LoCal Brewery Runs Delivery Trucks on Onion Rings

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LoCal Brewery Runs Delivery Trucks on Onion Rings

Post by Mikey »

RACK the Stone Brewery for switching to self generated biodiesel.
Stone Brewery Newsletter wrote:Stone Brewing Delivery Trucks Partially Powered By Arrogant Bastard Ale Onion Rings
Environmentally Conscious Brewer Begins Using BioDiesel Mixture
WHO: Stone Brewing Co.
WHAT: BioDiesel Fuels Beer Trucks
WHEN: February 2007
WHERE: All Over Southern California

Escondido, San Diego County, CA --- It may sound like something from a science fiction movie, but the Stone Brewing Co. is now fueling its trucks with something that smells good and tastes good: Arrogant Bastard Ale Onion Rings! Perhaps, the onion rings are a little bit of a stretch—but not far off, since the decade old brewery is now using a biodiesel blend in all of its delivery trucks.

Co-founders Steve Wagner and Greg Koch have always been concerned about impacts on the environment, so a switch to using biodiesel makes perfect sense. “One of our brewers has been making biodiesel for his personal truck for some time, and it only made sense that if he could do it on his own, we owed it to the environment to do the same,” said President and Brewmaster Steve Wagner.

For its delivery trucks, Stone Brewing Co. currently uses a biodiesel blend called B-20 (a fuel with 20% biodiesel), which equates to approximately 2,000 gallons per month of pure bio fuel being used (Stone currently uses about 10,000 gallons of fuel monthly). Stone, however, hopes to completely switch over to a B99 or B100 (pure biodiesel) later this year.

Stone Lead Brewer John Egan began converting waste vegetable oil (wvo) into biodiesel approximately two years ago. Knowing that any diesel engine can run on biodiesel without any conversions, he was instantly enthused about the opportunity. “It’s renewable, it’s good for the environment, it’s good for American farmers, and eliminates my contribution to foreign oil,” said Egan. He now runs a 1980 Mercedes and a 1999 Dodge Cummins Turbo Diesel on the biodiesel he converts himself. His source: Stone’s legendary Arrogant Bastard Ale Onion Rings.

For years, the public has come to love the Arrogant Bastard Ale onion rings served each and every year at the Stone Anniversary Celebrations. Now, with the opening of the Stone Brewing World Bistro & Gardens, fans can get these delicious onion rings every day. The byproduct of these incredible, doughnut-sized appetizers is waste vegetable oil. So, as more Bistro-goers order them, along with the Stone Spud Buds (deep fried garlicky mashed potatoes), more oil is available for conversion by Egan. And he couldn’t be happier. “I can eat them at lunch, then take the by-product home to run my vehicles, how cool is that!”
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Post by Douchebag »

go fuck yourself

see you in cali
Get fucked, dick.
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Post by Y2K »

Douchebag wrote:go fuck yourself

see you in cali

You won't enjoy California much looking out a hospital window. I suggest you keep a map of local ER's handy and wear your Medic Alert Bracelet with not only the treatment instructions for your sudden spastic seizures because of the botched lobotomy but removing your bloated head from your fat ass as well. I have no problem at all with checking you out of the trauma unit just to beat the fucking shit out of you and drop your crippled corpse off in some orchard or canal bank along our beautiful Blossom Trail just so your stupid ass won't get cheated on the local scenery. We could always meet up in Yosemite, It would be pretty damn fucking funny watching you try to fly once I toss you off the top of Half Dome.

You're little roadie will end right here in Cen Cal.

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Post by smackaholic »

rack the hell outta biodiesel. it's a real alternative fuel that is here now. Ever a right wing scorched earth cro magnon like me is on the biodiesel bandwagon. too bad most of the other alternatives aren't as promising.

so, mike, when you trading that pig v-10 sparker in for a diesel pickem'up. I'm sure a lardass like you goes through enough fried chow to have enough wvo sitting around to power a whole fleet of rigs.

btw, the park about no mods is a bit misleading. most diesel rigs do need injector nozzle mods to properly run on veggie earl.
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Post by James Dean Bradfield »

Ruination good stuff . Double Bastard is too !!
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Post by Dinsdale »

Only a 20% blend? That makes them "earth killers" in the U&L.

smackaholic wrote:rack the hell outta biodiesel. it's a real alternative fuel that is here now. Ever a right wing scorched earth cro magnon like me is on the biodiesel bandwagon. too bad most of the other alternatives aren't as promising.

Biodeisel must be a good alternative, since you right wing cro magnons got some laws passed severely limiting its distribution, without anybody even hearing about the outrageous laws that scream "big oil conspiracy" when you actually hear about them.
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Post by Mikey »

smackaholic wrote:rack the hell outta biodiesel. it's a real alternative fuel that is here now. Ever a right wing scorched earth cro magnon like me is on the biodiesel bandwagon. too bad most of the other alternatives aren't as promising.

so, mike, when you trading that pig v-10 sparker in for a diesel pickem'up. I'm sure a lardass like you goes through enough fried chow to have enough wvo sitting around to power a whole fleet of rigs.

btw, the park about no mods is a bit misleading. most diesel rigs do need injector nozzle mods to properly run on veggie earl.
The V10 got put in mothballs at the beginning of the year and only gets taken out when needed. I changed jobs and have to commute 20 miles each way 5 days a week, so now I'm driving a new Hyundai 911S to save on gas. I did get the V6 so's I can't be accused of being too much of a tree hugger.

Dins, if you read the note they're looking at going to 100% veggie oil by the end of the year. Maybe they should team up with Willie Nelson and start up a Stone Brewery Red Headed Stranger biodiesel truck stop in Escondido. That would be cool. I could ship down the drippings out of my smoker.
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Post by orcinus »

James Dean Bradfield wrote:Ruination good stuff.
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Post by smackaholic »

wtf is a hyundai 911S? I would think that some folks in der fatherland might have an issue with their name choice.
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Post by OCmike »

Hyundai was already sued by Jaguar for blatantly ripping off it's basic body design, so why not rip another company's vehicle name? I'm sure the "Hyundai Countach" isn't far off...
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Post by Mikey »

It's a Sonata, but 911S just sounds a lot cooler.

And I don't know why Jaguar would sue Hyundai. It, at least mine, looks nothing like a Jaguar. You can hardly tell it from an Accord or Camry, but it's nothing like a Jaguar. I actually tried to load my groceries into a white Accord that was parked next to mine a couple of weeks ago.
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Post by Tom In VA »

Holy shit, who knew.

Just bought the wife an '05 Sonata and was commenting to her on how it looked like a Jag and that we're "moving on up" :cheesygrin: to the East Side.
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Post by Mikey »

I guess maybe the '05 resembles a Jag. They changed the body style for 06/07.

My main reasons for buying one were the price and the warranty. Plus I actually liked it better in the test drive than the Accord.
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Post by OCmike »

A friend of mine in OC was hired by Hyundai to work on their marketing program in '04 or so. They told him that Hyundai initially entered the market by producing shit cars at a low price just to get people familiar with the name.

Now they were making higher quality cars and were offering the ten year warranty as an incentive to buy, but were (shockingly :meds:) having a hard time convincing people that they were now making better vehicles and wanted him to come up with ideas on how to get this message across.

Only in the automotive industry would anyone try an inane business strategy like this. They'll end up losing their ass on those ten-year warranties alone.
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Post by The Whistle Is Screaming »

OCmike wrote: Only in the automotive industry would anyone try an inane business strategy like this. They'll end up losing their ass on those ten-year warranties alone.
Ahh, no. They are amongst the most reliable cars being built today. They would lose their asses if they still built shit cars with 10 yr warranties, but that's not the case. Have an '02 Sante Fe (wifes car) and have had no problems. Know several people who bought "newer" hyundais and everyone has the same experience. Will probably trade in the Sante Fe for the new Entourage mini van this summer. They give you a lot of features for the $'s and are making reliable cars, they learned from the Japs how to do that right.
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Post by Mikey »

Hyundai is now near the top of the quality pyramid, and is still underpricing the competion by at least $1,000 per vehicle, and offering better standard features.

The 10 year warranty is a great selling point too, and I've noticed that other automakers are being forced to improve their warranty periods because of it. If they can keep doing what they are doing, and overcome the bad quality reputation they could make some major inroads in the market.
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Post by Tom In VA »


It was a very vague resemblence


My comment to my wife and the sale dude was more along the lines of it looks as if the Jag inspired it, mostly that rear ....

Either way, it's a nice car, the wife's happy, and I'm next. :hahahaha:

I think I'm Cherokee bound again.
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Post by Tom In VA »

The Whistle Is Screaming wrote:
OCmike wrote: Only in the automotive industry would anyone try an inane business strategy like this. They'll end up losing their ass on those ten-year warranties alone.
Ahh, no. They are amongst the most reliable cars being built today. They would lose their asses if they still built shit cars with 10 yr warranties, but that's not the case. Have an '02 Sante Fe (wifes car) and have had no problems. Know several people who bought "newer" hyundais and everyone has the same experience. Will probably trade in the Sante Fe for the new Entourage mini van this summer. They give you a lot of features for the $'s and are making reliable cars, they learned from the Japs how to do that right.

The wife actually wanted a 2003 Santa Fe with 75K miles on it for 14-15K. I suggested something newer, perhaps a car with less miles for that same price. We ended up with the '05 Sonata for 12K and it had 30K miles on it. I think we did the right thing, but I have to ask ...... it was a decision based primarily out of fear of being saddled with a 75K car to which my wife would easily had close to 15-20K per year. I don't know. She's happy now, but everytime I see a Sante Fe on the road I start feeling a little guilty for talking her out of the Santa Fe.
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Post by Mikey »

I'm actually quite impressed with my little Sonata. The V6 is rated at something like 236 HP and some guy in Arizona was supposedly clocked doing 147 mph in a rental last year. The gas mileage isn't what I would call great, but it's still twice what I was getting in my Ford pickemup. It handles a lot better too. Right now I'm pretty much sold on the whole Hyundai lineup. The wife may get an Excel this year.

Tom, I think you made the right decision. That Santa Fe didn't have much left on the warranty and that's one of the main attractions of the brand.
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Post by The Whistle Is Screaming »

We bought hers new and it has about 60k miles on it. The only complaint I have is the 4cyl engine, I would get the 6 next time. I drove one with the 3.5 v6 and it is no comparison. We intended on getting another one, but recently saw the Entourage and decided that with 2 young kids we could use the space of the mini van. I really like the new body style Sante Fe.
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Post by OCmike »

The Whistle Is Screaming wrote: Ahh, no. They are amongst the most reliable cars being built today. They would lose their asses if they still built shit cars with 10 yr warranties, but that's not the case. Have an '02 Sante Fe (wifes car) and have had no problems. Know several people who bought "newer" hyundais and everyone has the same experience. Will probably trade in the Sante Fe for the new Entourage mini van this summer. They give you a lot of features for the $'s and are making reliable cars, they learned from the Japs how to do that right.
You misunderstood me. I agree that Hyundai produces some of the higher-quality cars on the road today.

My point wasn't that they would go out of business because all of their cars would turn to shit inside of 10 years, but that offering a 10-year warranty would be costly to any car builder, just because a certain number of vehicles from any maker will always have problems and the longer the warranty, the higher the costs(obviously). Guess I could have worded it better...
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Post by Goober McTuber »

Did anyone bother to check http://www.edmunds.com? Looks to me like Tom got a decent deal. Only ’05 Sonata I found within 200 miles of Arlington that was under $13,000 was about $12,800 with 171,000 miles on it.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

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Post by Tom In VA »

You have a direct link ?

Sterling, VA isn't that far from Manassas, VA and looks like I got a standard deal.

http://www.usedcarsplus.com/usedcars/14 ... index.html

Another in Alexandria .... which is down the road a piece from Arlington, VA.

http://www.usedcarsplus.com/usedcars/14 ... index.html
Last edited by Tom In VA on Thu Mar 15, 2007 7:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by The Whistle Is Screaming »

It's OK, you've been bogged down with those damn word problems. You get a pass.

The 10 yr part of the warranty is powertrain (100k), the bumper-bumper is 5yr/60k, still better than most, but with a quality car it really won't come into play. We had 1 "warranty" issue with the car, it was a rear seatbelt that didn't tension properly for a car seat.
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Post by Mikey »

I paid something like $700 or $800 extra to extend the bumper-to-bumper out to 10yr/100K, and it's completely transferrable. I may not use the warranty but it will be a good selling point if I ever decide to sell it.
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Post by The Whistle Is Screaming »

We had ours extended to 6/72 for free because they misstated the HP in their printed material and gave it to us to make up for their error. Then, as a part of the class action suit we got like a $200 gift card.
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Post by Tom In VA »

Goobs, I'm not so sure you used Edmunds right.

[web]http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/searchres ... ywordsfyc=[/web]
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Post by Goober McTuber »

Interesting. I used a different zip and limited it to under $13,000.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

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Post by Tom In VA »

Well I don't know if you're concerned or your looking for smack fodder, but you must be bored.

As am I so I'll indulge you, just throw me back in the water when we're done, 'kay ?

I purchased the car in Manassas, VA 20110.

That's just about 40 miles from Arlington. Which Zip did you use for Arlington ?
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Post by Goober McTuber »

I used 22222. I just guessed at a zip that might be close to DC. Of course, I also specified that the mileage should be less than 45,000 and it brought back that one high mileage car.

It looked to me like you got a hell of a deal. Probably a flood-damaged car from Mississippi.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Post by Tom In VA »

Looks like there's a whole lot of 05's with flood damage in the area then.

You're an odd dude, Gooober. Entertaining and a good read here and there, but odd as hell.

Overall C+. The "creepy" factor brought you down today.

You're not trying to triangulate my location so you can give it to Douchebag are you ?

P.S. 22222 isn't an acceptable zip code for arlington.
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Post by Goober McTuber »

Tom, if I wanted to know where you live, I’d just ask diT.

You’re probably “creeped” out by some of my comments because you’re not looking at the tone of my voice.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Post by Tom In VA »

Theee diT ?


Yeah okay, we bought the car in Manassas, but travelled far and wide just to get the deal.


A+ Goober, good talking to you, good karma your way and all. HPOD and all if I get a vote.

With all the horseshit around here, you'd think there'd be a pony somewhere.
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