Ashamed Celtic Fan

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Ashamed Celtic Fan

Post by Dog »

I've been a Celtic fan for as long as I can remember. Probably started in the early 80's because of my dislike of the Lakers.

Lately, the Celtics have sucked so bad that I've had to find other teams to root for.

But now, with Ray Allen, Paul Pierce and potentially Kevin Garnett....yeah baby. The Celtics are back!!!!!
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Post by Dinsdale »

First off, the "we're getting KG" teams are pretty funny. Even if that did happen, Celtsfan apparently needs to learn something about NBA finance.

There's a reason why Minnesota always sucks -- they spent wayyyyy too much money on a long-term deal for a chronic underachiever and locker room cancer. Garnett's contract removed the Wolves ability to get anyone decent, and when they tried, Garnett drove them out of town, and whined about his "touches."

You're talking about a guy who has, at various times, claimed "I should get all of the other palyers', coaches, and GM's salaries too, since I'm the only one who does anything." There was also the "I've learned I should never pass the ball in the 4th quarter."

Just an absolute franchise-killer.

But say for the sake of discussion that the Celts did get KG. Added to Allen and Pierced. How much of the salary cap is that on 3 players alone? Almost all of it?

So, how does Boston figure to sign any young talent with that financial scenario? Easy answer -- they don't. Getting Garnett might provide a short-term boost in the anemic East, and I realize Boston needs a boost in ticket sales/fan support NOW, which would be the only reason such a deal would make sense. It would also create the huge risk of more long-term ineptitude for years to come. Extremely high likelyhood of that, actually.

And remind me again -- how many balls are used in an NBA game at any given moment? You're combining 3 guys who never saw a shot they didn't want to jack, and while at least Allen is somewhat humble about it, there's 3 guys who couldn't give two poos about their team, as long as the stat sheet looks good at the end of the game.

I have mixed feelings about Garnett going to Boston. On the one side of the coin, I'm a fan of a rival Northwest Division team, so I have a vested interest in seeing KG stay in Minnesota, to ensure several more years of Wolve futility(matter of fact, they were in the league several years before they ever beat the Blazers...YEARS). Garnett staying is the best way for us to witness their comedic stylings for years to come.

Other side of the coin, KG to Boston would be such a trainwreck, it would also be entertaining to watch. The Clash of the Titan Egos should be hilarious. Why not put Kobe and Iverson on that team, too? Good comedy, right there.

But, a lot of people love to hate the Celts, so at least a slight resurgence would probably be good for the league in general.

Doesn't matter, anyway. The other teams just need to make their time, since very shortly, there's going to be a dynasty, and it ain't going to be in Boston.
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Post by Dog »

Dins, I take it that you are a glass is half-empty type of guy.
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Post by Dinsdale »

To say the Celts' glass is "half-empty" would be an insult to half-empty galsses everywhere.

The Celts have Danny Ainge as a GM -- the glass is in little shards on the floor.

And they're apparently trying to make a move for the biggest jackass in the game.

Whereas I am Blazerfan. The glass isn't half-full -- it's freaking overflowing.
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Post by Dog »

So it seems like the deal is in place.

Celtics are going to be instant contenders with KG, Paul Pierce and Ray Allen.

Doesn't really matter who they put around them. They could take your fat ass, Dins, and even Felix as the fifth man and should still be able to contend.
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Post by Goober McTuber »

For the Eastern Conference title? Yes. For the NBA Championship? No.
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Post by Mook »

I think it's a good deal for the Celts. They are now contenders in the East. I disagree with Dins assessment of these guys as selfish players. Pierce has never struck me as selfish, and that goes back to his days at Kansas. He was very much a team player there and I in the limited number of Celtic games I have seen, I've never thought he looked like he didn't give a damn about the team.

I do agree with your assessment of Garnett's contract and the inability to get players due to the contract. Garnett also hasn't struck me as selfish. He rebounds like mad and plays very tough defense, not the hallmarks of shoot-first selfish players.

As I said, I think the Celts have put together a team that can contend for an Eastern Conference title......and it's hard to rip a GM for doing that. Personally I can't imagine this off-season could have gone any better for Boston...

Now Dins, don't you think with all the overflowing talent in Portland that you all will start to have some salary-cap issues about the time you all are ready to seriously contend for a title? And that isn't a dig, it's a serious question.
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Post by Dog »

Goober McTuber wrote:For the Eastern Conference title? Yes. For the NBA Championship? No.
If you say it, it must be true.

Taking a page out of mvscal's book, I see
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Post by Dinsdale »

Mook wrote:Garnett also hasn't struck me as selfish.
"I should never pass the ball in the 4th quarter."

"I should get everyone else's salary too, since I'm the only one who does anything."

Dude, he's good for several such sound bites every year.

I think that's part of the problem why there's so many fucking jackasses willing to jackass it up -- people are way too eager to give jackasses a pass.

Now Dins, don't you think with all the overflowing talent in Portland that you all will start to have some salary-cap issues about the time you all are ready to seriously contend for a title?
Yes, we certainly will.

But... let us not forget -- there was a time, not too many years ago, that the Blazers were THE most profitable sports franchise in the country, bar none -- in a couple of years beating out Jordan's Bulls and the mighty money-making machine known as the Cowboys... while spending over double the cap, including Luxury Tax.

Blazerfan has no problem opening his wallet if he likes the team. Remember -- when Evil Allen was whining about "the financial model is broken," it was us, the fans, that broke it... intentionally. Blazerfan is in a unique position amongst sports franchises, in that it's an awfully large metro area to have only one major team.

Our will be done.

But financially, yes, there's going to be issues. In the next couplefew years, big contracts are going to flow like wine. The rebuilding process of a perennially winning team was drawn out too long by incompetant management, until the new sheriff took over. At some point, we need to pull the trigger and hitch the wagon to a team of horses, and that time is now. Not only is the young core amazing players, but the fans LOVE them. ROY, LMA, and (hopefully) Oden are no-brainer max guys. As soon as they can be extended for max, they will be. And I think any knowledgable fan realizes this is going to create something of a revolving-door at the 7 or 8 through 12( -14) spots over the years(see: San Antonio, LA Lakers). But Allen himself has even said that while the franchise will bleed money for the next couple of years, profitability is in the forseeable future, and if the building averages 90% capacity or more(remember, we're talking about a team that sold every ticket for every game for about 20 years straight), then he'll have no problem paying a fairly large Luxury Tax to keep the ball rolling. After drafting Oden, he even said "well, looks like it's time to get the checkbook out again." He's even said he wouldn't have minded taking a $25 million loss every year, had the team been winning (he can afford it).

So yes -- there are salary cap problems looming on the horizon, depending on your definition of "problems." But remember, we've been the Yankees of the NBA before, and money still wasn't an issue.

On a semi-related note -- starting to see quite a few Oden 52 jersies running around town. And I guess as a sign of big-man support, people are buying them about three sizes too big. The future's so bright, we gotta wear shades.
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Post by Neely8 »

Goober McTuber wrote:For the Eastern Conference title? Yes. For the NBA Championship? No.

Well if they contend and happen to win the Eastern Conference title that would make them contenders for the NBA Championship now wouldn't it??
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Post by Dinsdale »

Neely8 wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote:For the Eastern Conference title? Yes. For the NBA Championship? No.

Well if they contend and happen to win the Eastern Conference title that would make them contenders for the NBA Championship now wouldn't it??

RACK! I was a contender.

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Post by Neely8 »

An Eastern Conference team can win it occasionally. Miami Heat two years ago......Pistons and so forth. I think the Western Conference playoffs take so much out of these guys. If Cleveland had 1 or 2 other good players along with Lebron they could have pulled it off. The Western Conference is the best, but once you get to the finals it's a crapshoot. The Cardinals winning the WS last year is a perfect example.....
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Post by Dog »

Neely8 wrote:An Eastern Conference team can win it occasionally. Miami Heat two years ago......Pistons and so forth. I think the Western Conference playoffs take so much out of these guys. If Cleveland had 1 or 2 other good players along with Lebron they could have pulled it off. The Western Conference is the best, but once you get to the finals it's a crapshoot. The Cardinals winning the WS last year is a perfect example.....
Wow, a poster who thinks logically instead of blowing smoke out his arse.

How'd you get stuck here, Neely?
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Post by Dinsdale »

Dog wrote: Wow, a poster who thinks logically instead of blowing smoke out his arse.

Oh. My. Goodness.

Neely8 wrote:If Cleveland had 1 or 2 other good players along with Lebron they could have pulled it off.

Yeah, the Logic Fairly definitely left a little sumpm-sumpm under his pillow last night.

If the Clips had 1 or 2 other good players to go with Elton Brand, they could have pulled it off.

If the Sonics had 1 or 2 other good players to go with Allen and Lewis, they could have pulled it off.

If the Mavs had unretired the Dream to gaurd Shaq, they could have pulled it off two years ago.

If Wilt was 30 years younger, and played alongside ROY, the Blazers were a shoe-in.

Yeah, that's logic, buddy.
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Post by Neely8 »

Dinsdale wrote:
Dog wrote: Wow, a poster who thinks logically instead of blowing smoke out his arse.

Oh. My. Goodness.

Neely8 wrote:If Cleveland had 1 or 2 other good players along with Lebron they could have pulled it off.

Yeah, the Logic Fairly definitely left a little sumpm-sumpm under his pillow last night.

If the Clips had 1 or 2 other good players to go with Elton Brand, they could have pulled it off.

If the Sonics had 1 or 2 other good players to go with Allen and Lewis, they could have pulled it off.

If the Mavs had unretired the Dream to gaurd Shaq, they could have pulled it off two years ago.

If Wilt was 30 years younger, and played alongside ROY, the Blazers were a shoe-in.

Yeah, that's logic, buddy.

None of those teams were in the Finals this year.....
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Post by Dinsdale »

Neely8 wrote: None of those teams were in the Finals this year.....

You are correct. And there's two reasons for that --

A) They didn't play in the Least.

B) They didn't have the luxury of magically producing "1 or 2 more good players."

Is there a team in the entire league that doesn't become a "contender" with the addition of 2 more good players?

Wait, I can think of one... the Celts.
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Post by Goober McTuber »

Dog wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote:For the Eastern Conference title? Yes. For the NBA Championship? No.
If you say it, it must be true.
Thank you.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

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Post by Neely8 »

Dinsdale wrote:
Neely8 wrote: None of those teams were in the Finals this year.....

You are correct. And there's two reasons for that --

A) They didn't play in the Least.

B) They didn't have the luxury of magically producing "1 or 2 more good players."

Is there a team in the entire league that doesn't become a "contender" with the addition of 2 more good players?

Wait, I can think of one... the Celts.

I bet the Celtics will be closer to contending for a title over the next 3 years then your beloved Blazers will.......
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Post by Dog »

<---was just going to lay down that friendly wager with Dins as well.

Who will be better next year? Celtics or Blazers?

Although Dins, I'll make it to Portland and we can catch a game....Maybe a Celtics vs. Blazers game. You bring the weed, I'll buy the beer.
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Post by Goober McTuber »

All righty then. A Portland trollstop. You just know Dins has got to be down with that.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

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Post by Dinsdale »


Since when have I shown any interest in hanging with you losers?

But... Dog's a'ight. And at $6 a beer, considering the bottomless pit that is my alcoholism thirst, that's a hell of a deal.

Little catch there -- might be nosebleeders(which I'm OK with. Might take some work in a crowded building, but I'm fairly adept at the "upgrade"). Last I heard, just about every seat for every game in the lower 2 levels is gone already. I'm guessing there might be a few kicking around, and I know people. And, if you've ever spent time in Portland, you know this is quite the hotspot for Chowd transplants, so I'm guessing a Celts ticket is going to be tough.

Might be able to figure something out, though.

Garnett always tears it up in the RGA. Seen him several times already. Seen Pierced before, for that matter, and more of Allen than I'd like to remember.

And are you people high? Boston plays in the cupcakest division in NBA history. Didn't a flurry by Toronto at the very end keep that division from sending a .500 team in as its champ? The Blazers will be a much better team, but playing Out West, records may not indicate it.
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Post by DallasFanatic »

Bet on head to head matchups and remove all doubt.

Cmon guys, bet some big money
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Post by Cicero »

Dinsdale wrote:
Neely8 wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote:For the Eastern Conference title? Yes. For the NBA Championship? No.

Well if they contend and happen to win the Eastern Conference title that would make them contenders for the NBA Championship now wouldn't it??

RACK! I was a contender.

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Re: Ashamed Celtic Fan

Post by indyfrisco »

FOr the love of God, I can't believe no one has picked up on this nugget yet.
Dog wrote:Lately, the Celtics have sucked so bad that I've had to find other teams to root for.
Typical Boise State bandwagon fan chiming in.
Dog wrote:But now, with Ray Allen, Paul Pierce and potentially Kevin Garnett....yeah baby. The Celtics are back!!!!!
Yeah, and you're back too now, right? What instrument do you play?
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Post by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 »

Celts have disintered Reggie freaking Miller and are actually thinking about offering this corpse a mid-level exception for next year.

This is what happens when you trade 10 guys for 2 over the hill losers. You need to dig up any body, be it warm or cold, to fill the roster.


Boston Herald Sports Reporter

Thursday, August 9, 2007 - Updated: 06:19 AM EST

Never underestimate Danny Ainge’s ability to think differently to look like a complete and utter jackass. <--- (fixed)

Karl Malone, Antonio McDyess and Allen Iverson [stats] were all targets of the Celtics [team stats] executive director of basketball operations at some stage over the last four years.

This year he identified two more big targets, and was rewarded with Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen.

So it shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that Ainge, now searching for depth, has targeted a soon-to-be 42-year-old retiree who also happens to be one of the greatest shooters in the history of the game.

Ainge acknowledged yesterday that he has approached Reggie Miller about coming out of retirement to play for the Celtics.

“I had a couple of conversations with Reggie, but that’s all I’ll say,” Ainge said of Miller, who had told that he was pondering a return with the Celtics.

The decision now is reportedly Miller’s to make, with the Celtics willing to take him on without anything more than a “yes” from the five-time All-Star, who played his entire 18-year career for the Pacers before retiring in 2005.

He is said to be “maybe a couple of weeks” from making a decision.

The belief is that Miller would be the perfect addition for the Celtics as an off-the-bench scorer.

The Celtics have already added to their bench with the signings of former Pacer Scot Pollard and Eddie House, a 6-1 guard.

Pollard isn’t considered an offensive player, and House, despite his shooting prowess, could encounter mismatch problems because of his size.

But like Allen, Miller is a big guard with legendary range.

Few have any doubt that he can still shoot.

His game shape - not to mention his will to return to the grind - is another question that the Celtics should find out the answer to soon.

News of this new fling with the league was received with some surprise in Indianapolis, where Miller is an institution.

“I wouldn’t bet against Reggie in anything,” Pacers president Donnie Walsh said yesterday, echoing comments that Larry Bird, the team’s president of basketball operations, made to the Indianapolis Star two years ago at the time of Miller’s retirement.

Bird told the Star that he had no doubt, because of how well Miller kept himself in shape, that he could play in his 40s.

“I know he can still shoot - that I know,” said Walsh. “Other than that, I don’t know.”

Walsh had no further insight into his former star’s thinking.

“I’m just surprised he didn’t call us first,” Walsh said of Miller’s comments.

If Miller does indeed give the go-ahead to Ainge, it will mark yet another bold move by the Celtics personnel chief in what has been a wildly active summer.

He has already stocked the starting lineup, which now includes Garnett, Paul Pierce [stats] and Allen.

Miller would give him a marquee player not only coming off the bench, but as a potential sixth man if the guard’s body is up to the challenge.
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Post by Dinsdale »

Quark would be a brilliant addition. I mean, Ray Allen has to rest sometime, so somebody needs to come in and jack up a really shitty shot at least every 30 seconds. I'd say KG could fill that role, except he'll be too busy telling everyone how great he is to be bothered playing the game.
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Post by Jack »

Very interesting thread..

RACK DOG!!! He had the foresight and belief!!
DOG wrote: But now, with Ray Allen, Paul Pierce and potentially Kevin Garnett....yeah baby. The Celtics are back!!!!!
and throw in Rajon Rondo, Kendrick Perkins and James Posey and we have ourselves a nice team!
dins wrote: So, how does Boston figure to sign any young talent with that financial scenario? Easy answer -- they don't.
Dins down, Goob to go!
a goober wrote: For the Eastern Conference title? Yes. For the NBA Championship? No.
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Post by Goober McTuber »

7 of your 8 wins are against the East, slappy. You have 3 guys carrying the team right now, all of them averaging around 40 minutes a game, and all of them at least 30 years old. Good luck with that plan over 82 games.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Post by Dinsdale »

Jack wrote:
dins wrote: So, how does Boston figure to sign any young talent with that financial scenario? Easy answer -- they don't.
Dins down, Goob to go!

Uhm, tard?

What young free agents does Boston have on the roster that need resigning?

Here's a little newsflash, bud --

Boston traded away pretty much everyone on the roster that had free agency looming.

Tell me you knew?

Boston won't be inking any deals in at least the next 2 years, since there ain't any deals to ink.

While I agree with Ainge's move (as mentioned, they needed to stop the bleeding now, not later), but if you can't understand just how incredibly expensive those trades were in exchange for a couple of seasons of renewed fan support, then you're pathetically stupid. The trades might have been æffective, but they were farrrrrrrr from cheap.

And when you say shit like "Dins down, Goob to go," it's proving you even more stupid.

"Dins down"? Are you stupid or high on crack? I was, in fact, right. I was right then, I was right now, and I'll be right next year. My financial predictions had nothing to do with any anticipated on-court results, and was merely a statement of financial reality.

Unless of course you care to enlighten me about all of this young talent that's getting resigned in the next year or two (I'll give you a hint -- it's in Minnesota).
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Post by Jack »


just stay down where you belong!

Where were the Celtics last year? Where are they now?
Are they in a better spot now?

What is the contract status for the current Celtics?

Kevin Garnett signed through 2011/2012
Paul Pierce signed through 2010/2011
Kendrick Perkins through 2010/2011
Rajon Rondo through 2010/2011
Brian Scalabrine signed through 2009-2010
Ray Allen signed through 2009-2010
James Posey signed through 2008/2009

So, last year the Celtics had cap space money but noone watched.
This year, the Celtics are among the Top 5 Good stories in the NBA.


Okay, now team salaries,

Yes, the Celtics are over the cap and have to pay a penalty.
That is not good.
However, is the penalty paid worth the rewards?

I think so!

Are the Celtics the highest salary team?
No! They have the 4th highest salary.
Which is only $3.5 million higher than the 10th highest salary team (Cleveland Cavaliers)

So, IMO, their team salary is in line with the top teams.

I am glad that you are staying at home nights worrying about the Celtics Future, but Don't!!
They will be alright and their future is brighter today than what is was at this time last year!!

I hope Minnesota has a good team in the future! The NBA needs more quality teams!!
I am glad that the Celtics could help them rebuild!!

The deals that the Celtics made to get Garnett and Allen were good moves. Yes, the deal cost money and talent but If you want to play, you have to pay.
The bottom line is the bottom line!!

Barring serious injury, I am happy with these deals!!

Dins down, Goob to go!!
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Post by Goober McTuber »

Jack wrote:Barring serious injury, I am happy with these deals!!
I’m still holding out hope that you'll have that serious injury. Hopefully something that involves the loss of both of your hands.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Post by Dinsdale »

Jack wrote:They will be alright and their future is brighter today than what is was at this time last year!!
If by "future," you mean this season, and possibly the next, then OK (just like I said).

If by future, you mean beyond that -- you're an idiot.

But you're quickly begging to prove yourself too ignorant to discuss the topic... which is pretty much par for you.
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Post by Goober McTuber »

Dog wrote:So it seems like the deal is in place.

Celtics are going to be instant contenders with KG, Paul Pierce and Ray Allen.

Doesn't really matter who they put around them. They could take your fat ass, Dins, and even Felix as the fifth man and should still be able to contend.
Goober McTuber wrote:For the Eastern Conference title? Yes. For the NBA Championship? No.
Just wanted to drop by and come correct. Major props to the Celtics. I didn’t think that particular threesome of stars could get it done, even with a decent supporting cast. Great defensive effort throughout the playoffs.
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Re: Re:

Post by OUMO »

Goober McTuber wrote:
Dog wrote:So it seems like the deal is in place.

Celtics are going to be instant contenders with KG, Paul Pierce and Ray Allen.

Doesn't really matter who they put around them. They could take your fat ass, Dins, and even Felix as the fifth man and should still be able to contend.
Goober McTuber wrote:For the Eastern Conference title? Yes. For the NBA Championship? No.
Just wanted to drop by and come correct. Major props to the Celtics. I didn’t think that particular threesome of stars could get it done, even with a decent supporting cast. Great defensive effort throughout the playoffs.
Well, I knew it you asshole. ;)
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