(G)Petraeus: Heavy Lifting!(G)

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(G)Petraeus: Heavy Lifting!(G)

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Just when you thought the utterly insane incompetence and corruption was somehow exhausted in the wake of the murder of upwards of 600,000 Iraqi citizens, here comes the final puppet of the Cheney/AIPAC/United Defense Technologies monstrosity to inform us that the "plan" is a nightmare on the order of Korea!

Anyone you know signing up? Coming home in a box? With severe mental disorders?

Anyone ready for impeachment and subsequent Nuremberg-like trials?

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Post by Y2K »

Anyone you know with severe mental disorders?
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Post by LTS TRN 2 »

And they joined the U.S. military and went into the Quagmire? Get it straight, Y-pud, this is no time for silly queer nonsense like yours.
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Post by Mr. Belvedere »

They passed time for impeachment 5 years ago.
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Re: Petraeus: Heavy Lifting!

Post by Cuda »

LTS TRN 2 wrote: Anyone ready for impeachment and subsequent Nuremberg-like trials?
Have at it.
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Re: Petraeus: Heavy Lifting!

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

I picture Nick Frisco with a sort of Charles Manson look to him


And walking around the streets with his head hanging low muttering anti-Bush/Cheney epithets to himself.

What I'd like to know is, do you have ANY hobbies or interests beyond spouting senseless diatribes on message boards, or are you really this one dimensional of a human being? And if you're this passionate, why don't you do something about it instead of wasting your days trolling this board?
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Re: Petraeus: Heavy Lifting!

Post by OCmike »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:
Anyone you know signing up?
Just got my OL's friends son to sign up for the Navy. He just shipped out in May. Bright kid, but a complete loser who did nothing but sit around and play video games. His Mom didn't help any by encouraging him to never move out. She's one of those that would breastfeed her kids until they were 40 if they could. Anywho, dude is signed up to be a Cryptological Technician, which is one of the better jobs in the USN. Working in A/C all day and a six-figure salary waiting for you when you're done with active duty.
LTS TRN 2 wrote:
Anyone you know with severe mental disorders?
Why, you want some meds?
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Post by Mister Bushice »

LetsTardToo wrote:
Y2K wrote:
LetsTardToo wrote:Anyone you know with severe mental disorders?
And they joined the U.S. military and went into the Quagmire? Get it straight, Y-pud, this is no time for silly queer nonsense like yours.
I can't believe this sailed right over your head, tardy.

Add ignorance of reality to Nicky Tards list of character flaws.
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Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Oh no, Busher, I knew he was just suggesting that I had mental disorders, etc. Real keen stuff. Manson, sure, Blah, blah.

Here, let's try a little drill called WAKING UP!
http://www.nydailynews.com/news/wn_repo ... bu17m.html

Ya see, I'm properly pissed off. What's your excuse?

Has the unprecedented criminality--and sheer recklessness--of the current (unelected, twice) cabal just sail over your head?
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Post by Goober McTuber »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:Here, let's try a little drill called WAKING UP!
http://www.nydailynews.com/news/wn_repo ... bu17m.html
The following week, Taguba was called to meet with Rumsfeld, who was scheduled to testify before Congress the next day."I described a naked detainee lying on the wet floor, handcuffed, with an interrogator shoving things up his rectum and said, 'That's not abuse. That's torture,'" Taguba said.

That’s not torture. That’s Saturday night.


Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Post by poptart »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:And I'll debate--and hammer you --on any subject
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Post by LTS TRN 2 »

600,000 is a low number--and doesn't count the untold thousands who died due the ten years of punitive sanctions which preceded the catastrophic invasion. Gee, where's Rummy now? How about Bremer? Wolfie? Where are the lunatic criminals who started this disaster? We know that Cheney is bunkered and unavailable. The Chimp is dithering--can barely speak. His toadies, Gonzalez and Rove are mired and sinking fast.

Today's bright terror dawns in Iraq with the Surged U.S. liberators attacking BOTH the Sunni and the Shia with renewed ferocity, employing actual Viet Nam techniques.

Silly frat-brat jokes aside, who can defend this heinous barbarism? Not you.
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Post by smackaholic »

dear Let's tard too,

war is hell.


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Post by RadioFan »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:Ya see, I'm properly pissed off.
Ooooo. ~ shudder ~

Watch it everyone. Next think you'll know, he'll start posting about the injustice of the war.
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Post by LTS TRN 2 »

mvscal wrote:
Be Not Afraid

You shall cross the barren desert, but you shall not die of thirst. You shall wander far in safety though you do not know the way. You shall speak your words in foreign lands and all will understand. You shall see the face of God and live.

Be not afraid.
I go before you always;
Come follow me, and I will give you rest.

[From a prayer card I found on a base in Anbar Province, Iraq.]

But when we elected to perform surgery on this sick land, we used hacksaws and sledgehammers, and took an already sick patient and hacked off some parts while pulverizing others.

The best politician (uh..Cheney?) leaves no traces of his handiwork in the resolution of complex issues:

The doctor has made a decision: Al Qaeda must be excised. That means a large scale attack.

We are in trouble, but we have a great General. The only one, I have long believed, who can lead the way out of this morass. And some of the demons must be killed.

And while the battle rages, that prayer card will be in my pocket:

Be Not Afraid

You shall cross the barren desert, but you shall not die of thirst. You shall wander far in safety though you do not know the way. You shall speak your words in foreign lands and all will understand. You shall see the face of God and live.

That's a rather interesting descent into lunacy you've provided--and which I've pared down to its basic points.

So, who's the nutjob walking around spouting this drivel? Do YOU support it? As usual, no opinion, babs, just snotty smears--and the usual Nazi-like sympathies for the Iraqi people.

A rather glaring hole in this "take" on the Quagmire is revealed in the writer's total lack of acknowledging that we had absolutely no right to invade and murder anyone in the first place. It was all based on lies, fear-mongering, and blatant manipulation of the often compliant media.

And the idiotic suggestion that "we marched into this dry, cracked land" ignores the fact that not only was there no Al Qaeda in Iraq, but Iraq was the most educated, most secular Arab nation, with by far the most rights for women, etc. And this despite the vicious punitive sanctions imposed by the U.S.

Petraeus is a joke--nothing more than a war-freak yes man for Cheney and Israel who was left over when all the other generals have quit or been "retired."
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Post by LTS TRN 2 »

If that's what you call a sane analysis of the situation, well that explains a lot as to how utter hacks like Rusp Limpdick and O'Reilly maintain the traction they do upon the minds of, what, millions?..of earnest and otherwise well-intentioned Americans. The lunatic's prescription for more carnage speaks for itself--as does the death of fourteen more duped American GIs in the past forty-eight hours.

Babs, try to get this on one bounce:

Our invasion of Iraq is an utter disaster. It was based on lies and slimy manipulation of fears and a spineless media. Our ONLY support for this nightmare comes from Israel, whose water we the people are being forced to carry by way of their crass manipulation of our government (AIPAC, etc).

Wake the fuck up, and realize that this insane war of aggression being visited upon the Arab world DOES affect you, negatively. It affects everyone. All of our lives have been significantly impacted--with more negative effects to follow--all because of a bizarre and twisted allegiance to some perverse Zionist imperative. Most folks know or care little or nothing of Zionisim and the machinations of Israel. However, a LOT of folks maintain a tacit--or direct--allegiance to the Christer cult, which maintains as a "rider" the support of "Israel." You're no doubt familiar with Pat Robertson's take on this.

No one's expecting any easy answers. No one expects Israel to fold up its apartheid apparatus like its class of '48 apartheid state alumni the Republic of South Africa. But any real progress must entail the freeing up of American media, for starters, by stripping away the all-but total censorship on any criticism and examination of Israel in this country. It's a disgrace, and you know it.
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Post by poptart »


Slay a LOT more muzzies ... or ... get the fuck OUT.

Shit or get off the pot?
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Post by LTS TRN 2 »

mvscal wrote:There is nothing in the least bit insane about visiting "aggressive war" on the Arab world.
Really? Gee, you as usual forgot to back up your rash opinion with ...anything.

Murder is insane. And we as a people--as represented by the U.S. military--are committing it wholesale. And of course engendering in the process a LONG bitter retribution from a people that has NEVER attacked us.

And WHY do you support Israel, again? Oh that's right, because they like to exterminate "vermin."

And why haven't you sucked a 45. yet?
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Re: Petraeus: Heavy Lifting!

Post by Rich Fader »

LTS TRN 2 wrote: Anyone you know signing up? Coming home in a box? With severe mental disorders?
LT2, I had no idea you were a vet. Props. Thanks for your service.

Remember, sedatives are your friends. The more the better.
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Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Fader, do you actually have an opinion? I mean beyond the playground taunts of a ten-year-old?

You guys are pathetic. Did you actually read that tract from bab's version of Ernie Pyle? Does this sort of flat-out lunacy actually make sense to you in your present state?

I don't expect you guys to agree, necessarily, but rather at least to try and express SOME kind of actual thought and reason. Of course it's a nightmare Quagmire (as I predicted from the start), and of course EVERYTHING I've predicted as to the disastrous and criminal behavior of this (unelected) administration has come true. But that doesn't get YOU off the hook.

Of course you never had any strong opinions as to the Cheney/Chimp consortium, or anything else. You just sort of float along taking childish pot-shots at critics of the obvious incompetence and corruption, etc., never really saying anything.

Well, it's time to WAKEY WAKE
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Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Still walking around with that "prayer," babs?

So, you think we're finally "kicking some ass"? Doing what Ann Coulter said we should have been doing all along? Just checking.
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Post by OCmike »

What would you say our enemy kill/American death ratio is in Iraq...10/1? 20/1? That's an asskicking by any measure.

Just because there's a seemingly endless supply of tards who want to run headlong into a hail of American gunfire doesn't change the fact that they're getting the shit kicked out of them on an unprecedented scale and have been since we've been there. If they'd stop running like chickenshits into centuries-old mosques, and we had the balls to bomb them like we should, the ratio would be even higher.
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Post by Rich Fader »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:Fader, do you actually have an opinion?
Yes. You're a twat.

Oh, wait a minute. That's not a take. That's a fact.
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Post by LTS TRN 2 »

OCmike wrote:What would you say our enemy kill/American death ratio is in Iraq...10/1? 20/1? That's an asskicking by any measure.

Just because there's a seemingly endless supply of tards who want to run headlong into a hail of American gunfire doesn't change the fact that they're getting the shit kicked out of them on an unprecedented scale and have been since we've been there. If they'd stop running like chickenshits into centuries-old mosques, and we had the balls to bomb them like we should, the ratio would be even higher.
Is that REALLY how you see it?

How about this: the mighty American war machine (which, except for WWII, by nuking civilian towns, has NEVER won a war) blusters in and gets BOGGED down, very quickly engendering vast international hatred of America, and the bleeding out the entire core of the actual army--no one's signing up--the poor fools who did are being "stop-actioned" repeatedly (and you know it!), while our air attack (the REAL fact of our power) murders untold civilians, and our infantry gets slowly and steadily blown to shit in an inhospitable climate and culture that hates us.

This is the reality. Your AM rightwing radio hack-speak analysis is about as valid as Rusp Limpdick's take on American labor unions and WalMart. Are you REALLY as moronic as you pose? Or are you faking? It's hard to tell.

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Post by Tiny »

I just spent a bit of time typing out a response to your 10+ posts of babble in this thread, pointing out what I thought would help make your contributions here a little more valuable to everyone involved. But after further consideration, and after editing the message a couple times to get rid of any open ended comments/remarks, (to take away the possibility of you trying to spin those comments into some type of ammo for use in your hate filled "GW is the anti-christ" crusade), I just said "fuck it"; I'll just forego those comments altogether. Instead I decided to just follow the path in which a select group of posters here have already chosen, and simply offer up: "You're a fucking idiot," and leave it at that.
Sometimes it's just easier that way. I guess I'm just a sheep. Sue me.

BTW: before you start in, I can already see you workin'.
FYI. I selected the picture of of Bush for an avatar because I thought it was funnay seeing him flip somebody the bird, not because I thought chimpy was the second coming of the messiah; so save your rhetoric for someone who actually gives a shit.
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Post by LTS TRN 2 »

So, tiny's got a tiny little non-take...that says NOTHING about the eight duped American GIs that got blown to shit TODAY.

Cheney, meanwhile, is actually cornered to the point that he's claiming the Vice-President is somehow NOT part of the Executive Branch...(you know, so he can keep his dealings hidden).

And...what the fuck are you trying to say?
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Post by RadioFan »

poptart wrote:Exactly!!

Slay a LOT more muzzies ... or ... get the fuck OUT.

Shit or get off the pot?
Is that someone's idea of the Christian perspective? :wink:
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Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Twenty more duped "stop-actioned " GIs blown to shit today.

The crime of the century marches on.

No plan for "victory"

No plan for political solution

No plan for withdrawal

No plan to address the genocidal infliction of murder and terror inflicted upon the Iraqi nation

No plan to do ANYTHING

This (unelected) criminal cabal, in case you haven't noticed, is just a running desperate gang of slimy nervous punks (i.e, chickenhawks) in the service of Israel--themselves a desperate cornered race-state experiment. Ugh!

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Post by Tiny »


FYI - I said what I was trying to say. To further explain for you: it wasn't a take, an explanation, or an opinion (on the war anyway.) It was however, a straight from the hip, direct attack and insult upon you personally, and further, an insult on:

1)Your posting ability,
2)Your constant bitching, whining, and moaning about what is going on over there.
3)Your constant attacks on anyone, or anything even remotely relating to the Bush administration.
4)Your inability (to be read: ineptitude) to offer up even a fragment of an idea of what you think should be done to remedy the situation (at the current juncture anyway, since you don't have a time machine to hop into and correct history.) You just like to bitch about it all the damn time.
5)Your nonsensical random statements that shoot off in all different directions and tangents to normal, discernible thought, and which only make sense in your own mind. (To us, it's mostly just more of your usual useless drivel.)
6)Your constant use of facts and figures that have no basis, no factual statistics, and no credible link cited to back them up. Like Mvscal said: You might as well use “eleventy-billion million” in your casualty estimates, as long as you're making the numbers up in your own head.

So, to summarize this for you; let me paraphrase my previous post: “You're a fucking idiot...”

When MGO posted the pic of Charlie, I immediately took it to mean that you make almost, but not quite, as much sense (when you unleash your hate filled mantra,) as Manson does, when he starts talking about himself as “being the messiah...” Dudes just lost all touch with reality. You emulate him surprisingly well.

If you want to break out with “Bush is the anti-Christ....” shit, at least make it a readable, coherent message, so that we, the average T1B poster, can make some sense of the level of your dementia, and then hit the scroll wheel to pass your shit posts by altogether.

Is that put into simple enough terms for you, or should I further explain the magnitude of your suck?
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Post by Tiny »

BTW: Just to throw my 2¢ into the discussion. You asked for it.

My opinion is this: Like was stated earlier on (I believe by OCMike as a matter of fact) I too voted for Nader the first time around. I said at the time, it wasn't so much a vote cast FOR Nader, but a vote cast AGAINST the shitty candidates offered up by BOTH parties. Elections have become a choice (IMHO) of the lesser of two evils, and Bush narrowly got the nod last time around. The election ended 3 years ago, get over it; move on.

As far as the war itself goes: no, I am not happy with the progress, what's going on over there, or how it has been handled thus far. No crying about it, just stating personal opinion.
My nephew (which I pretty much helped raise) just returned from boot camp/AIT this past weekend, and is slated to head over there within the next year. The time frame has not yet been finalized, but his graduating class was split in half, and his unit was told to expect to “relieve” the other half of the graduating class, which is scheduled to depart for Iraq in the next couple weeks. So I have a direct stake in how this war plays out. Today, I am one proud motherfucker, as one of my own is going over to fight to protect the freedoms that grant you the ability to sit there on your pathetic ass and whine & complain about us being there in the first place. SO, my opinion is this: shut your fucking piehole, support the men and women that are there risking their lives for OUR country, or go die with the fucking insurgents who face down the barrel of the most dominant military force the world's ever seen.

Whether I like the initial reasoning or not, I'm supporting the men who are there representing ME now, irregardless of what put them there in the first place. Let history show how bad Bush's legacy will be and (hopefully) let future generations learn to not sit back and just take heaping spoonfuls of the shit they try to feed them (like our generation apparently did.)
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Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Tiny wrote:BTW: Just to throw my 2¢ into the discussion. You asked for it.

My opinion is this: I am not happy.
My nephew is slated to head over there within the next year.
I am proud to fight to protect the freedoms
my opinion is this: support the men or go die down the barrel of the most dominant military force the world's ever seen.
men are there representing ME now, irregardless .
Let history show how bad Bush's legacy will be
Here, Tiny, I pared it down for you. To the basics of what you're really saying.

Well, I hope your nephew survives physically and mentally. That's the best to be hoped for, after all.

As for the "protecting our freedoms" jargon, are you kidding? I mean, have you noticed that the big winner so far is Iran?
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Post by Rich Fader »

A carnitas dinner for four at El Torito?

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Post by LTS TRN 2 »

mvscal wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote: I mean, have you noticed that the big winner so far is Iran?
What did they win?
Well, gee, babs, for starters, they've got a Shiite government installed where a hated Sunni regime used to be. Further, the insane, blunderous actions of the U.S. (oh yeah, and the "Coalition") are providing justification for the hardline Iranians beyond their wildest dreams (same for the Sunni Al Qaeda, btw).

You've heard it from the start, but have apparently denied it at every turn, but this whole monstrosity has only emboldened and increased the Al Qaeda efforts. A dozen fold? A hundred fold?

Cheney is clearly the best friend Iran AND Al Qaeda ever had.
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Post by Tiny »

Sheeeet neegrow, that's all ya' had to say!!!!

Damn, LT2, other than the whole "pared it down...." bullshark, you're already on your way back to salvation. That last post was ACTUALLY readable; understandable. It still was a load of hogwash, but it was readable. I know your hope is to find some form of Jerry Fletcher-esque form of credibility, but I aint buyin' it. So keep running around crying "the sky is falling...." chicken little, and (like I said before) we'll keep scrolling past your mindless ramblings until someday you might stumble onto a little bit of truth. But until they kill you (to follow the whole Conspiracy Theory plot line,) keep posting; there's bound to be an "Alice" out there for you to pander to.
Winston Wolf:
If I'm curt with you it's because time is a factor. I think fast, I talk fast and I need you guys to act fast if you wanna get out of this. So, pretty please... with sugar on top. Clean the fucking car!
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Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Tiny, put down the scotch...

Babs, "so?" So, Iran has a steady partner shaping up where--as per the Shiite perspective--the false muslims prevailed. As you well know, the Shiite consider the return of Kohmeni in 79' to be nothing less than what the Christers would regard as the second coming of Christ (actually it's the same as the Jews receiving, finally, the promised Messiah), and that NOW as the eternal enemy Baghdad has become a Shiite government, well...connect the dots. The Iranians are jumping cartwheels and handsprings. And the nervous twiddling (think N. Korea) sanctions and threats by the hapless quick infidels of Europe (and the wild American expansion) are just BULLSHIT.

So, how's Cheney doing in his "showdown" with his own government?
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Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Yeah, the Shiites in Iran--that's who.

Now, try to address the fact that Iran has been the biggest beneficiary of this horrid nightmare. Except Israel, of course, which has maintained its aggressive political support from day one.

Read this,
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Post by Rich Fader »

Okay, a carnitas dinner and a round of Cadillac Margaritas.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by Smackie Chan »

mvscal wrote:What did they win?
A heated kidney shaped pool,
A microwave oven--don't watch the food cook,
A Dyna-Gym--I'll personally demonstrate it in the privacy of your own home,
A kingsize Titanic Unsinkable Molly Brown waterbed with polybendum,
A foolproof plan and an airtight alibi,
Real simulated Indian jewelry,
A Gucci shoetree,
A year's supply of antibiotics,
A personally autographed picture of Randy Mantooth
And Bob Dylan's new unlisted phone number,
A beautifully restored 3rd Reich swizzle stick,
Rosemary's baby,
A dream date in kneepads with Paul Williams,
A new Matador,
A new Mastadon,
A Maverick,
A Mustang,
A Montego,
A Merc Montclair,
A Mark IV,
A Meteor,
A Mercedes,
An MG,
Or a Malibu,
A Mort Moriarty,
A Maserati,
A Mack truck,
A Mazda,
A new Monza,
Or a Moped,
A Winnebago--hell, a herd of Winnebagos -- we're givin' 'em away,
Or how about a McCulloch chainsaw,
A Las Vegas wedding,
A Mexican divorce,
A solid gold Kama Sutra coffee pot,
Or a baby's arm holding an apple
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Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Again, babs, they've attained the defeat of their bitter enemy--and so too the establishment of what is shaping up as a Shiite-dominated government in its place. Also, the hardliners are given a tremendous gift of Imminent Threat by the bungling blusterous infidels--thus creating a social condition of Necessity for their repressive policies. Much like the neocons here with their "Pearl Harbor" of 9-11.

Moreover, the Iranians--who have never attacked anyone--are watching with unalloyed astonishment as their threatening enemy, the great war machine of America (which has never won a war 'cept WII by inflicting massive civilian deaths from the air), BLEEDS OUT and runs itself right into the dust--spent, disillusioned, disgusted, and very sick (mentally and physically as per returning vet statistics).

Basically, it's the best thing that's happened to the Fundamentalist Iranians--as well as the Al Qaeda fanatics since their respective origins.

Simple enough for you?
Rich Fader
Eternal Scobode
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Post by Rich Fader »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:Moreover, the Iranians--who have never attacked anyone--
We laughed.

The staff and Marine detachment of the American Embassy Tehran, November 4, 1979
Jihad is hump of Islam...and Islam wants to hump us very much.
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