So my question is, at what point to you say "fuck it" and relocate? If I may don a Pacific Northwest Chamber of Commerce hat for a second, I say you're all welcome out here. Home prices are on a bit of a skid (due in large part to lots of high-risk home loan foreclosures, no doubt plenty from your region) so now is the time to buy. If you are just a bit careful and don't buy a home right on the beach-front, an unstable hillside, or in a place with an insufficient forest-fire buffer, you'll be fine. Funny thing is, our region is thought of as having bad weather and spectacular natural disasters, but all in all things are pretty melow in that regard compared to tornado alley and looting-louisiana.
At least until "The Big One" finally hits, they we're all fucked. Buy hey, good chance we don't see it in our lifetime (knock on Douglas Fir).
Oh, and yes, we have our share of the "bottom of the socioeconomc barrel" but I think here they are tamer. Throw one an 8-ball or 20-sack like a peanut to an elephant and you'll have yourself a friend for life who will be willing to wash your car, slash your enemies' tires or even watch your kids (just not for too long).

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