent crime? Inquiring minds wanna know.

I'm guessing that Amaechi, being a fagnog, won't be getting any Christmas cards or dinner invitations from you.
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Post by indyfrisco »

Mister Bushice wrote:Shooting someone, stabbing someone is repulsive. What people do in the privacy of their own homes is their business.
If you are stabbing another man's stink star with your meat sword....yeah, that's repulsive.
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Post by Cicero »

When people like Le Betard open up the topic for discussion, you better be ready for conflicting dialogue. Tim has his opinions and shouldn't be thrown over the coals. He was asked a question and he responded. A lot of people in this country are very uncomfortable around gays.
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Post by Smackie Chan »

Cicero wrote:A lot of people in this country are very uncomfortable around gays.
So how do you react to the straight folks' discomfort around you?
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Post by Cicero »

Easy, I'm not gay.
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Post by Bizzarofelice »

Racks to Hardaway. He's gotten this far in life without someone putting him in his proper place. He can continue the rest of his life being ignorant and stupid, yet still be the man.

Athletes are not chosen for their cultural savvy. Hardaway is an example.
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Post by Shoalzie »

I'm not going to "rack" him for what he said but I'm also not going to bash him either. He's well within his right to say what he said. He was honest and doesn't seem to be worried about expressing his opinion no matter how harsh it was. Of course, when you hear about him going on TV afterwards and refuting his statement, he loses some credibility. Then again, I'm sure he was probably covering his ass for the approaching firestorm from the gay/lesbian community...which is a sign of the times. Don't say that stuff just to take it back later when someone pressures you to take it back.

If that's what you believe, then to hell with everyone else. We are so conditioned today to give our opinion in a way that won't offend someone just because they don't want to hear an opposing view from another person. Words can be hurtful but to bully someone into having a certain opinion underminds the concept of free thought and free speech. It's everyone's right to be able to think and judge for themselves and not to have some angry mob force them to change their opinion.

The whole John Amaechi thing has been an overrated story but we're still in a world where someone "coming out" is a big deal...especially someone from a macho sub-culture like pro sports. I honestly didn't need to know what his sexual preference is or anyone's for that matter but if it helps other gay athletes gain some courage to do the same thing as him, I think his announcement has some constructive purpose behind it.
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Post by poptart »

I'm not happy to post with homos.
Homos should be sent to another board.

Down with homos.
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Post by indyfrisco »

Hardaway has definitely pulled a 'Mello.
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Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

In order to be "repulsed" by gays, wouldn't you have to be thinking about gay sex?

Buncha homos up in here.
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Post by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 »

Cicero wrote:Easy, I'm not gay.

The countless postings of you & your same-sex life partner mugging for the camera in faggoty poses says otherwise.
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Post by Mister Bushice »

SaladTosser wrote:
Mister Bushice wrote:
SaladTosser wrote: Dude, do you realize the comparison you just tried to make?
Yep.. Do you?
So if, in your opinion, a guy is OK with placing his penis inside the anus of a woman, then he is discriminating by NOT being OK with placing his penis inside the anus of a man. Ya, I understand.
No you don't.

You're just willing to accept certain perversions provided you can chuckle about them at work on Monday with the "guys".

You're ok sticking your cock into a shit lined hole, as long as it's a woman.

but at the end of the day, doesn't matter which way you lean, you have still shoved your cock into a shit lined hole.
By the way, I am not homophobic,
Like hell you aren't.
and I could care less what people do in the privacy of their own home. HOWEVER, that does not preclude me from still being allowed the opinion that I find certain acts they perform in the privacy of their own homes disgusting.
Says the guy who is obsessd with telling stories of bizarre ways to jerk off and eat ass?

You're a fucking hypocrite. You're fine with any perverted (or as Mace would probably want to say "abnormal") behavior as long as its one you would do.
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Post by Trampis »

See You Next Wednesday wrote:
Trampis wrote:What is it about homsexuals that they dont understand straight mens absolute disgust for the act of accepting another mans penis into your asshole? Its repulsive. I cant reason that feeling away.No amount of northeastern U.S. intelectualism will make it leave any man,it just is. Its the underlying current in any working relationship with a gay man,"how can you suck dick dude"?
I can't understand how someone can eat broccolli, but it doesn't mean I find them repulsive.
Thats like comparing getting slapped in the face to having your heart ripped out and shown to you.Eating vegetables/being fucked in the ass,yea good comparison.

Im not gonna go the Hardaway route and say I hate gays or wont work with them. Ill be friends with a gay person,Ill work with gays,If I had a close family member that was gay Id love them the same. But dont try to make me accept taking a another mans penis up your ass as being normal sexual behavior.

And lets be honest,is there anyone on this board that thought Jack from Will & Grace wasnt the most annoying fuck on the TV screen?
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Post by Dinsdale »

Trampis wrote:And lets be honest,is there anyone on this board that thought Jack from Will & Grace wasnt the most annoying fuck on the TV screen?

To be perfectly honest, I've never seen more than about 15 seconds of the show.

You see, while I may be in favor of people's right to do as they please within their 4 walls, I sure THE FUCK ain't going to watch some fairy prance around the TV screen under the guise of "entertainment."

There's something you really want to share with the group, but are afraid to bring up, isn't there Tramp?
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Post by Smackie Chan »

Dinsdale wrote:
Trampis wrote:And lets be honest,is there anyone on this board that thought Jack from Will & Grace wasnt the most annoying fuck on the TV screen?

To be perfectly honest, I've never seen more than about 15 seconds of the show.
On at the same time as Everybody Loves Raymond, wuzzit?
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Post by Fat Bones »

Damn it, that's not fair. Lesbians are different, they generally leave the party with the place looking better than before they came.

[roll out the mondosized :meds: machine]All y'all valiant homo defenders are so willing to let the media slide their nine inch erect agenda down your throat, yet are intolerant to religious and spiritual beliefs.
Sooooooooo enlightened.[/end mondo :meds:]
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Post by Dinsdale »

Fat Bones wrote:All y'all valiant homo defenders are so willing to let the media slide their nine inch erect agenda down your throat, yet are intolerant to religious and spiritual beliefs.
Sooooooooo enlightened.

No, I fully believe in a person's right to base their life on fairy tales. Just as I defend a person's right to base their life upon fairy's tails.

Either way, that person's brain wasn't quite wired up right.
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Post by Dinsdale »

I wonder if Hardaway would have a problem with someone saying "I hate ni**gers, and I don't want one living in my neighborhood"?
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Post by Fat Bones »

He's probably already said it.
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Post by OCmike »

After growing up in NoCal and spending the majority of my twenties partying in Hollywood, I've seen enough superfreaks that just a "regular" gay guy isn't a big deal.

Probably the only time I can think of where I've been repulsed by gays simply for being gay was at a company I worked for when I was 28. There was a lesbian couple who worked there in the back office. One was over 50, with flapjack tits sans-bra and looked like Norman Fell. Her girlfriend was 30-ish, about 6'3", easily 300lbs, had the lesbian calling card she-mullet and looked like Doogie Howser. Just the idea of those two mowing bush was enough to induce the dry heaves.
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Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

All y'all valiant homo defenders are so willing to let the media slide their nine inch erect agenda down your throat, yet are intolerant to religious and spiritual beliefs. Sooooooooo enlightened.
It isn't about "defending" them, really. It's just about not giving a shit. If you want to care, and think so much about what another man does with his crank, that's your deal. Have at it, weirdo.

I won't start fighting for the rights of gays anytime soon, nor will I start condemning them for what they choose to do with their freedoms.
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Post by Louis Cyphre »

poptart wrote:I'm not happy to post with homos.
Homos should be sent to another board.

Down with homos.
poptart just ran half the board...

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