Speaking of workouts ...

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Speaking of workouts ...

Post by RadioFan »

Anyone watch that abortion of a reality show on Bravo called "Workout?"

For some reason -- probably because I was tired as fuck -- last night I was channel surfing and came across this show, and they were doing like this mini-marathon. Holy fucking superficial train wrecks, batman. Damn. RJ notwithstanding, I'm pretty much convinced that anyone who takes this working out shit seriously enough to make it a career has some major fucking issues -- intelligence not among them. Holy fuck.

The show is about this lesbian chick, Jackie Warner, who owns this gym and has several personal trainer employees. They seem to do everything together, even though (theoretically) they're supposed to be "working."

The only reason why I kept flipping back to this show is that one of the employees, an insanely hot chick, got it on with the owner. Hot lesbians, in a reality show? IN, and the only thing that would keep me flipping to any sort of reality show whatsoever. (And Btw, ST, they didn't even show anything outside of kissing, and just when they were getting into that, the show would go to commercial or cut to some other scene, meaning I couldn't even rub one out. Fuck me.)

The rest of the "show" is a bunch of complete morons, for the most part, who talk about three things:

1. Training people and working out themselves.
2. Their "relationship" to each other and how they "feel" about it.
3. Sex.

That's it.

It's pretty much LA incarnate, given the brief times I've spent there. In short, boring show, with some hot lesbian pseudoism. Oh, and any inclinations I had about "joining a gym" just went out the window, thanks to Jackie and her band of freaks.

Van wrote:It's like rimming an unbathed fat chick from Missouri. It's highly distinctive, miserably unforgettable and completely wrong.
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Re: Speaking of workouts ...

Post by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 »

RadioFan wrote:Anyone watch that abortion of a reality show on Bravo called "Workout?"

Any "man" who watches any reality show (besides Cops, of course) is the epitome of a cum guzzling queen. Good fucking God, please ban your IP before subjecting us heteros to your next homo-submission. What's next, queerbait? How many votes did you call into American Idol last night? Ewww. I have to go soak my body in Purrell for an hour just to cleanse myself of the utter fagottry of this thread.

I seriously think Liberace lovingly rubbing a bukkake blast from Peter North's mancannon into his anal sores is less gay than this thread. Too close to call, but... maybe.
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Post by RadioFan »

Dude, you are married. Congrats.

Now tell your hoss, err, "lady," to just whoa doggie it, a bit.

I didn't even post Jackie's picture and your woman already has you writing smack for her? Day-um.

RACK her, for understanding the glory of hot lesbianism undertones.

Btw, I've still got the O/U, on 5 years, bro. :wink:
Van wrote:It's like rimming an unbathed fat chick from Missouri. It's highly distinctive, miserably unforgettable and completely wrong.
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Post by Goober McTuber »

I will confess to inadvertently stumbling onto Workout last week while channel surfing. Near as I could tell, every single personal trainer on there is gay, male and female. No shock there.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

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Post by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 »

RadioFan wrote:Dude, you are married. Congrats.

Now tell your hoss, err, "lady," to just whoa doggie it, a bit.

I didn't even post Jackie's picture and your woman already has you writing smack for her? Day-um.

RACK her, for understanding the glory of hot lesbianism undertones.

Btw, I've still got the O/U, on 5 years, bro. :wink:

And I've set the O/U on the number of beers consumed before submitting this take at 11.

Drunk dude says... wha? What does this have to do with my wife?
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Post by Tom In VA »

The main broad in that show is hot, I don't care. I've seen previews.

ucan't ... why do you think a show that dislays mostly male cops putting mostly male perps in handcuffs, frisking them and spreading them ... is "okay" That screams latency.

Do you envision yourself taking your big meat hooks up the crotch of a some handcuffed man to see if he's "smuggling something" while you watch the show ?
With all the horseshit around here, you'd think there'd be a pony somewhere.
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Post by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 »


Cops is the funniest sitcom of all-time. Cheers? MASH? Seinfeld? Whatever. Cops blows them all away.

Seeing Nogs getting tazed and watching the officers kneeing and elbowing a bunch of prone criminals while they yell "Stop Resisting" for the cameras is pure comedic gold. I feel sad for anyone who doesn't think this show is hilarious. Not to mention the car chases, trailer park trash wailing on each other, drunks causing accidents, the shootouts. There's almost too much funny to list.

I was watching a re-run the other day when some hillbilly and a trannie were pulled over in a red light district. You should have seen the look on the hillybilly's face when he found at he'd been blown by... a man. You can't fake that look, dude.

Best. Show. Ever. Period.
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Post by Rootbeer »

Ucan't, where do you rank Dog: The Bounty Hunter?
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Post by Goober McTuber »

ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:Tom,

Cops is the funniest sitcom of all-time. Cheers? MASH? Seinfeld? Whatever. Cops blows them all away.

Seeing Nogs getting tazed and watching the officers kneeing and elbowing a bunch of prone criminals while they yell "Stop Resisting" for the cameras is pure comedic gold. I feel sad for anyone who doesn't think this show is hilarious. Not to mention the car chases, trailer park trash wailing on each other, drunks causing accidents, the shootouts. There's almost too much funny to list.

I was watching a re-run the other day when some hillbilly and a trannie were pulled over in a red light district. You should have seen the look on the hillybilly's face when he found at he'd been blown by... a man. You can't fake that look, dude.

Well, hopefully it didn’t look anything like this:

Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Post by Dinsdale »

ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote: Best. Show. Ever. Period.

Not down...

Since all of those hosts/"stars"/producers and whatnot are all former Beaverton/Portland police officers that used to hassle ol' Dins on a pretty regular basis. All of those Barbour/Langly/Stojanovich shows are all a bunch of Beaverton homies. Heck, That CW Jensen tool was a next-door neighbor for a while(only back then, it was Carl, not CW). But thanks to your support, they've moved on to bigger and better things, and have better things to do than write me tickets for weed. Although my good good buddy still has to deal with that Bunnell dude, since he's his in-law.

But I suppose thanks are in order to folks like you, for providing those guys something better to do than be around here. Complete fucking dorks, every last one of them.

Oh, and it's probably good they're employed...I think a couple of those guys didn't leave their jobs with local departments of their own volition...couple of those guys got canned for being POS's.
Last edited by Dinsdale on Thu Apr 05, 2007 4:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 »

Rootbeer wrote:Ucan't, where do you rank Dog: The Bounty Hunter?
I tried watching that show once... too much running around and not enough action.

Plus, dude and his possee held hands and prayed before going to catch the bad guy.
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Post by Rootbeer »

ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:
Rootbeer wrote:Ucan't, where do you rank Dog: The Bounty Hunter?
I tried watching that show once... too much running around and not enough action.

Plus, dude and his possee held hands and prayed before going to catch the bad guy.
Dog is like the Moses of bail jumpers. It's pretty funny to watch if you're a hardened cynic like me.
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Post by BBMarley »

Rootbeer wrote:
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:
Rootbeer wrote:Ucan't, where do you rank Dog: The Bounty Hunter?
I tried watching that show once... too much running around and not enough action.

Plus, dude and his possee held hands and prayed before going to catch the bad guy.
Dog is like the Moses of bail jumpers. It's pretty funny to watch if you're a hardened cynic like me.
Ever see the Cartman episode where he was Dog and had the big fat girlfriend.. pretty funny stuff.
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Post by Rootbeer »

I don't get cable here in the bunker. The only South Park episode I've seen is the one where Carmen has a satellite dish come out of his butt and there were some aliens, I think. You all probably remember that episode. It's the one where Kenny died. Pretty memorable but I didn't catch the followup episode with the funeral. I bet that one was gut-busting funny.
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Post by patsy stone »

Rootbeer wrote:t's the one where Kenny died.
That happens in pretty much every episode. ;)
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Post by patsy stone »

By the way, I've watched that show Workout many times, and the owner's ex-girlfriend is a BEYOTCH! I hate her.
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Post by Dinsdale »

patsy stone wrote:
Rootbeer wrote:t's the one where Kenny died.
That happens in pretty much every episode.

OOOOHHHH...aren't you just the quick one?
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Post by patsy stone »

Shut up. I've been drinking.
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Post by Dinsdale »

Oh contrare, monswearette...

I generally keep my cool when the chicks fisrt start drinking, then run my smooove game once they get it going more.
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Post by patsy stone »

Ok, go ahead 'n run your smooooooove on me. I need it. Been lonesome 'round here. ;)
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