these are the guys that make it all happen for me. i've trained each and every one of them everything i know. not only fighting and how to be a BADASS but about planning and preparation. so, here we go
i present to you

meet A-Bomb. this guy got his name because finishes and DESTROYS anything that steps to him, IF i decide to call on him. sometimes i beat somebody around real good, just kinda toy around with them, especially if i don't take the fight seriously. but then at the end, I'll whistle for A-Bomb to step in and he'll drop fuckers to their knees. he will finish them off when i don't feel like it, or just want the joy of watching somebody else wreak havoc. some of you weak, pathetic little twigs will more than likely will get finished off from A-Bomb so I can conserve my energy for fuckwads like Y2K and smackaholic and other guys i want to DESTROY

this is Rollins. i met this guy when i was beating some ass outside a shopping plaza once and he was impressed with my skills. i told him what i'm about and he instantly wanted to join my team. Sometimes i have him beat ass but i mostly have him around for guidance in a fight. kind of like my caddie. i'll ask him to size up my opponent and see how he thinks i should attack. even though i know WAY more than him about ass pounding, i still like to have him around for his insight on certain situyations, because lets face it, when you're beating dudes down, your head is not thinking straight. one day when i retire he very well could take over the whole operation

this guy is one of my tighest bros. we kick it all the fucking time. dude is fucking MONEY. his name is Slim-J. Slim is responsible for hooking up with and finding the honeys i will be pounding throughout this fucking tour. all these ass beatings will require some nice hot fuckings at the end of the day to ease my mind. this dude has TIGHT game and he can spit it all over the fucking bitches. his job is to pull the ass and bring it back to my Quality Inn hotel where i will fuck these bitches silly.

this guy is pretty new to my crew. his name is Stevo. he is the guy that plans out the whole operation for my basically. he's my secretary, i guess you could fuckin say. he has been dealing with reps from Choice Hotels and Greyhound to get my itinerary scheduled up. he also has high tech, complex radar and tracking equipment to help my hunt you fucking dickwads down when you decide to HIDE in fear of me. i couldn't do this without Stevo, BOTTOM LINE.

this is guy's name is Dice. Dice has to be cool headed and constantly be aware of my surroundings in case any of you dicks pull something fast on me like roll up with weapons or other guys that migfht try to jump me from behind. he is also responsible for pulling me off anybody in case i get to the point where i am about to MURDER you. i don't want to murder if i don't have to. except for the #1 Shit List ranking fucko who WILL DIE.

last but not least we have Steiner. one thbing i want to make clear: when i'm not fighting I DON"T FIGHT. that's right. beating ass is strenuous so when i roll to the clubs and shit i want to keep things cool. that's why i have Steiner to hang with me as my personal bodyguard. he handles mouthy fuckwads when i'm "off the clock" so to speak. rarely do i have to use him because people look at me and don't fuck with me, but sometimes somebody will step to me and i just smirk at them and say, "you fucked up, pal" and Steiner will haul off and deck them. on the fucking ground OUT COLD.
now you've met my crew. tremble with FEAR you pathetic little dicks. ESPECIALLY you PSUFAN. ESPECIALLY YOU
check back on monday for week 2 rankings