Headhunter wrote:
Where's encyclopedia Brown when you need him? This one looks easy. He capped his girl(or ex) in her dorm, and the RA from that floor, Then went to the lecture hall to find the dude she was fucking. Seems he had a very specific agenda!
Exactly. From what's being reported he's been planning this for over a month. He got the 9mm in March, waits the 30 days and then buys the .22. Looks like he called in the bomb threats to test campus security. Probably ran a few sims on his escape route out of the 1st dorm. Got down the class times of the people he was looking to whack.
No one heard the 1st shots at 7:15? Of course not, it's a fucking dorm. It's monday morning, everyone getting up and getting ready for class. You kNOW there's music blasting everywhere, tv's cranked up, Ipods listened to over head phones. He caps the first 2nd and was probably out of that building within 90 seconds. Who's going to notice someone leaving a dorm at 715ish in a hurry? Just some dude in a rush to get to the DC and to his 8 am class.
By the time the cops get there and try to start to figue out what's going on how much time has passed?
Now to these idiots talking about how they should have locked down the entire campus. How are you going to do that? It's not like it's a high school that has 1 main building and two or three out buildings. This is a mini city. There's probably over 100 buildings. Not to mention, the numerous sheds, traliers and other out buildings on a campus. There's probably 6 or 7 streets that lead into and out of campus. 26k students, probably about 1k in faculty and admin. Your looking to try and "lock down" 27,000 people spread out over 2,600 acres? Good luck with that. Campus police will have maybe what 20- 25 officers, who's main job is parking enforcement and dealing with the occasional drunk dorm parties and Marcus Vick. Even calling in the local cops do you have any idea how long it will take to clear one building let alone 100?
Just my rambling thoughts.