You've identified his secret weapon: he will shoot his quills and their barbed ends will burrow deep in your flesh.R-Jack wrote: Porcupiner.
As long as I'm hiding behind R-Jack I might mention that Steiner has beady eyes and a donut chin.
Moderator: Jesus H Christ
so i roll out of the rock at 12:30 after a long night of pounding beers and bitches to find this mealy mouthed motherfucker flapping his twat lips? impressive. i'll have DB log that into your file for future notice, as in when DB kicks your ass six ways from sunday. that is, if he's on the clock at that time. otherwise, i'll have to finish his business, and trust me, you'd rather deal with the D than have to deal with the pure PAIN i will rain down on you.smackaholic wrote:
greco roman rasslin' silver medalist, heavyweight div
2004 special olympics
So you tryin to say you could take the D-Bag?Steiner wrote:i'll have DB log that into your file for future notice, as in when DB kicks your ass six ways from sunday. that is, if he's on the clock at that time. otherwise, i'll have to finish his business, and trust me, you'd rather deal with the D than have to deal with the pure PAIN i will rain down on you.
NO you FUCKING IDIOT. that is nOT what i'm sayin'. like the subordinate employee and team player that i am, i work EXTRA hard to keep my boss happy by going the extra mile when i'm kicking the shit out of mouthy pussies like you, BitchSmack.BSmack wrote:So you tryin to say you could take the D-Bag?Steiner wrote:i'll have DB log that into your file for future notice, as in when DB kicks your ass six ways from sunday. that is, if he's on the clock at that time. otherwise, i'll have to finish his business, and trust me, you'd rather deal with the D than have to deal with the pure PAIN i will rain down on you.
So why don't you just work a little extra hard on taking the D-Bag's job? Unmotivated much? Too much of a pussy?Steiner wrote:NO you FUCKING IDIOT. that is nOT what i'm sayin'. like the subordinate employee and team player that i am, i work EXTRA hard to keep my boss happy by going the extra mile when i'm kicking the shit out of mouthy pussies like you, BitchSmack.BSmack wrote:So you tryin to say you could take the D-Bag?Steiner wrote:i'll have DB log that into your file for future notice, as in when DB kicks your ass six ways from sunday. that is, if he's on the clock at that time. otherwise, i'll have to finish his business, and trust me, you'd rather deal with the D than have to deal with the pure PAIN i will rain down on you.
Temper temper D-Bag. Methinks you're getting a little insecure.Douchebag wrote:you shut your fucking mouth, B-Smack. nobody is taking over my throne anytime soon. if it's anyone though, it will be Rollins. when/if i decide to stop beating ass, i will mold him into the ring leader.
but that's neither here nor there. you don't need to worry about it.
just sit down, shut up, and await my fist stuffed down your fucking throat and out your asshole.
That's how the necklace is supposed to be, you moron. A little dirt and wear shows that I'm rugged. The bitches down at the Sunglass Hut think I look fucking hot. So fuck you.smackaholic wrote:
hey stevo, looks like your gettin' a little ring around the puka. you better bleach that thing. d-bag runs a pretty tight crew and won't put up with such a slovenly appearance.
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 on Fri Jul 20, 2007 10:30 am
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:
Right. Because unlike you, I actually respond to Vic. He's a funny poster
No you can't dipshit. Stick to your usual meaningless posturing. We'll just keep on laughing at you.Douchebag wrote:you like trivia, right? can I ask you a question?BSmack wrote:Methinks you're getting a little insecure.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
Umm, I should tell that more often than not we are NEVER seen when D-Bag arrives for the fight. Some of us are seen and brought into action ONLY if the D makes the call. No, we will be staked out in hidden locations watching everything unveil. This is his fight, not ours. we're just here to help run the operation.PSUFAN wrote:With each blow to the visage, the crew members will blacken and bluen. I can't wait to disfigure them - can't WAIT.
You're lying.I've spoken to the cops - I have connections - and they've given me a free pass to go apeshit on the Crew - to kill them, even.
FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!! THAT'SWHAT I"M TALKIN ABOUT!!! gonna crank up some PAUL WALL and get FUCKING FIRED UP!!!!!11Rollins wrote:Understand that we don't really give a flying fuck whether or not you like us. We're not here to entertain you stupid bastards.
No, we're not.
We're here to beat your asses down and then turn your women out. You know they all want us.
Just as soon as my shift is up this afternoon, I'm going to grab an ICE COLD Bud from Beaver Liquor, kick back in the pad and pop that Cro Cop fight in the vcr. D-Bag's been working on his kicks and might fight a few of you with his hands tied behind his back.
If things go well, I might even break into my special reserve. My boy Dice sent me a couple souvenir forties from the Cardinals world series last year. I hate the fucking Cardinals like I hate some of Steiner's farts, but I do love my Bud, so I pretend I'm at your house fucking your girlfriend's cousin while drinking them.
I've been saving up that sweet nectar age all winter long, and when I finally crack that mess today or tomorrow and sample that Beechwood-aged goodness, it's going to be better than shoving my fist down your throat. Not sure if it will top fucking your sister and her friends this summer, but we'll have to see just how hungry she is for the Rollins, now, won't we?
Choke on your fucking envy, losers. I'm going to get completely WRECKED tonight dreaming about your sister's lactating big tits.
I've been GRINDING on work all day and deserve to party. The awesome notes I've taken on all of you will be MORE than enough to give D-Bag an insurmountable edge as he prepares to wreck your dreams.
Eat me.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
They are in Tampa on June 3rd I believe. You can join Cicero and Co. for the beatdown of the Crew and T'Bag.SEC Ballsucking Homer wrote:I could use a warm-up before Troy State and Florida International.
Except you need to come down South for me to kick your ass, Crew. 92,000+ will witness.
Oh don't play coy with me Stevo. I mean, that shit-streaked toupee of yours is proof enough of what went down. And plastering on three layers of pancake makeup might hide the bruises and the red ridge of rubber burn around your ugly mug, but the truth has been told. You wear your shame like a badge. Now go scurry on back to your bitchmaster Doucheturd and let him know of your humiliation.Stevo wrote:Looks like we've got quite the bullshit story teller with one, Jay in Phoenix.
I don't think so, dickbag. I'm right here. I haven't left headquarters, and likely won't need to step outside of my cubicle on the Greyhound bus during the tour.
Sounds like Aesop here has taken a fancy to smelling Steiner's farts.Jay in Phoenix wrote:nuclear house of fire
This guy might just be the biggest douche of the bunch. I bet your teachers had two words for you, "social promotion".A-Bomb wrote:Shut the fuck up already, loser. My cremated grandmother could kick your ass.smackaholic wrote:whine whine whine
I bet nobody here knows what the fuck you are talking about.BSmack wrote:This guy might just be the biggest douche of the bunch. I bet your teachers had two words for you, "social promotion".A-Bomb wrote:Shut the fuck up already, loser. My cremated grandmother could kick your ass.smackaholic wrote:whine whine whine
They do because they are smarter than you. Then again, plankton could spot you a few IQ points.A-Bomb wrote:I bet nobody here knows what the fuck you are talking about.
Aesop? Oh my freaking god, did the piss swiller just make a literary reference? Now then Urinestotle, I wouldn't know about Steiners' lower digestive tracks output or input, as that would be your port of call. But since your all up my business with your fable bullshit, here's a couple for you. There's that one, 'The Sheperd Boy and the Wolf'. That should make something go 'ping' in your dulled, pickled brain. Your crew is blowing smoke and each other. It's going to come back and this wolf is going to bite. And then there's 'The Fox and the Grapes'. That's where the expression 'sour grapes' comes from. You've been eating them for awhile now, you and your crew, petty and jealous with envy of T1B's elite team of writers.Rollins wrote:Sounds like Aesop here has taken a fancy to smelling Steiner's farts.Whatever trips your trigger, Cat.
Blah, blah, blah. Shut your yammering, drooling cockpocket. We would get there faster if you feebs wouldn't just sit around circle jerking each other about fighting, and instead, just got on with it. Pot and kettle much Di...errr...Rollins?I can't wait to see D-Bag pound your face into 80% chuck hamburger, but spinning your clever little tales won't get us there any faster.
Perfect. Underestimate the desert dweller. When DoucheFag marches his lard ass down the hill, huffing and puffing for each wheezing breath, the only hole he's going to find is the one with his tombstone on it. We're famous for our Tombstones here in Arizona.You're no more important to us than any of the other sheep around here, and D-Bag's in "walk down the hill and fuck 'em all up" mode.
Take a number, shit face.