Has anyone here seriously .....

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Has anyone here seriously .....

Post by poptart »

....... ever had their ass kicked in a fight?

We're sort of anonymous on the board, so you can open up and talk about how it was.
No loss of pride.

Everyone would like to pretend that they're way hard core when they post here, but I'm pretty sure someone here has had the snot kicked out of them before.

Maybe in school.
Or at a bar.
Or maybe in the corridor of a stadium, after running it too hard at an opposing fan(s).
Or by a cop.
Or by your neighbor.

I just think that somewhere along the line, someone in here has absorbed a good beating.

Can we talk?
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Post by BSmack »

Have gotten their asses kicked

CMike's Charger hat
Guy Fawkes' colon
T1B's scroll wheels
Irie's teeth
Luther's colostomy bag
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Post by Dog »

I bumped into a dude at a bar and spilled his beer. He was all up in my face and I offered to buy him another beer. Don't really know what happened after that but I was on the ground bleeding from a gash in my head.

So, yeah, I got sucker-punched for accidentally spilling a beer and then offering to buy him a new one.

Fucking Drunks.
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Re: Had anyone here seriously .....

Post by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 »

poptart wrote:....... ever had their ass kicked in a fight?

Senior year at UConn. I was totally cocked at a Carriage House party and got into it with some juicer. We wrestled around for a bit when dude got me into a nasty headlock and then started whalloping me. He must have landed about a dozen solid punches to my face. I was pretty much out on my feet, mostly from the beating but also because of the booze, when I somehow managed to suplex him while he was using my face as a speed bag. He ended up landing on his head and was knocked unconscious. I stumbled to my feet, blew some blood snot on his prone body, and starting kicking him in the ribs when I was taken to the ground by the crowd of people viewing the slugfest. Fucking cunts.

I had two black eyes, and my face looked like shit (yes, even worse than normal!) for a good month... but I still consider that a win. I mean... I was still standing afterwards, right?
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Re: Had anyone here seriously .....

Post by Dinsdale »

ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:dude got me into a nasty headlock and then started whalloping me. He must have landed about a dozen solid punches to my face.

"Escape from 'headlock' " is usually covered in the first half-hour of the beginner's grappling class.

There's no such thing as a "headlock" -btw. If you got beat up by someone using one, you're a chump.
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Re: Had anyone here seriously .....

Post by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 »

Dinsdale wrote:"Escape from 'headlock' " is usually covered in the first half-hour of the beginner's grappling class.
Epic. In the first minute of your faggoty class, I am sure they also covered walking in a straight line for 5 feet, which I also needed a refresher course on because:
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:I was totally cocked.
I spent 6 years studying under the likes of Charlie Lysak (google the name if you wish), so save your tough guy act for someone who's actually impressed by your bullshit.
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Re: Had anyone here seriously .....

Post by Dinsdale »

ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote: I spent 6 years studying under the likes of Charlie Lysak

And in 6 freaking years, they didn't teach you the very simple counter to by far the most common "grappling" move in a streetfight?

Freaking CLASSIC. Why bother soliciting others to kick your ass, when you and Mr Lysak do such a nice job of it without outside interference?

Can't. Stop. Laughing.
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Post by A.C. Crut »

Me and my ribs would rather not talk about it.


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Re: Had anyone here seriously .....

Post by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 »

Dinsdale wrote:And in 6 freaking years, they didn't teach you the very simple counter to by far the most common "grappling" move in a streetfight?
This happened during my
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:Senior year at UConn.
I graduated in UConn 91. If your bullshit response were at all accurate, he'd have to been training me in 85, correct? Do some research on Sento and Lysak and then go fuck yourself.

Did I mention that I was pretty hammered? Ignore that statement some more, just like you ignore your oft abused liver. When someone starts a thread about what frozen pizza to nuke at 3 am after an epic night of boozing and getting turned down by fatties, then you chime in. Skinny ass drunkard says what about fighting.... who gives a fuck?

I eagerly await you next bullshit story about how you kicked Chuck Norris's ass after downing a case of Piels.
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Post by OCmike »

A.C. Crut wrote:Me and my ribs would rather not talk about it.



I'm thinking he's wishing he could have that one back right about now.
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Post by indyfrisco »

Freshman year high school was the only time I got my ass kicked. At basketball practice. This was before I hit my growth spurt (not rubbing it in TVO). I was 5'2". I had a hard foul, not intentionally, on the center who was probably 6'2" or so. He pushed me running back down the court and I told him to fuck off. Bad move.

He cornered me in the locker room and would not let me leave. He started punching me. Somehow I got him in a headlock and fell backwards pounding his skull into the tile. Last thing I remembered about him saying was "Now you're dead." He slammed my head into the lockers for about 5 minutes before the coach came in and broke it up. 18 stitches. Bloody nose. Black eye.

GOt in a few more fights after that through college. Most were brief. I realized once you resort to fighting, you've already lost. Haven't been in a fight in 10 years unless you count the one time I got so shitfaced and embarrassing that my wife slapped me, or so I was told. I don't remember.
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Post by ElTaco »

Its amazing how many people you end up picking up with a bloody nose on a Friday night who were 'Just walking down the street when someone from no where jumped them...'

Its been a long time since I've been in a fight, like 3rd grade I think. I did end up with a cracked skull from that one and had to spend a week in ICU. The guy got me from behind but it was the pavement that did the real damage.
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Re: Had anyone here seriously .....

Post by Cuda »

Dinsdale wrote:
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote: I spent 6 years studying under the likes of Charlie Lysak

And in 6 freaking years, they didn't teach you the very simple counter to by far the most common "grappling" move in a streetfight?.
What, and risk stretching a $70 polo shirt all outta shape? He'd far prefer to take the ass-kicking
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:I was totally cocked.
Just like Guy_Fawkes during Happy Hour at the Glory Hole Bar
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Moving Sale

Re: Had anyone here seriously .....

Post by Moving Sale »

Dinsdale wrote:"Escape from 'headlock' " is usually covered in the first half-hour of the beginner's grappling class.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Best fight street fight ever is Chuck vs. 9 SEALs on a night when the SLO cops could not quite handle all the crowds.

Oh you said ME in a fight?

I've kicked LOTS of guys asses with a 'headlock.' :?
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Re: Had anyone here seriously .....

Post by The Whistle Is Screaming »

Moving Sale wrote:I've said it before and I'll say it again. Best fight street fight ever is Chuck vs. 9 SEALs on a night when the SLO cops could not quite handle all the crowds.
That's fucking impressive, but to clarify, were you clinging to his nutsack the whole time or did he gently pluck you off and sit you on a table when the rumble started?

Moving Sale wrote:I've kicked LOTS of guys asses with a 'headlock.' :?
There's a few jokes there as well, but I'm heading out for the day. Someone else can pick this low hanging fruit.
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Moving Sale

Re: Had anyone here seriously .....

Post by Moving Sale »

The Whistle Is Screaming wrote: That's fucking impressive, but to clarify, were you clinging to his nutsack the whole time....
No, I was a SEALs throw away.
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Post by Bobby42 »

Anyone here get their ass kicked by a woman and was it good for you?
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Re: Had anyone here seriously .....

Post by Dinsdale »

Moving Sale wrote:I was a SEALs throw away.

Good thing you were in SLO, not France.
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Post by Ana Ng »

Hasn't happened yet, but I have a feeling it will soon.

I did, however, have a 400+ lb. bouncer put one of his ham hands over my face and launch me about 15 feet across a concert floor last year.

(guess I shoulda kept my sandal outta his canyon sized ass-crack that night)
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Re: Has anyone here seriously .....

Post by RadioFan »

poptart wrote:Everyone would like to pretend that they're way hard core when they post here, but I'm pretty sure someone here has had the snot kicked out of them before.
I had my ass beat, in the snow, in Wisconsin, when I was about 10, for no good reason. Haven't had my ass kicked since then, though some martial arts training has helped me aviod some major ass-kickings.

How 'bout you, pop?
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Post by poptart »

[align=center]*Updated Spreadsheet*[/align]

Have had their ass whipped

mvscal - knocked out by a forearm shiver from a knuckledragging squid
Dog - had a nasty head gash opened by a dumb and sloppy drunk
ucant -was badly overwhelmed by a fundamental grappling move
kcdave - took multiple ball bat swings to the ribs
Dinsdale - never
IndyFrisco - had a five minute face surgery session upside a H.S. locker
ElTaco -one week ICU stay from a head bounce on the pavement
Bobby42 - wants his wife to kick his ass
88 - was slapped down - can't recall details
Radio Fan - smacked the hell down and left in the snow
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Post by A.C. Crut »

Bobby42 wrote:Anyone here get their ass kicked by a woman and was it good for you?
I already fucking told you losers, me and my ribs don't want to talk about it.


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