KCScott pretty much nailed it. However Wags, wrong is still wrong. To wit:
War Wagon wrote:Jay in Phoenix wrote:
Again, while I don't condone gay behavior, (i.e. -- gay sex) as nescessarily acceptable, I am not going to vilify them for it either.
Nice way to ride the fence there, Jay.
Look man, you're either
for something, or you are
against it. There is no mealy mouthed in-between. There is no grey area.
Dude, clearly you only read into my post what you wanted. Try
actually reading it again. No fence sitting anywhere to be found. I said I don't condone gay behavior, I said I even have reason to feel animosity toward gays and lesbians. Yet that is a far cry from the vilification and death you irrationally wish upon them. Would you wish death upon a Downs syndrome child, just because he or she was
different? Would you wish aids upon a Jew, just for practicing a
different faith? Would you stone a one-legged woman because she was born with a deformity? Guess what dude, there are lots and lots of gray areas, the smallest of which seems to be your brain. Intolerance will do that I suppose. Are there absolute black and whites in the world...sure. But the gray areas loom the largest. And that's where you have to deal.
You don't have to be for or against everything, not even this subject. Believe what you wish, but unless someone directly fucks with you or a member of your family, live and let live. So long as it doesn't affect you, why would you hate the way that you do? You're an extremist of the worst order. Keep goose-stepping Whitey and see where it leads.
Either you accept thru tacit approval, or you condemn. I do NOT accept and choose to condemn.
That said, I'm not out picketing military funerals ala Fred Phelps. I realize that I can't change a damn thing about fags being fags. Just sayin' that when the subject comes up, you'll know exactly where I stand.
Yeah, we know where you stand. And your condemnation is patently absurd. Tell me how a queers' lifestyle is directly destroying your own private and public way of life, or the rest of the worlds', and let's have that discussion. Show us the rationality of your hatered, why a gay person, no matter how much they might contribute to society positively, should be put to death. Come on now, should Da Vinci have been executed? Did Freddie Mercury, someone whose art you enjoy, deserve to die of AIDS? Go ahead Wags, reason your way out of that.
What annoys me the most is the liberal news media constantly trying to shove the gay agenda in my face and make me believe this is a normal, acceptable behavior. And if I vociferously disagree, then I'm a homophobic bigot. So be it then, I'm a bigot.
See, I don't believe a person is born a homosexual any more than I believe a person is born an alcoholic or a meth-head. Sure, they may have some inbred tendencies towards it, but in no way does that excuse the behavior. They choose that lifestyle, it's not forced upon them.
And as far as being in fear of them, nothing could be further from the truth. I fear for them. They should be afraid.
The news media is neither all liberal, nor all supportive of gays. I work in the television news business, I know. There is no gay agenda, at least not the one you're railing against. Like anything else, the news and television happen to go with whatever is culturally "hot". 'Will and Grace', 'Queer Eye', etc. have had their run, and now they have faded. The subject only gets any real run anymore when a dullard like Hardaway says something stupid.
And genetics does play a part in behavior. As does nurturing and environment. This subject has been covered before. You can be born with a predisposition toward alcoholism and addiction. And homosexuality. Some people really do believe they are born with no choice about being gay, and who is to say it isn't true.
I do know one thing. The world was far far better off for having a Leonardo Da Vinci in it.
Would you deprive art, science and history this genius just because he was gay?
Hate is based upon fear. You fear what you do not understand. Or know. Face your fears Whitey, and bury your hate.