Direct TV gal got on my nerves

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Old Coot
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Direct TV gal got on my nerves

Post by Luther »

I've called them before, not that often, but this time took about an hour to answer my question. I called and asked them about the sportspack, specifically channel 651 which is FSN Northwest. On their website it says this channel is the home to both the Portland Trailblazers and also the Seattle Supersonics. My question is about what game would be shown since both the Blazers and the Sonics share the channel.

The first time I call I'm talking with what I'd guess is some gal with an accent from India. She sounds like she's stumped so she puts me on hold about 3 different times. After about 20 minutes the phone goes dead. Fook. I call back and I get another gal but her accent might indicate that she's had a bowl of Pho in the past.

She admitted to me after 10 minutes that she'd have to ask her "team leader" for advice. She kept saying, "Now Meester Luth, you are carring on the WNBA, is dis correct?" Bwahaha. She didn't understand my joke when I said, "Well, for the last few years we've played like a WNBA team." We go back and forth and I'm trying to break down the explanation even further.

"Alright, lets just say you are a Sonics fan and I'm a Blazers fan. Lets say on a Friday night the Sonics are playing at home against somebody and Portland is also playing at home against a different team; What game is going to get broadcast on channel 651 since this channel is the home to both teams?


Me, again: "Is there another operator who might be able to help me?"

She tells me she's going to talk with her team leader again and puts me on hold. I was on hold for so long that my cordless started to chirp, indicating that I had about a minute. I trot over to the other phone and start to use that. 10 min. goes by...maybe 20.

She then tells me that if I want to see all the Blazer games then I should get the sportspack as it will broadcast the games that aren't locally/nationally broadcast in my region. WTF.

I ask her if she has the policy on her monitor and if she could actually read me the paragraph that deals with direct tv and local programming. Finally she says, "Oh, Mr. Luth, it says if the Blazers game isn't shown locally then it will be on 651. If the Blazers are on 651 then the Sonics would be shown locally due to the regional agreement."

Thank you, can I get the last hour of my life back?

Rip City

p.s. Dins, didn't you mention before that your comcast sportspack will cover 81 of the 82 games? Why not all of them? Is the home opener totally blacked out?
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Post by Dinsdale »

Hell, I could have answered that.

Last season, the Blazer games that were on took precedence over the Sonics games.

This coming season, FSN isn't part of the deal(I think they may be carrying more Sonics games). Their contract with the Blazers expired.

It's not on Comcast Sports Net. And I have no idea which one of the 82 games isn't on -- I do know that 81 of them will be available.
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Post by PSUFAN »

Was it really a girl, or was it Venom Venge, scoring BODE on you?
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Post by Headhunter »

What up, Luth?

Yeah, the direcTV bitches are annoying as all get out. A few years back, when I had them drop 3 TiVo's in my house, all my Football channels were gone. I essentially went through the same bullshit you did.

My favorite episode was when she asked me to unplug the receiver. I did so and was silent. She chimes in with a "sir you need to terr me what you see or I can't trobershoot". To which I responded " I don't see anything, you told me to unplug the fucking receiver".

Sir, prease no profanity.

It got worse. They have carte blanche to hang up on you if you start cussing. I can only put up with so much before the profanity starts to fly.

I get hung up on. A lot!

This mid-east mensa also had me remove the batteries from the remote control to troubleshoot the issue.


"Prease remove batteries from remote controrrer"

You've got to be fucking kid- *click* - Hello?

Their customer services blows goats, but until the NFL package is on anyother service, I'm stuck.
Dinsdale wrote:This board makes me feel like Stephen-Hawking-For-The-Day, except my penis is functional and I can walk and stuff.
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Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

I had Comcast and was tired of their piece of shit equipment. Kept getting faulty boxes that would cause glitches and wipe out everything on my DVR. The On Demand couldn't acquire a signal half the time.

And when you called in for a technical problem, their strategy was to keep hanging up on you, hoping you wouldn't call back. As you worked your way through the automated system, it'd get to a point where the robot operator decided to take a lunch break or something.

"Please call back later. Goodbye."


Me: Ummmmm, that was interesting.

You'd have to call back three or four times just to get to an actual person.

So I switched to DirecTV. After about a year, I've determined their customer service is good (that shit's all situational anyway...just depends on who answers the phone), but don't care for their actual tv service as much. And I miss that On Demand crap...when it's working.

So I want to switch back. Again. You just can't win. I hear though AT&T will soon be offering a cable package in my area.
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Mr. Belvedere
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Re: Direct TV gal got on my nerves

Post by Mr. Belvedere »

Luther wrote:I've called them before, not that often, but this time took about an hour to answer my question. I called and asked them about the sportspack, specifically channel 651 which is FSN Northwest. On their website it says this channel is the home to both the Portland Trailblazers and also the Seattle Supersonics. My question is about what game would be shown since both the Blazers and the Sonics share the channel.

The first time I call I'm talking with what I'd guess is some gal with an accent from India. She sounds like she's stumped so she puts me on hold about 3 different times. After about 20 minutes the phone goes dead. Fook. I call back and I get another gal but her accent might indicate that she's had a bowl of Pho in the past.

She admitted to me after 10 minutes that she'd have to ask her "team leader" for advice. She kept saying, "Now Meester Luth, you are carring on the WNBA, is dis correct?" Bwahaha. She didn't understand my joke when I said, "Well, for the last few years we've played like a WNBA team." We go back and forth and I'm trying to break down the explanation even further.

"Alright, lets just say you are a Sonics fan and I'm a Blazers fan. Lets say on a Friday night the Sonics are playing at home against somebody and Portland is also playing at home against a different team; What game is going to get broadcast on channel 651 since this channel is the home to both teams?


Me, again: "Is there another operator who might be able to help me?"

She tells me she's going to talk with her team leader again and puts me on hold. I was on hold for so long that my cordless started to chirp, indicating that I had about a minute. I trot over to the other phone and start to use that. 10 min. goes by...maybe 20.

She then tells me that if I want to see all the Blazer games then I should get the sportspack as it will broadcast the games that aren't locally/nationally broadcast in my region. WTF.

I ask her if she has the policy on her monitor and if she could actually read me the paragraph that deals with direct tv and local programming. Finally she says, "Oh, Mr. Luth, it says if the Blazers game isn't shown locally then it will be on 651. If the Blazers are on 651 then the Sonics would be shown locally due to the regional agreement."

Thank you, can I get the last hour of my life back?

Rip City

p.s. Dins, didn't you mention before that your comcast sportspack will cover 81 of the 82 games? Why not all of them? Is the home opener totally blacked out?

FSN is responsible for that programming not directv, dumbass.
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Post by Rootbeer »

I don't have television. I did watch Casino Royale for the first time last night and that was pretty decent.
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Old Coot
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Re: Direct TV gal got on my nerves

Post by Luther »

Mr. Belvedere wrote:FSN is responsible for that programming not directv, dumbass.
Uh duh. FSN is part of the sports package, Bel. You don't get any of the FSN channels unless you purchase the sportspack. To get the sportspack can you guess who I should contact? You want me to what, call FSN and tell them what? Direct tv is my "provider" and they are the ones who need to answer the questions because I pay them. Direct tv pays FSN I would suspect.

Rip City
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