I'm too fuckin' old for this.....

It's the 19th Anniversary for T1B - Fuckin' A

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Raydah James
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Post by Raydah James »

cinderella_undercover wrote:
Ummmmm, yeah......I'm AWARE of that? (hence the "joke")

It'd be kinda hard to crack someone for "pretending" to be part of SDC if they actually WEREN'T??

Think about it.

Now, think about it again.

There ya go.....you see?
A quick scan of Mikeys previous unreadable shitpiles he hits submit to will give you all the information you need to know about him:

Unfunny and altogether useless as a poster here. This fucking tard incites laughter about as often as Cancer does.
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Post by Goober McTuber »

You might want to tread lightly there, James. Dude knows where you live.

Hey Cinderella, I suggested an offer for you back on page two of this thread.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Post by Mikey »

Raydah James wrote:Yeah, im sure that was just another "Mikey" with the same faggot avatar that cried about borrowing against his equity last year.

Much like your team-You're an absolute loser of a shitbag. You and your sorry fucking Temecula location deserve each other, bluehair.
Damn, it's hard to argue with somebody who has "the entire board" backing him up.
Not to mention all the other former shithole dwelling assholes that are now turning "Carlsbad, San Diego" into shithole by the stinking water lagoon south.

Good thing you're such a total fucking idiot you don't really even need my help to make it obvious.

BTW, what's your fave tourist attraction in Carlsbad, San Diego? Is it the beautiful power plant or the fragrant waste water treatment plant? I'd guess the second, since you seem to be so entranced with foul smelling water.
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Post by Raydah James »

Goober McTuber wrote:You might want to tread lightly there, James. Dude knows where you live.
No worries here-He's more than welcome to come say hi.........to either my Sig, Shotgun, or fists. His choice.
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Post by Mikey »

Gee, you're pretty scary. Even for a big bad Raiduh fan.
About as scary as an ass pimple, now that I think about it.



You don't have to worry though. I've got plenty of better places to go than the Foul Smelling Water Lagoon that attracts former shithole residing assholes. If I ever do get close I'll be sure to avoid your crib. I'm sure I'll be able to recognize it by the large swarm of shit-seeking flies that constantly buzz around it.
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Post by velocet »


Does anyone care if the powers that be shitcan the too specific personal info in this thread?

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Post by Mikey »

What, you didn't like my ass pimple comparison?
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Post by Raydah James »

I agree wholeheartedly with Velo.....Mikey totally crossed the fucking line.



Gimme a fucking break, V-we are all Lome and fliends or something.....
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Post by velocet »

Mikey wrote:What, you didn't like my ass pimple comparison?


No, it's just that regardless of who comes out ahead in your smack battle with RJ, the pure shit element is that which benefits the most from what's been divulged.

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Post by velocet »

Raydah James wrote:I agree wholeheartedly with Velo.....Mikey totally crossed the fucking line.



Gimme a fucking break, V-we are all Lome and fliends or something.....

Mikey? Dude is class. He's not the type I'm worried about.

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Post by Mikey »

You don't think that any of the info that either RJ or I divulged here is the actual truth, do you?
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Post by Ana Ng »

Goober McTuber wrote:
cinderella_undercover wrote:I'd rather eat my own ass with a plastic "spork"
Well that’s a pretty picture. In an earlier thread you asked for a photo of my large American penis. I think I just stumbled across an even trade.
Nahhhh, I'm good Goob.

The more I though about it, to more I realized that it'd be just as easy to google pictures of Rush Limbaugh.

I do appreciate you lookin' out, though.
War Wagon wrote:There is a God and my tomato garden is proof of that.
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Post by Mikey »

The real truth is that I live under a bridge in El Cajon and RJ lives in a room behind a head shop in OB.

Fallbrook is just my dream.
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Post by Raydah James »

Mikey wrote:The real truth is that I live under a bridge in El Cajon and RJ lives in a room behind a head shop in OB.

Fallbrook is just my dream.
Nah bro, im under Oside Pier now-it accomodates my surfing lifestyle much better than being spun 24/7 on shit Mexican Dirt Buds from the old landlord.
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Post by Ana Ng »

I take it a So-Cal T1B "meet-n-greet" is out of the question?

War Wagon wrote:There is a God and my tomato garden is proof of that.
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Post by Raydah James »

cinderella_undercover wrote:I take it a So-Cal T1B "meet-n-greet" is out of the question?



This place is for shits and giggles-nothing more, nothing less. If you have a legitimate "beef" with someone from a fucking BB, then you are a legitimate tard who should log the fuck off permanently.
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Post by Mikey »

We could meet up with RJ behind Ruby's on the pier for an after hours dumpster diving session.
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Post by Ana Ng »

Mikey wrote:We could meet up with RJ behind Ruby's on the pier for an after hours dumpster diving session.
Heh heh, I was JUST out there a couple of weeks ago. (No, NOT in the dumpater)

I have a friend that's moving to O'side next month, and he wanted to see the beach area.

WTF is up with the families of 8+ out there at 2am, rolled up in "Dora the Explorer" blankets....sleeping head to foot on the pier next to the buckets of chum and random strands of pre-hooked fish wire?
War Wagon wrote:There is a God and my tomato garden is proof of that.
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Post by Mikey »

Some people will do anything to qualify for their fishing merit badge.
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Post by smackaholic »

Raydah James wrote:
This place is for shits and giggles-nothing more, nothing less. If you have a legitimate "beef" with someone from a fucking BB, then you are a legitimate tard who should log the fuck off permanently.

some of the tards in here need to have this scratched into their monitor.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Post by smackaholic »

3000 is probably a monthly mortgage payment (15 year) for the entire fukking state of iowa.

Don't worry about that AC mace, if 4 months the 110 degree temp swing will allow that puppy to rest up for a bit.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Post by Headhunter »

Mace wrote:$3000/month, RJ??? Damn, in Iowa we call that a sizeable down payment!

You also call this guy "Neighbor", which I'm sure doesn't help property values.

Dinsdale wrote:This board makes me feel like Stephen-Hawking-For-The-Day, except my penis is functional and I can walk and stuff.
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Post by Jerkovich »

Mace wrote:Not to get back on topic or anything BUT.....the air conditioner is finally fixed and cooling the house.

$3000/month, RJ??? Damn, in Iowa we call that a sizeable down payment!

Ya, for a piece of shit on the out let side of a shit plant. Seriously, take that aerial view and back it up a few notches, You'll note a shit processing complex that probably processes for the whole north county.

Nice. :lol:

That real estate is a Jew agents dream, and a suckers nightmare. :meds:
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