Felix wrote:by all means then tart...explain to me what I learned and lived all of my life....
Ok ....
Felix, I'm pretty sure you're an all-around swell guy. First round of drinks is always on you, stop to change Dan Vogel's tire for him, never piss in the neighbor's swimming pool. Myself, I'm probably not nearly as swell as you are, honestly.
Since you asked, there is a lot of talk about where the Bible is 'false' or off base, but I'll tell you the essence of the Bible. The core.
God created everything.
Trees were created to live in the ground. Apart from this order they die.
Fish created to live in the water. Apart from this they die.
Man created to live
with God. Apart from this they die.
The man God created to live with him was deceived by satan, sinned and was separated from God.
The man's life became a curse. This is his fate, and he will surely die.
All men come from this starting point, because we are offspring of the original man.
So we are born into this curse and this fate.
God is spirit, and He created man in His image -- man has a spirit, and a spiritual hunger.
So people, whot were
intended to live
with God, by His grace, instead live by their own strength.
They take on many behaviors, attitudes, strategies, etc ..... in attempt to find a sense of happiness.
But this leads them deeper into their problems.
People become mentally oppressed. We see it everywhere. Who can honestly say they are not oppressed? And some become very seriously oppressed.
Then people develop physical problems.
Then they die.
Then because they were told so many times to believe in God, but didn't, they go to hell.
Then their 'spiritual problems' are passed on to their children.
This is the resume of man.
But we know that God gave us the way out, the way to meet Him again, the way to receive His grace.
The man Jesus, who uniquely and stunningly fulfilled all.
Now you have particular issues with the Bible -- the hair, the tat's, women speaking in church .... and on and on.
I can speak to those topics and give answers to you.
However, if you don't buy what I've posted above we are wasting our time by discussing them, aren't we ... ?
My pastor has no mullet, Eaglebauer.