If it truly bothers you so much, then don't click the forum. Simple solution.IndyGunClown wrote:You seriously all need to get a new fucking hobby.
You know damned well by the title what goes on here, and yet, for reasons of sheer stupidity and self-inflated ego, you feel it necessary to click the link and admonish us. Do you honestly, for a second, think that a single one of us would decide to cease discussing politics just because you of all people are offended by our discussions?
"Wow....some drive-by poster came in
and pointed out to us that indulging in
political debates on a message board
may not be the most productive use of
our time...perhaps I should re-evaluate
my priorities in life..."
Hell, the only reason I even bothered to respond to you is that my kids are watching cartoons, I need a break from grading quizzes, and I have a caffeine buzz.