I'll take, "Thing's that happen to AP's balance when he tries to watch a top twirl" for $200.Atomic Punk wrote:a spin for the worse
Moderator: Jesus H Christ
- Eternal Scobode
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- Atomic Punk
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- War Wagon
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- Location: Tiger country
*gulp*Truman wrote: Now don't you go a-postin' no half-assed efforts, son.
They's others out theah would love to have your Startin' Runningsmack position.
Now git out theah and hit somebody!
aw, shucks... do I have to?
Damnit... well, if you insist.
Did you just call somebody else "boring and tedious"? How ironic. Here I was thinking that YOU were quite possibly best at that, aside from Goobs that is. Don't think I hadn't noticed your ignoble efforts at glossing that sloped forehead as "one of the boys". Are you planning on starting a "moron" clique in here? Well congrats, you've got a charter member. Will you be trying to sign Derron up next?MGO-Blow wrote:And I'd actually have to disagree with the edit. Is he a loser, and a weirdo of the highest order? Sure, but from a posting standpoint, they get much more tedious and boring than Todd.
How'd I do?
- Eternal Scobode
- Posts: 21259
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Awww, now that's just too bad.War Wagon wrote:Did you just call somebody else "boring and tedious"? How ironic. Here I was thinking that YOU were quite possibly best at that
Whitey...you had ALL this time to think, to ponder...to come up with something...anything...all with the noble intention to not let your boy down.
And what do you do?
You, as I can guaran-fucking-tee NOBODY expected otherwise, resorted to...
Let's see that in slow mo, one more time, folks:
For shame. Way to do the KC folks proud, though.War Wagon wrote:Did you just call somebody else "boring and tedious"? How ironic. Here I was thinking that YOU were quite possibly best at that
Actually, the KC folks... all be it slow, are some of the nicest people you'll come across on a whole.
It almost makes me want to reconsider selling my buisness there.
It's still up in the air... but having to travel to KC, and dealing with the tax fucks there has become a problem.
You can send notarized documents, and these fucks still send you letters.
It almost makes me want to reconsider selling my buisness there.
It's still up in the air... but having to travel to KC, and dealing with the tax fucks there has become a problem.
You can send notarized documents, and these fucks still send you letters.
- War Wagon
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- Location: Tiger country
See Magoo, that's what you get. Sow the wind, it get's splattered right back in your face and then morons like you doth protest too much that you got smeared with the same brush you were trying to paint with. It works that way.
You listen to Dins way too much as if he were some authority. That crying pussy belabors that ad nauseum, and here you come running along to join in.
Get over it. That's way over-rated.
Don't like being painted with the same brush you paint with? Quit painting.
You listen to Dins way too much as if he were some authority. That crying pussy belabors that ad nauseum, and here you come running along to join in.
Get over it. That's way over-rated.
Don't like being painted with the same brush you paint with? Quit painting.
Actually, in this case ...War Wagon wrote:See Magoo, that's what you get. Sow the wind, it get's splattered right back in your face and then morons like you doth protest too much that you got smeared with the same brush you were trying to paint with. It works that way.
You listen to Dins way too much as if he were some authority.
Wags, are you seriously ToddOedipus-like stupid? When's the last time you've clacked out more than 5 meaningful paragraphs in here, about anything?Dinsdale wrote:MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:This entire board is a time waster.
And it becomes a waste of time by time-wasting standards when tards come in and frown upon someone putting a small amount of effort into doing something entertaining.
And this is what makes the tards tards.
Oh, and btw, literary critics, there are other sites on the 'Net where you can be entertained by non-stop, non-effort here. And that's something to which everyone in here can even relate. Want another site? Try this one. That's uber-cool, as well.
The world's full of jackoffs and decontructive morons. Some of us in here are trying for something slightly above the cesspool. It's called effort. Yeah, it's a smack board, but those who don't have air-conditioning or sell windchimes or are suicidal weirdos, calling out those who do will always be hilarious.
- World Renowned Last Word Whore
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MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:Awww, now that's just too bad.War Wagon wrote:Did you just call somebody else "boring and tedious"? How ironic. Here I was thinking that YOU were quite possibly best at that
Whitey...you had ALL this time to think, to ponder...to come up with something...anything...all with the noble intention to not let your boy down.
And what do you do?
You, as I can guaran-fucking-tee NOBODY expected otherwise, resorted to...
Let's see that in slow mo, one more time, folks:
For shame. Way to do the KC folks proud, though.War Wagon wrote:Did you just call somebody else "boring and tedious"? How ironic. Here I was thinking that YOU were quite possibly best at that

Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass
Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
But it gets even better...
Yup...he actually defends it. That's right -- the entire KC Contingent gets extensively ridiculed for it. Two particularly obese members even get banned for sucking so badly with it. It's completely reached laughingstock levels of hilarity...
But not for Whitey. Nope, he defends the practice of dropping "I know you are, but what am I" with passionate fervor.
Never mind that this entire board (and in real life, anyone past the age of 6) finds this to be the most tedious symptom of retardation. Well...everyone outside of the greater Kansas City area(and a few who are in that area, who apparently haven't consumed nearly as much of the tap water as some of the others).
Yet, the King of the Kansas City Fucktards still thinks this is fresh.
But he doesn't stop there...no, siree. He then...Wags, the guy who couldn't formulate a "take" if you spotted him the T-A-K...now claims other posters(who bring more funnay in one avergae post than Wags will in a lifetime)...
otherposters don't DESERVE a better response than "I know you are, but what am I?"
Fucking priceless.
Fucking tard.
War Wagon wrote:Don't like being painted with the same brush you paint with? Quit painting.
Yup...he actually defends it. That's right -- the entire KC Contingent gets extensively ridiculed for it. Two particularly obese members even get banned for sucking so badly with it. It's completely reached laughingstock levels of hilarity...
But not for Whitey. Nope, he defends the practice of dropping "I know you are, but what am I" with passionate fervor.
Never mind that this entire board (and in real life, anyone past the age of 6) finds this to be the most tedious symptom of retardation. Well...everyone outside of the greater Kansas City area(and a few who are in that area, who apparently haven't consumed nearly as much of the tap water as some of the others).
Yet, the King of the Kansas City Fucktards still thinks this is fresh.
But he doesn't stop there...no, siree. He then...Wags, the guy who couldn't formulate a "take" if you spotted him the T-A-K...now claims other posters(who bring more funnay in one avergae post than Wags will in a lifetime)...
otherposters don't DESERVE a better response than "I know you are, but what am I?"
Fucking priceless.
Fucking tard.
I got 99 problems but the 'vid ain't one
- Eternal Scobode
- Posts: 21259
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Oh, but why stop there? That's right, it gets even better...But it gets even better...
Yup...he actually defends it.
So, let me get this straight, Whitey...War Wagon wrote:Btw, do any of you morons have something to say about KCMO now?
I'm pretty tired of it.
You're "pretty tired" of the KC smack, so what do you do? You turn around and drop the VERY FUCKING THING you KC tards get smacked for.
Own up to some fucking responsibility, bro. You're dropping 3rd rate smack you KNOW is going to warrant such responses...then you get pissed when the hammer finally comes?
What's your line of thinking here?
So which is it? Pick a side. Do you want the abuse, or do you want us to stop being a bunch of meanies? The choice is entirely yours. You control the power in your fingertips. It's all about the keys you choose to hit. Learn and grow from this experience, young Warwalker. And remember, tards aren't picked out of a hat. That's a description you inherit based on the literary fecal matter you choose to spew all over our monitors.
- World Renowned Last Word Whore
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- World Renowned Last Word Whore
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- ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
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- Location: The corner of get a map and fuck off.
Why would you wipe your shoe on your keyboard if you stepped in goat shit? Wouldn't you use one of those popsicle-stick-thingies pitchers bust out to clean their cleats when throwing from a muddy mound? Dog shit, maybe yes, but... goat shit? I'm so confused...Toddowen wrote:It's like asking "Which is better to step in? Dogshit or Goatshit?"
When all is said and done, shit is shit. The only question is how much shit you have to wipe across your keyboard.
- World Renowned Last Word Whore
- Posts: 25891
- Joined: Mon Jan 17, 2005 1:07 pm
Don’t blame me, it’s your pathetic existence we’re discussing. If you didn’t want to be branded a pedophile, you shouldn’t have repeatedly defended every single pedophile that made the news with nonsensical comments about how the sex may have been consensual.Toddowen wrote:No.Goober McTuber wrote:
Same shit post.
If you didn’t want the Oedipus tag, you should not have composed a lengthy essay about what it would be like to gnaw on mommy’s hoo-hah. When you repeatedly come on these boards and tell everyone that you’re contemplating suicide, don’t be shocked when they yell “jump!” And don’t start whining when everyone gets pissed because you decided not to jump.
You made your bed, now go lie in it. And don’t be dragging any kiddies in there with you.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass
Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
- World Renowned Last Word Whore
- Posts: 25891
- Joined: Mon Jan 17, 2005 1:07 pm
Toddowen wrote:You certainly left a big pile here.Goober McTuber wrote:Don’t blame me, it’s your pathetic existence we’re discussing. If you didn’t want to be branded a pedophile, you shouldn’t have repeatedly defended every single pedophile that made the news with nonsensical comments about how the sex may have been consensual.Toddowen wrote: No.
Same shit post.
If you didn’t want the Oedipus tag, you should not have composed a lengthy essay about what it would be like to gnaw on mommy’s hoo-hah. When you repeatedly come on these boards and tell everyone that you’re contemplating suicide, don’t be shocked when they yell “jump!” And don’t start whining when everyone gets pissed because you decided not to jump.
You made your bed, now go lie in it. And don’t be dragging any kiddies in there with you.
As I said....it only becomes a question of how much shit.
Yeah, it's your life. And it sounds pretty shitty.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass
Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
- Eternal Scobode
- Posts: 21259
- Joined: Wed Jan 19, 2005 2:35 pm
Rack. This is what Todd and Whitey just can't comprehend.Goober McTuber wrote:Don’t blame me, it’s your pathetic existence we’re discussing. If you didn’t want to be branded a pedophile, you shouldn’t have repeatedly defended every single pedophile that made the news with nonsensical comments about how the sex may have been consensual.Toddowen wrote:No.Goober McTuber wrote:
Same shit post.
If you didn’t want the Oedipus tag, you should not have composed a lengthy essay about what it would be like to gnaw on mommy’s hoo-hah. When you repeatedly come on these boards and tell everyone that you’re contemplating suicide, don’t be shocked when they yell “jump!” And don’t start whining when everyone gets pissed because you decided not to jump.
You made your bed, now go lie in it. And don’t be dragging any kiddies in there with you.
They willingly supply a smack-based message board with ammo, yet cry foul when we take said ammo and load our pistols with it, aim, and fire.
Own up, ladies.
I'll never forget the SoCal trollstop that I attended at the National Sports Bar & Grill in West Covina, CA. All in all it was pretty tame early on, but as everyone got more and more fucked up, it got crazy pretty fast.ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:Tom In VA wrote:Should we do a "Troll Stop" or a "Clone Tour Troll Roll" or something ?
Vegas would be cool, never been there.
I always thought these gatherings were gay... but they do seem to spawn some epic smack afterwards. Of course, when you get a large collection of losers together in the same place... it's hard not to have some decent fallout. I am down with you A-Holes gettting together, doing stupid shit, and documenting said stupidity.
Probably the most frightening aspect was seeing Cinder's charcoal chiclets up close and personal. Ever wonder why her mouth is always closed when she takes those pics that she loves to post? It's because she's tooted so much fucking meth and sucked down so many Marlboro Reds that every one of her teeth...literally...every one, is tar-stained yellow and rimmed with an 1/8" thick coating of black decay. Ugh, what a mess that gaping maw was.
I remember sitting out on the patio drinking a beer and talking to ppanther, when Cinder rips off her shirt and grandma bra, starts laughing like Barney Rubble (Uh HUH HUH!) and gets on a guy's lap(his name was OnIn2 or something like that) and rubs her tits in his face, giving him a hideous middle-aged woman saggy ass lap dance. Ugh. Those tits looked like someone nailed two runny eggs to a fence board. I feel like pouring bleach in my ear hole in an attempt to erase that thought from my memory banks.
Probably the most amusing aspect of the evening was watching NoCalSnowWhore try to spread out her time amongst the five or so guys to whom she had intimated that she might have sex with. It was like she couldn't quite decide who to fuck so she'd just rub up on and make out with ALL of them and pick one at the end of the night. Freaking classic.
I don't remember who, but someone fucked HiCal that night (maybe Freeze?) and someone nailed Cinder. Personally I have more respect for my cock than that, but to each his own.
I doubt that I'd ever go to one of these again, because quite honestly once was enough. I only went to that one because it was about 20 miles from my house in OC at the time. I do have to say though that although a few people were more than a bit odd and several of the guys looked like they skipped their D&D night to attend, most were pretty cool, fairly normal people.
- ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
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- Location: The corner of get a map and fuck off.
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- Mister Bushice
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Holy Christ. After all these years and every awful description of cinder and her body parts, you'd think there'd be no disgusting gems left.Those tits looked like someone nailed two runny eggs to a fence board.
Rack OC. :)
If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator." —GWB Washington, D.C., Dec. 19, 2000
Martyred wrote: Hang in there, Whitey. Smart people are on their way with dictionaries.
War Wagon wrote:being as how I've got "stupid" draped all over, I'm not really sure.
Riiiiiiiiight...because everyone around here is just falling all over themselves to regale the board with an invented tale about their night at a gay bar. Uh, probably not.Toddowen wrote:It's surprising that there wasn't a fight at the National with a wall being broken thru revealing a gay porn film shoot.
You might want to use your analytical skills for something other than wondering if the ceiling fan in the living room is strong enough to support your body weight when swinging from a noose.
- Atomic Punk
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- Location: El Segundo, CA
People want you to kill yourself because you owe it to the planet to leave. You are a worthless piece of shit and your opinions have no value. Has nothing to do with the fact you don't like rock and roll music.
YOU have no value and need to end your life tonight.
People want you to kill yourself because you owe it to the planet to leave. You are a worthless piece of shit and your opinions have no value. Has nothing to do with the fact you don't like rock and roll music.
YOU have no value and need to end your life tonight.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.
Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
This has nothing to do with agreeing or disagreeing with someone. And who the fuck is talking about Van Halen or Boston? That thread is over there --------->
You implied that I was a liar and I fired back. If you're confused about how a basic UBB interaction takes place after thousands of posts on various boards, I can't help you. Well, I can, I'm just not going to.
I didn't suggest that you kill yourself, I suggested that you were thinking about it. Pretty big difference there. Anyway, if you care to return to your original "I want to off myself" thread, you'll notice that I was one of the few that was supportive. But just because I was supportive then doesn't mean that I won't give you shit about it months later.
You implied that I was a liar and I fired back. If you're confused about how a basic UBB interaction takes place after thousands of posts on various boards, I can't help you. Well, I can, I'm just not going to.
I didn't suggest that you kill yourself, I suggested that you were thinking about it. Pretty big difference there. Anyway, if you care to return to your original "I want to off myself" thread, you'll notice that I was one of the few that was supportive. But just because I was supportive then doesn't mean that I won't give you shit about it months later.
- Atomic Punk
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Oh trust me, I remember who did who that night but will let it rest years after the fact.OCmike wrote: I don't remember who, but someone fucked HiCal that night (maybe Freeze?) and someone nailed Cinder. Personally I have more respect for my cock than that, but to each his own.
I doubt that I'd ever go to one of these again, because quite honestly once was enough. I only went to that one because it was about 20 miles from my house in OC at the time. I do have to say though that although a few people were more than a bit odd and several of the guys looked like they skipped their D&D night to attend, most were pretty cool, fairly normal people.
I've met a lot of people from these Rome boards and can honestly say they were all good people... even DiS. However, this IS a smack board so it is what it is. There are many I haven't met and acts like Tardowen needing to off his shit self is an honest opinion of mine.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.
Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
- Atomic Punk
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- Location: El Segundo, CA
inkydave and Diego in Seattle hung out together quite a bit at the 2nd socal trollstop in West Covina while the rest of us got fucked up and had a good time.
People hate on TVblOw, but he's super cool. He told me that fucking tard Drew (I forgot his nick... the guy that wore a Red Wing's jersey to the 1st socal event) "He just sat at this table by himself" and I guess was a loser like the next SnoCal swooner in indyclown. I never met each of them either.
Smackie, Artist, ppanther, the Conducts, freeze, Jake, etc. etc. were all cool peeps and I'm leaving out a lot of others... but it was a fun night. Y2K and I had a blast from leaving Fresneck to the return. Harsh went down to SLO to pick up TVO and we all met up.
I forget how many years ago that was, but that's were the fat and eye smack started on my ass. hahaha
A year or two later many of that crowd came up to Fresno to tailgate at Fresno State when David Carr and Bernard Berrian were kicking ass. That weekend was a lot of fun also with many of the same characters. You may or may not know it from the board banter, but Smackie and TVO were some of the more interesting people to listen to while we were partying at Harsh's house after the game.
A few years ago while travelling to New Jersey for a year of going to the school of hard knocks, Y2K and I met David in Tulsa and he was absolutely the best dude there is. We had no idea when we would arrive but diT is about as cool of a guy as there is.
Next day we went to STL and met up with a few.
In New Jersey I met up with socal at Princeton University for a beer and burger. He encouraged me to look forward to the return home and it wouldn't be that long. THAT bar was kick ass and made great burgers. Small world when an original SC poster shows up in yer back yard 3250 miles away at the time.
That all being said, I'm sure there are a few from these boards I really wouldn't want to meet. Many people roll through life in the traditional sense where they never stray from a routine nor ever leave their home town. There is a lot out there to experience and enjoy.
I would be pushing 3 bills by now if I never left California to New Jersey to what turned out to be the most difficult year in my life. I prolly have more friends there than in CA and they couldn't believe I survived that fucked up year. Adversity cures all. Ask Y2K about it if you don't believe it.
So as I reminisce, I have this one picture I took on the I-40 passing Amarillo, Texas towards Albacrackie when the Sun was about to set where I felt total peace.... So I got that going for me... which is nice.

People hate on TVblOw, but he's super cool. He told me that fucking tard Drew (I forgot his nick... the guy that wore a Red Wing's jersey to the 1st socal event) "He just sat at this table by himself" and I guess was a loser like the next SnoCal swooner in indyclown. I never met each of them either.
Smackie, Artist, ppanther, the Conducts, freeze, Jake, etc. etc. were all cool peeps and I'm leaving out a lot of others... but it was a fun night. Y2K and I had a blast from leaving Fresneck to the return. Harsh went down to SLO to pick up TVO and we all met up.
I forget how many years ago that was, but that's were the fat and eye smack started on my ass. hahaha
A year or two later many of that crowd came up to Fresno to tailgate at Fresno State when David Carr and Bernard Berrian were kicking ass. That weekend was a lot of fun also with many of the same characters. You may or may not know it from the board banter, but Smackie and TVO were some of the more interesting people to listen to while we were partying at Harsh's house after the game.
A few years ago while travelling to New Jersey for a year of going to the school of hard knocks, Y2K and I met David in Tulsa and he was absolutely the best dude there is. We had no idea when we would arrive but diT is about as cool of a guy as there is.
Next day we went to STL and met up with a few.
In New Jersey I met up with socal at Princeton University for a beer and burger. He encouraged me to look forward to the return home and it wouldn't be that long. THAT bar was kick ass and made great burgers. Small world when an original SC poster shows up in yer back yard 3250 miles away at the time.
That all being said, I'm sure there are a few from these boards I really wouldn't want to meet. Many people roll through life in the traditional sense where they never stray from a routine nor ever leave their home town. There is a lot out there to experience and enjoy.
I would be pushing 3 bills by now if I never left California to New Jersey to what turned out to be the most difficult year in my life. I prolly have more friends there than in CA and they couldn't believe I survived that fucked up year. Adversity cures all. Ask Y2K about it if you don't believe it.
So as I reminisce, I have this one picture I took on the I-40 passing Amarillo, Texas towards Albacrackie when the Sun was about to set where I felt total peace.... So I got that going for me... which is nice.

BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.
Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
- Eternal Scobode
- Posts: 21259
- Joined: Wed Jan 19, 2005 2:35 pm
- Atomic Punk
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- Location: El Segundo, CA
Yep, and it seems some would take the time to make this a Wikipedia item too.MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:Whoa.
Some people really like this message board stuff.
Ahhhhh, what a nice place to vent and to be expressive. Good thing there are sports figures to bitch about or people would crack upon each other.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.
Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
Yeah, I remember him being a good guy also.Atomic Punk wrote: People hate on TVblOw, but he's super cool.
Isn't Drew "OmegaVerb"? If so, I'm sure he was more than a little distraught at seeing her cocksurfing, since he had a well-known crush on HiCalAtomic Punk wrote:He told me that fucking tard Drew (I forgot his nick... the guy that wore a Red Wing's jersey to the 1st socal event) "He just sat at this table by himself" and I guess was a loser like the next SnoCal swooner in indyclown. I never met each of them either.
Which reminds me, I forgot that I also attended the NoCal trollstop that was at Russ and HiCal's place in Orangevale. I had a family event that same weekend, so I was already making the drive up North. I brought along my old drinking buddy, my younger sister (still not sure what I was thinking there...Smackie, Artist, ppanther, the Conducts, freeze, Jake, etc. etc. were all cool peeps and I'm leaving out a lot of others... but it was a fun night. Y2K and I had a blast from leaving Fresneck to the return. Harsh went down to SLO to pick up TVO and we all met up.

Best part about that night was that HiCal had told several people (myself included) that she and Russ used to date, but now were just roommates.

Do you mind? We're trying to act like a yenta sewing circle here and you're killing our flow.Mgo wrote:Whoa.
Some people really like this message board stuff.
Ouch... he kinda landed on that one for ya Mike.Atomic Punk wrote:Yep, and it seems some would take the time to make this a Wikipedia item too.MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:Whoa.
Some people really like this message board stuff.
Mr. Magoo's funny that way... he's the kinda dork that walks down the sidewalk in a city, and while everyone else that's walking down the same sidewalk, all avoid the dogshit laying right there in perfect view... he finds a way of stepping in it.
I've always found that kinda guy amazing... and with skills that can't be taught.
- Atomic Punk
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- Location: El Segundo, CA
Tard, I've previously stated there are 3 locks as rock and roll bands I listen to.
To repeat:
Led Zeppelin
Van Halen (with David Lee Roth)
There are others like zztop, The Who with Keith Moon, SRV, Judas Priest, AC/DC wit Bon Scott, Cheap Trick, Supertramp, CCR,and numerous others.
The 3 I've mentioned ARE Rock & Roll to me. Since you are a pedo-faggot, I will admit I liked the band Queen as they kicked ass back in the day. Brian May was the man back then. Just don't take that as an advance towards your black hole ass.
To repeat:
Led Zeppelin
Van Halen (with David Lee Roth)
There are others like zztop, The Who with Keith Moon, SRV, Judas Priest, AC/DC wit Bon Scott, Cheap Trick, Supertramp, CCR,and numerous others.
The 3 I've mentioned ARE Rock & Roll to me. Since you are a pedo-faggot, I will admit I liked the band Queen as they kicked ass back in the day. Brian May was the man back then. Just don't take that as an advance towards your black hole ass.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.
Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
- Eternal Scobode
- Posts: 21259
- Joined: Wed Jan 19, 2005 2:35 pm
I don't quite see the comparison between creating a wiki page for shits and giggles and having a personal relationship with everyone who has registered on the boards since SCIII.Atomic Punk wrote:Yep, and it seems some would take the time to make this a Wikipedia item too.MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:Whoa.
Some people really like this message board stuff.
Ahhhhh, what a nice place to vent and to be expressive. Good thing there are sports figures to bitch about or people would crack upon each other.