So anyway, there I was...

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So anyway, there I was...

Post by OCmike »

Since I've now been told that I might be gay because I have the gall to think of gays as regular people who are just different from me, let me fill you in on what I think of when some of you adamant homophobes open your cakeholes.

*cough* Whitey *cough* He's hardly the only one, just the only one screaming, "All fags must die! AAAUUGGGHH!"

When I was 19 (this is about 1990) I lived in a two-room apartment with a couple (BF and GF) and this italian dude named John.

John was a stocky, not fat, decent looking guy with the standard black curly hair that you find on many Italian guys, and was the singer in a reasonably-successful local rock band. In other words, the guy could score above-average-looking chicks on a somewhat regular basis.

Although a pretty solid guy and good friend, John had this odd habit of bringing up gays in this antagonistic tone and at weird times. We'd be watching tv and there'd be some flamer sashaying across the tube.

John: I'll bet he wouldn't have that much spring in his step after someone crushes his fucking skull with a lead pipe.
Me: Uh...that came from a dark place.
John: I just hate the way they have to flaunt it all up in your face! No one wants to see that shit! And I'll tell you what, let some motherfucker like that come up to me on the street and try to pick up on me. I'll break that fucker's jaw in a heartbeat. I don't care if the motherfucker has a gun or a knife...he'd have to kill me before he'd ever get his dick in MY ass.

I can't even tell you how many times I had conversations with him that would end with "I don't care if the motherfucker has a gun or a knife...he'd have to kill me before he'd ever get his dick in MY ass, make me give him a blowjob, etc." I always attributed it to him being Italian and just needing to thump his chest. You know, like those guys who always talk about how many fights they've almost been in and they got the guy to back down because they intimidated them...that type of thing.

So one night, John, the guitarist from his band(who was also a decent looking guy and had no prob scoring chicks, being in a band and all), my friend Tony and I went to San Francisco to go to a concert. After the concert, Mel, the guitarist, tells us he knows of a great local bar where we can all go, swill some beer and shoot some pool. We pile in our cars and drive across the city to a seedy part of town. Mel pulls over next to this bar called "The Lonestar". We all get out and I'm looking around for another bar, but that's the only place in sight. Envision the "Blue Oyster Bar" from "Police Academy".

Me: Uh...that can't be the place.
Tony: He's walking towards it.
Me: :shock:
Me: Uh, hey Mel?
Mel: Yeah?
Me: Is that a gay bar?
Mel: Yeah, but everyone in there is totally cool.
Me: I'm not going to get hit on or anything, am I?
Mel: Naw, I'll just tell the regulars that you guys are straight and they'll leave you alone.
Tony: You know "the regulars"?
Mel: Yeah, I come here every time I'm in The City.
Me and Tony: :shock: Uh...uh...Alright, let's go.

We go in the bar and the first thing I see is some gray-haired 60 y/o man wearing assless chaps, a thong, a leather vest and one of those leather policeman-type hats.

Me: :shock: I don't know if I can handle this...
Tony: Let's just have one beer. If it gets too creepy, we'll bail.
Me: How can it get any creepier than a grandfather in assless chaps?
Tony: Come on, I'll buy you a beer.

Meanwhile, Mel walks into the place and it's like Norm walking into Cheers.

Mel: Whassup everybody?
Everyone: Mel!
Us: This isn't happening...

We approached the bar while the other guys went to play a game of pool. The bartender gave us a "what are you two straight guys doing here?" look. I guess, thankfully, it was that obvious that we were hetero. We ordered two beers and since the tv was surprisingly tuned to ESPN and not HGTV or Martha Stewart, we started watching SportsCenter.

At this point, some hispanic flamer with a thick accent sashayed his way next to me.

HF: Ssssso...Mel tells me that you're straight.
Me: Yeah, that's right.
HF: I'm really glad that you guys are here. A lot of the, uh...straights, would have been a-scared to come in here.
Me(lying): It's no big deal.
HF: Can I ask you the question?
Me: Sure.
HF: What does it feel like to be inside the poosy of a woman?
Me: It's warm, wet and usually tight.
HF: So it's just like being with the men then!
Me: Uh...couldn't tell ya. Don't really have a point of reference for that comparison.
HF: ???
The flamer points at Tony.
HF: Your friend here is going to be the very popular guy tonight.
Tony: Why is that?
HF: You're...uh...a big guy(Tony weighs about 350). We would call you a "bear".
Tony: What's that mean?
HF: It's short for "teddy bear", you know because the big hairy men feels good when you hug him and he keeps you warm, like a big teddy bear.

I about choked on my beer at the thought of 350 lb hairy, sweaty, mexican Tony spooning with another dude.

Me: Ugh.
Tony: You're just jealous because they think I'm hot. Heh heh heh.

I walk over to the pool table and play a game. After the game is over, I walk back to Tony, who's still sitting at the bar. He's drinking a beer and has three fresh beers in front of him.

Me: What the hell?
Tony: They keep buying 'em for me. Hahaha.
Me: Who.
Tony: Those two guys down at the end. Every time they look over I just smile and wink and wa-la...another beer!
Me: You fucking tease.
Tony: Maybe, but I'm drinking for free, aren't I?
Me: Yeah, make sure to put down "popular in gay bars" on your resume.

We end up staying until closing time. The two guys down at the end of the bar came down to say "Hi" on our way out the door.

Guy1: Heeeeeey, how'sss it going?
Tony: Good. Hey, thanks for the beers. You guys know I was just goofing around, right?
Guy2: Oh, sure. We were just playing back. Mel told us you were straight when you guys came in. We were just hoping to get you drunk enough to turn you over to our side.
Tony: It'd take more than a couple of beers. Sorry, fellas.
Them: Hahahaha. Have a good night, guys.
Us: You too.

I figured we'd just drive back home at that point, but Mel said he knew of another bar nearby that secretly served until 4AM. Tony and I decided that it couldn't be any worse than the last place, so we agreed to go as well.

On the way over, Tony turns to me like he's all shocked.

Tony: You realize that Mel essentially just came out of the closet, right?
Me: No, Mel's nailed plenty of hot chicks. He's not gay. What he did is let us know that he's a freaky motherfucker who likes some cock on the side.
Tony: True. And while I'm thinking about it, the next time one of my friends wants to let me know that he likes cock, I'd prefer that he tell me rather than drag me to a SF gay bar.
Me: Bullshit, you hope he does so you can score some more free drinks.
Tony: You're right, I can't back that up. Hahaha.

We drove over to the bar, which was called "My Place" and had these dainty flowered curtains in the window.

Me: Great, another gay bar.
Mel: No, this one's just a regular bar with some freaky-types.

I guess that was supposed to make us feel better, but SF freaky-types are only a half-step above West Hollywood freaky types.

We walk in and it's not senior citizens in assless chaps, but there's a dude with a mesh tanktop and a chain linking piercings from his face to his nose to his lips to his nipple to...somewhere down his pants. Ugh. There was another chick who had so many fucking rings in her lips that she couldn't close her mouth properly. THAT was attractive. Though, it did distract the casual viewer from the rest of her general hideousness.

We shoot a few games of pool and are having a generally good time. We're playing partners. Tony and I are on one team and Mel and John are on the other. It's my shot. I lean over the table, line up the cue, prepare for my shot that what I think it is? I spot something out of the corner of my eye, but it can't fucking be what I think it is... I turn and look and, yep, it's Mel and my roommate John in each other's arms, giving each other tonsil exams with their tongues. :shock: This, from the guy who said:
I don't care if the motherfucker has a gun or a knife...he'd have to kill me before he'd ever get his dick in MY ass.
:shock: :shock: :shock:

They must have noticed that I hadn't shot yet, stopped and looked over. John smiled, wiped Mel's spit off his lips and turned to face the table.

John: So, you still wanna be my roommate?
Me: Uh, we're gonna have to talk about that.
John: That's cool.

It'd be one thing to have a gay roommate in the same apartment where I have my own private space, but there was no way I was going to share a room with a gay dude. Especially one who was so screwed up in the head that he had descriptive fantasies about violent gay bashing, while simultaneously secretly desiring men. Borderline psychotic, some?

For about the next few minutes, all I could think was :shock:. Unfucking real. I had always heard about those overcompensating types who were just ashamed of their own secret desires, but I never thought that *I'd* know one of them!

I started thinking about where the fuck I could move to. The last thing I wanted to do was move back in with my parents. I'm sure they wouldn't mind, but to me, as an adult, you might as well sear a big fucking "L" into your forehead the day you do that.

I was snapped out of :shock: mode when two 6'4"-ish, 250lb sasquatches at the table next to us start arguing loudly over their game. As fucked as my life was just then, I figured I could at least pause for a moment to watch Andre the Giant vs. George "the Animal" Steele. I didn't have long to wait. The screams of "Fuck me? Fuck you!!!" soon escalated into a shoving match. Both guys grabbed the other around the shoulders and they started slamming each other against the pool table and the wall. Then one guy got the other in a headlock and as the guy getting his melon squeezed fought to get free, they both lost their balance and their combined weight slammed full-force into the opposite wall. The wall instantly broke free at the ceiling and began sliding out at the base. The two men stopped fighting each other and tried to get up off the collapsing wall, but it kept falling more and more until you could see the blindingly-bright light coming from several lamps set up on tripods on the other side of the wall. The wall gave some more and...what the fuck?! There's two naked homos on a bed, one with a AstroGlide-shiny cock and the other with protruding asshole, scrambling for cover, trying to avoid the falling wall! There's cameras and a whole fucking film crew in there filming gay porn!

The bartender comes running out from behind the bar and starts screaming at everyone.

They must've been filming without a license or something, because dude was freaking out.

Bartender: Get out! Everyone out now!

Tony and I are absolutely disgusted, but can't stop laughing at the same time. Did we really just see that? Bwahahahaaha! It was so surreal. Then the reality of it all hit me and I was thinking that some bleach would come in handy to rub in my eyes so that I'd never have to see anything like that ever again. Ugh. I'll bet that whole fucking room smelled like turd. Next to hit me was the reminder that my roommate was an overcompensating, self-hating closet flamer. Talk about a buzzkill.

We hopped in our cars and started the drive home.

Tony: You know, if you don't want to live with the fear of him gazing at your package while you're changing, you can always come live at my parents' house. They have a spare bedroom with a fold out couch and they'd let you stay rent free until you find another place.
Me: Thanks, bro. It's not that I'm afraid he'll meat-gaze me, I just don't want to live with someone who's that fucking unstable!

The day after we got back from SF, John got pulled over by the cops for speeding and it turned out that he had outstanding warrants in Michigan and promptly extradited his bi-sexual ass for prosecution. This got me out of the inevitable "I'm moving out because you're a fucking freak" conversation, which was nice.

I ended up moving into Tony's parents' place, where they supplied me with free room and grub until I found another apartment. Solid people. They must be because here it is almost 20 years later and Tony still lives at home. :lol:


So for all of you "all fags must die!"-types, every time you say that, I think of John and his anti-gay tirades. You may not be closet homos yourselves, but when thou dost protest too much, you make me, and I'm sure others, start to wonder about you.
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Post by Mister Bushice »

and then you woke up.

OR maybe not :eek:

You realize whitey will need three or four showers after reading that, right?

War clean forklift bigots.
If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator." —GWB Washington, D.C., Dec. 19, 2000
Martyred wrote: Hang in there, Whitey. Smart people are on their way with dictionaries.
War Wagon wrote:being as how I've got "stupid" draped all over, I'm not really sure.
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Post by OCmike »

Uh, I'm about as good a bullshitter as they come, but even I can't make up a story that long and that detailed.
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Post by Jack »


most guys do not have an attention span long enough to read that..

and straight men in general do not get into details of stories..

I do agree that gay people are people and should be treated as such.

I also do not think gayness is a choice that someone makes.

That's it! Wherever you are in regards to the closet is okay with me
as long as you don't flaunt it or talk about it with me.
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Post by Mikey »

Great story Mike.

I had a friend in college who came out while we were there. For two years we were in the same "suite" (5 double rooms sharing a common room and bathroom). We weren't rommates at the time but shared a lot of common musical and "recreational consumables" interests. Ended up sharing a room in a rented house for a year. He had lots of female friends, but we were all pretty sure he wasn't exactly "normal". He came out of the closet and moved out of the house in our third year. A lot of people wondered how I could have ever shared a room with the guy. We were good friends, and I had suspicions about his preferences, but I knew he'd never come on to me because he knew what mine were, so I didn't really care. Why should I?
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Post by Dinsdale »

Great story...I laughed.

How is it so many weird tales seem to start out "well, one night we went to San Francisco, and..."?
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Post by Çì®åŠ DêMïgòD »

Rack it!

Epic tale, Mike.
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Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

Rack Mike.

Funny how so many ardent anti-gays turn out to (Sup Ted Haggard). There's something to be said about how much passion they have for the subject of gays. Whereas straights typically just don't give a shit.
KC Scott

Post by KC Scott »

Rack OCM - Hilarious story.

The frat brother I knew that came out was a fucking mess after he did it. Between his religous upbringing, his parents disowning him (and cutting off the money) and us booting him out out he tried to OD.

I'd talked to him once afterwards and he said he'd have done anything not to be "born that way" - and he'd tried to change but couldn't.

Anyone who says it's a choice is an idiot.
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Post by Goober McTuber »

Bullshit. It’s a choice. And a damn good one, at that.


Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Post by Dinsdale »

I got 99 problems but the 'vid ain't one
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Post by Cicero »

That pic will never get old. Cracks me up every time I see it.
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Post by Goober McTuber »

Cicero wrote:That pic will never get old. Cracks me up every time I see it.

Wow. Talk about “Gay Pride”.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Post by Cicero »

You are as immature as they come Goobs.
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Post by Goober McTuber »

Forever young, baby. Forever young.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Post by OCmike »

Jack wrote:Mike,

most guys do not have an attention span long enough to read that..
If I dropped that into a MS Word document, it would have been about two pages. You can't sit through two pages? ADD some?

Here's a new version, that's more the speed of a simpleton like you:

I once knew a guy
who said that he hated
fags, but one time
I caught him kissing a guy!!!
Crazy times!!
Jack wrote:and straight men in general do not get into details of stories..
All writers of screenplays and novels are gay? Who knew? :meds:
Dinsdale wrote:Great story...I laughed.

How is it so many weird tales seem to start out "well, one night we went to San Francisco, and..."?

Yeah, it started out as a roadie to a rock show and turned into one of the more bizarre nights I've ever experienced.

I've got some more quality tales that I'll bang out when I get properly motivated again. They'll probably be long and detailed, so the "Jacks" of the world can feel free to pass them on by.
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Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

Don't mind Jack. He's without a doubt the most tedious, boring, predictable fuckwit this board knows, whose brain is automatically set on cliche, and whose topics almost ALWAYS get sent straight to the shitter. Yet he continues to produce them without hesitation or wonder. Also, I have to assume he's never read a book before since he thinks "giving details" is synonymous with homosexuality, the fucking tool. And still, he graces us with the details of how his 14 year old son can beat the piss out of him on a wrestling mat.
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Post by ElvisMonster »

Rack the story, OC.

<----This guy? :lol'ing:
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Re: So anyway, there I was...

Post by War Wagon »

OCmike wrote:Since I've now been told that I might be gay.
Might be gay? I'd say this post proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that you're a log cabin Republican. You've never told us what really happened while you were in the navy. I'm guessing that greasing big guns was part of your job description. Yes?

Isn't there like a fag board somewhere else that you could promote your agenda? Why must you do this here?
So for all of you "all fags must die!"-types, every time you say that, I think of John and his anti-gay tirades. You may not be closet homos yourselves, but when thou dost protest too much, you make me, and I'm sure others, start to wonder about you.
You wonder about me? That's richly ironic. Let me stop your wondering. I'm not your "friend" John. Unlike you, I don't and have never wondered what cum tastes like, or what a cock up the ass feels like.

Are we clear on this point? Good.

Now, Bushice is right about one thing for the first time in his miserable existance. I do need a shower, or five. You flaming faggots that infest this board smell.
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Re: So anyway, there I was...

Post by OCmike »

War Wagon wrote: Might be gay? I'd say this post proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that you're a log cabin Republican.
If you didn't think that the above story was funny, not in my way of telling it, but because of the bizarre string of events, and instead got out of it "He's a fag!", you might want to go see your doctor about getting on an SSRI. Seriously.

"Many SSRIs also treat a wide range of other disorders in addition to depression, including obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), social phobia, anxiety or panic disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, eating disorders, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), or menopause-related symptoms."

Modern medicine is your friend, Whitey. Dr. OC is here to help.

Conversing with gay people and merely being in the presence of gays does not make you soak up their gayacity through gaymosis and become uber-gay.

You "homophobic-types" do realize that a phobia is a "persistent, irrational" fear of something, right?
You've never told us what really happened while you were in the navy. I'm guessing that greasing big guns was part of your job description. Yes?
I guess you've missed Bsmack's boilerroom jokes.

I worked most of my Naval "career" as a steam turbine mechanic on an aircraft carrier. During the 5+ years I spent on that beast, I was the first person in the 26 year history of the ship to qualify all 9 engine room watchstations(messenger, throttleman, burnerman, BT(boiler technician) upper level, BT lower level, MM (machinist's mate) upper level, MM lower level, Boiler console operator and Space Supervisor), and also the first E-4 in ship's history to qualify and stand watch as an underway Engineroom Supervisor.

As the senior petty officer in my division, I was the authority on the operation, maintenance and troubleshooting of the 70,000 HP main engine, two steam-driven turbine generators providing more than 8,000 kilowatts of electrical power, a flash-type distilling plant capable of creating 100,000 gallons of fresh water per day, and probably another 30 or so auxiliary pumps, purifiers and other equipment. I learned more and knew more in my 5+ years there than most people in the Navy learn in 20.

Probably not a place that you want to go with me. I pretty much ran the place.
Isn't there like a fag board somewhere else that you could promote your agenda? Why must you do this here?

Isn't there an anti-fag board where you can scream, "All fags must die! AAAUUUGGGHHH!" and get kudos and high-fives? Why must you do this here?
You wonder about me? That's richly ironic. Let me stop your wondering. I'm not your "friend" John. Unlike you, I don't and have never wondered what cum tastes like, or what a cock up the ass feels like.
Ah, the ever so fresh, "I'm not gay, YOU'RE gay approach." Or, to put it another way, the classic KC "I know you are, but what am I"-tactic.

Since you're in the "I fear what I don't understand" group, I'll try to explain it the simplest way I can.

At first, as explained in my earlier post, I was completely weirded out by gays, having had no exposure to them in my white, middle-class hometown, other than seeing Liberace or Little Richard on the tube. I was pretty much where you are now, minus the very Un-Christian "I hope they all fucking die" views that you've expressed. After what happened with John and Mel, and a good female friend that I had seen date men for 8 years tell me that she was a lesbian, I realized that a lot of people that I thought were straight might not be. Also, I've never been to KC, but in CA there are gays at just about any bar or club that you go to. They aren't going at it like Smackaholic with an 8th grader behind the backstop at the baseball field either, they're just dancing together or hanging out, but are very clearly gay. After awhile, you just kind of get used to it or accept it as just part of reality. It is what it is. Their existence does nothing to alter or bother mine. I've lived in places much of my life where there were gays all over the place and they've never been "in my face with it" or any of the other such nonsense that you spewers of hate love to claim. They're just people living on the planet. Leave them alone and they'll leave you alone.

I also have always voted down all gay-rights issues that came on the ballot in CA. I don't think they deserve any affirmitive action rights or any other extra benefits simply because they are gay. They are people just like you and me, who don't deserve special treatment. The lone exception to this was the last election where I voted for a measure that would give gay partners the right to be in the hospital room the same as a husband or a wife when someone was seriously ill or dying. I don't have a problem with that and can't imagine anyone that would.

If any of that in your mind means that I have a pro-gay agenda, or as you've asserted here, am actually gay, well then I guess you're doing your part in proving the "persistent" and "irrational" portion of homophobia.
Are we clear on this point? Good.
The only thing that you've made clear is that you have a deep-seeded fear of gay people that would be comical if it weren't coming from a place of hatred and evil. It's one thing to hate an individual person, but if you hate an entire category of people, the problem is yours and not theirs.

You're not quite as bad as John was, but if he was a 10 on the homophobia scale, you're about a 9.5.
You flaming faggots that infest this board smell.
Yeah, and you know what I smell? A scared little pussy.
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Post by A.C. Crut »

"I can't be gay, I mean, I sucked a cock only once but I absolutely hated it." - War Wagon
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Re: So anyway, there I was...

Post by Tom In VA »

OCmike wrote: I worked most of my Naval "career" as a steam turbine mechanic on an aircraft carrier. During the 5+ years I spent on that beast, I was the first person in the 26 year history of the ship to qualify all 9 engine room watchstations(messenger, throttleman, burnerman, BT(boiler technician) upper level, BT lower level, MM (machinist's mate) upper level, MM lower level, Boiler console operator and Space Supervisor), and also the first E-4 in ship's history to qualify and stand watch as an underway Engineroom Supervisor.

As the senior petty officer in my division, I was the authority on the operation, maintenance and troubleshooting of the 70,000 HP main engine, two steam-driven turbine generators providing more than 8,000 kilowatts of electrical power, a flash-type distilling plant capable of creating 100,000 gallons of fresh water per day, and probably another 30 or so auxiliary pumps, purifiers and other equipment. I learned more and knew more in my 5+ years there than most people in the Navy learn in 20.

*So I ask you; when someone goes into that chapel and they fall on their knees and they pray to God that their ship doesn't stop dead in the water, who do you think they're praying to? Now, go ahead and read your Bible, _Wags_, and you go to your church, and, with any luck, you might win the annual raffle, but if you're looking for God, he was in Boiler room number two on November 17, and he doesn't like to be second guessed. You ask me if I have a God complex. Let me tell you something: I am God.

RACK The resume.

Last edited by Tom In VA on Tue Feb 20, 2007 5:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Dinsdale »

What cracks me up is Whitey's insistence that KC is some bastion of homosexuals...

funny stuff.

Of course, statistics don't actually bear that out (but why lets facts get in the way of anything), and those of us that actually do live in the cities with the highest percentage of gays(they tend to congregate in cities that aren't populated with hate-filled, self-righteous assholes), haven't actually seen these rampant side-effects of this (phantom) huge homosexual population...

of course meaning that this, like any other significance in this world he might think he purely fantasy.

And why, exactly would Whitey be having such fantasies?

See, where I live, there actually is a large homo population. There actually is a "gay part" of town. I actually can go out clubbing and see fags making out in the streets, while leading their assless-chaps-clad fagbuddy around on a leash(since some of my favorite of the popular nightspots are adjacent to Vaseline Alley). And I haven't seen all this abhorrent, agressive behavior that Wags is basing his KC-expertise on.

Because he made it up.

BTW -- The area I live may well boast the highest lesbian population in the country. There's a lezbo part of town, too, with collections of dyke-bars throughout (the Egyptian Room being the centerpiece). And if you guys think real lesbians bear any resemblence whatsoever to the chicks you see licking the bowl in porn videos...well, you should probably keep all those thoughts in the videos. Because believe it or not...real life doesn't look even vaguely like that. It looks a lot more like a 250 pound chick with a moustache driving a Jeep Wrangler with a rainbow in the window. Sorry to burst your bubble, if you've been living in a fantasy world all this time.
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Re: So anyway, there I was...

Post by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 »

OCmike wrote:You ask me if I have a God complex. Let me tell you something: I am God.

Wazzup, Jed Fucking Hill? How many shots of bourbon did you have before your roommate performed a colonoscopy on you?
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Post by Tom In VA »

Actually Ucan't, I added that part to OCMike's as a joke. I should have indicated as such.
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Post by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 »

My bad, Tom. I should have caught who posted it.

Regardless, RACK the movie reference. Well done.
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Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

So, Todd, let me get this Iried some gay phone sex conversation, got "disgusted," then proceeded to do it AGAIN?

Yeah, you didn't just give the whole board ammo or anything.
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Terry in Crapchester
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Post by Terry in Crapchester »

Rack OCMike for the story.

It seems that War Wagon subscribes to the Valvenis school of "logic" regarding homosexuals. And I'll agree with those who have pointed out that many times, the most stridently anti-gay are, if not gay, then at the very least in the middle of a severe homosexual panic about themselves.
War Wagon wrote:The first time I click on one of your youtube links will be the first time.
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Post by Goober McTuber »

MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:So, Todd, let me get this Iried some gay phone sex conversation, got "disgusted," then proceeded to do it AGAIN?
If by "disgusted" you mean "thoroughly aroused", yeah, you got the picture.

And just how did Tardowen the drunken pedophile know that the little girls had just gotten their baths? Why, he sat there and watched, of course. Sick fucker.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Mister Bushice
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Post by Mister Bushice »

Toddowen wrote:I'm probably lucky I'm not crawlspace filler.
and yet conversely it's tragically unlucky for us.
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Post by Goober McTuber »

Toddowen wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote:
And just how did Tardowen the drunken pedophile know that the little girls had just gotten their baths? Why, he sat there and watched, of course. Sick fucker.

The father had a tendency to yell commands at his daughters.

Hopefully something along the lines of, “Stay the fuck away from that drunken pedophile that lives next door!”
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Mister Bushice
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Post by Mister Bushice »

So many crawlspaces, so little Todd.
If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator." —GWB Washington, D.C., Dec. 19, 2000
Martyred wrote: Hang in there, Whitey. Smart people are on their way with dictionaries.
War Wagon wrote:being as how I've got "stupid" draped all over, I'm not really sure.
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Post by Mister Bushice »

Shouldn't everyone, dipshit?
If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator." —GWB Washington, D.C., Dec. 19, 2000
Martyred wrote: Hang in there, Whitey. Smart people are on their way with dictionaries.
War Wagon wrote:being as how I've got "stupid" draped all over, I'm not really sure.
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Post by Goober McTuber »

Toddowen wrote:You are always so quick to shoot that "You're a pedo" gun, Goob.

You really, really hate all pedophiles.....don't you

Look Tardowen, I happen to remember a bit from TOT, and I remember very vividly that every time there was one of those horrific stories of some pedophile raping a 12-year-old, an 8-year-old, and even when the story involved a 6-year-old victim, there you always were suggesting that “maybe the sex was consentual (sic)”.

Yes, Tardowen, I really hate all pedophiles. And you especially because you haven’t yet been caught.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Post by Goober McTuber »

I know people do troll on these boards, but why would anyone put themselves out there as a pedophile? It’s not like you did this once or twice, you did it every single time one of those stories was discussed on the board. And generally late at night when you had obviously been drinking and your true feelings started gushing out. Die already, you fucking pervert.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Post by Goober McTuber »

Toddowen wrote:I'm here...I'm weird
Get used to it

And how can you really know what my true feelings are? And even if I am in fact a pervert, why is one choice of sexual preference considered true while the other is left dangling?

You don't accept diversity very well...just sayin'.
Your pedophilic tendencies are perversity, not diversity. Sexually abusing small children is not “one choice of sexual preference”, it’s a fucking felony. Should be a capital offense. Kill yourself already, Tard. Do it for the kiddies.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Post by Goober McTuber »

Hope springs eternal, Tard. All pedophiles slip up sooner or later. Then you’ll wind up in prison, probably with a large black dick shoved up your ass. Of course, that sex will probably also be consentual.

Hopefully you’ll find strength within yourself to pull that trigger, loser.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Re: So anyway, there I was...

Post by Husker4ever »

OCmike wrote:Since I've now been told that I might be gay.....

When I was 19 .....

John was a stocky, not fat, decent looking guy....

.... We'd be watching tv...

..... get his dick in MY ass.


So one night, John, the guitarist from his band(who was also a decent looking guy friend Tony and I went to San Francisco a seedy part of town.

Me: Is that a gay bar?

..... man wearing assless chaps, a thong, a leather vest and one of those leather policeman-type hats.

Me: :shock: I don't know if I can handle this...

.....I about choked at the thought of 350 lb hairy, sweaty, mexican

...I just smile and wink ...

We end up staying until closing time. The two guys down at the end of the bar came down to say "Hi" on our way out the door.

On the way over, Tony turns to me .

.... freaky motherfucker who likes some cock on the side.

....We drove over to the bar, which was called "My Place" and had these dainty flowered curtains in the window.

Me: Great, another gay bar.

I guess that was supposed to make us feel better, but SF freaky-types are only a half-step above West Hollywood freaky types.

They must have noticed that I hadn't shot yet, stopped and looked over. John smiled, wiped Mel's spit off his lips

...., one with a AstroGlide-shiny cock and the other with protruding asshole....,

Tony and I .....

We hopped in our cars ....

I ended up moving into Tony's


A brief synopsis of Mike's "killer" time in San Fran.

You're welcome :lol:
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Post by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 »

Goobs... Tardowen is a pile-on troll of the highest order. Why even respond to his drivel?
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