Meet Omar:

Just got him last night - He's a Rhodesian Ridgeback, which according to my wife is the absolute perfect dog for our family.
In the not so perfect category; he won't flush a pheasant or go get the pheasant after I shoot it.
He'll also grow to 90-120lbs which is sorta like having another rugrat to feed.
On the plus side, he seems pretty stout for a pup, given that my 6 & 8 year old boys have been pushing, pulling and rolling him around since he got home last night. And he hasn't eaten our other pets - the bearded Dragon or the cat. I'm hoping he eats the cat eventually, but I'm really fond of the bearded Dragon. He also hasn't chewed up any of my shoes, the furniture or my remote... yet. I'm sure that is coming.
According to the wife he's intelligent, loyal and very defensive of his family.
He also will "worry and confuse" a lion if one ever happens to get lose here in Blue Springs.
I know I feel much safer.
As for the name - they picked him up in Lamar, MO (hence the name Omar from Lamar) - I hate it.
But I get no say, I only pay the bills.