you read it right, dickhumpers. i have pulled OUT of the burgh and have returned home to THE DIRTY. it was a fcuking disgrace from day one. i blew through the money Headhunter gave me REAL FAST on cigs, booze, porn, lotto, little debbie snack cakes, weed, beam, strippers, doughnuts, and motel money.
i was on the highway to GET FUCKED in a hurry.
so yesterday i was down to my last fifteen bucks and i got fuckin JUMPED by a pack of mexicans. i tried taking them all on, and beat some SERIOUS ass for about 30 seconds, but then they ganged up on me and BEAT ME DOWN. i think one even tried to assault that place. fucking DICKS!
rest assured, the ONLY thing i am focusing on right now is THE TOUR
so let's pick up the rankings, fucknuts
last set of rankings:
10. BSmack
9. KC Scott
8. Mister Buschice
7. Goober McTuber
6. Jay in Phoenix
5. Y2K
4. War Wagon
3. smackaholic
2. R-Jack
here are this week's:
10. mvscal - you have tried to make me look like a FOOL with your one liners. WHO DO YOU THINK YOU'RE FUCKING WITH TOUGH GUY? HUH? Tell me, are you running with E-Bag? you are aren't you, you FUCK!
9. Mister Bushice - you think this is a joke? you think I'M a joke? do you have any idea how much I LAUGH at your ignorance? it's going to get you fucking crippled for life
8. KC Scott - i don't like you. i've never liked you. i hate your smug looking face, and your family is fucking UGLY. i want to fucking beat the PISS out of you in front of your children. FUCK OFF REJECT
7. War Wagon - fucking TAKE BACK what you said and we can still be bros. if not, then GET FUCKED. oh, and do you have any money i can borrow?
6. Goober McTuber - the class clown. fucking HILARIOUS! LMAO! I'm just in TEARS over here. guess what, dickchaser? i used to BEAT DOWN the class clowns. did you know that? i slapped their trapper keepers out of their hands and then fucking GOT UP in their faces!
5. Y2K - here's the bottom line: you are showing me NO respect whatsoever and this i can't handle. you NEED to recognize this shit is SERIOUS and that i DEMAND your respect. fucking SHAPE UP, dick!
4. smackaholic - post your fucking travel itinerary or keep cusping your balls. pick one.
3. Jay in Phoenix - Oh, wow. i'm fairly certain now i am going to empty every bodily fluid i can create on top of your crippled body after i've beaten you for 5 straight HOURS with a pair of channelocks. you just don't understand the magnitude of this. this is GOING DOWN
2. R-Jack - i won't be showing you any mercy because of the kid. i don't give a FUCK if those kids grow up daddyless while their mother has to work extra jobs on the side just to make ends meet. tell you what though, IF that happens, i'll buy the bitch a saddle so she can pony around little kids at the local zoo for some cash. ASS

see you in THE BURGH the next time's coming, you FUCK