I also realize the pop bytes gossip writer could be faking the vapors. I also can't vouch for readers Jen and DK's comments below about the instincts of retrievers, and what kind of cases show up in animal hospitals; but DK's advice about older toys, rawhide chews, and bones sounds money. It's a pet, and there's no reason for a dog to die like this if it can be avoided. I still remember a pet doctor show re-enactment of a dog choking on a little plastic ball, that scared the shit out of me. Please treat your pets well: pet proof your home.
Story courtesy of dlisted, who received it from popbytes:

Monday July 16 2007 @ 7:16PM
oh my gosh i hate posting sad news...oprah winfrey lost one of her golden retrievers named gracie after she choked on a plastic ball that belonged to her older cocker spaniel sophie! oprah adopted three golden retrievers which she introduced as 'her new family' on her show back in 2005 - the other two are named luke & layla - all three doggies were featured on the cover of her magazine twice - she opens up about the tragic accident in the upcoming august '07 issue of O...i ran barefoot out of the house and found the dog walker and one of my security guys pumping her chest. just as i reached them, the security guard looked up and said 'she's gone' oh how sad...gracie was only about two years old!
this story reminded me about my little dog petey who passed away about two and a half years ago after choking on his food - i was devastated and still think about him on a daily basis - he was the best and such a sweet dog! my thoughts & prayers go out to ms. winfrey and please make sure there's nothing around that your dog could possibly choke on or hurt themselves with - i'm overly paranoid when it comes to my doggies parker & fidel - i simply couldn't bear losing another one tragically - popbytes over & out for now - xxoo [/quote]
Reader Gigi wrote: what kind of stupid ass dog chokes to death on a ball?
Reader Jen wrote: Hey GiGi, apparently you either have never had a dog or dont pay a damn bit of attention to your own. Golden Retrievers are very appropriately named. All they want to do is retrieve and if you had one or was even the slightest bit knowledgeable you would know that they are constantly carrying around a ball, toy, stick or something in thier mouth. It could have very easily choked on a ball if it was playing with a ball that was too small or perhaps was laying on its back while holding it with two front paws which I have seen numerous dogs do. Mallinformed people just spewing things out of thier mouth without facts only enhances thier ignorance. Further, that was a very heartless thing to say.
Reader DK wrote: I worked @ an Animal hospital for years and seen alot of choking accidents. People just remember that when toys become wore down to throw them out.Raw hyde chews are dangerous for all dogs. Also all kinds of bones,chicken or beef bones splinter and can get stuck down dogs throats, FYI...