The F.B.I. will now monitor this board
Moderator: Jesus H Christ
Many of you think you're cute and funny but you're sick sad and perverted. You people run umock here while I bet most of the decent humans have chosen not to participate at all. Congratulations. I'm a good person and yet all you've done since I joined this site is verbally abuse me, degrade me, and threaten pedophile actions with my children. And I bet a lot of you who are into this kind of talk have family and children of your own. But thats fine because what comes around goes around too.
We can see how it is when the F.B.I. shows up at your home takes your computer to examine and you end up on the evening news. Those of you making the sad comments have sad history on your computers too. I'm a master of human nature. So before your personal tragedy takes place you can take inventory of yourself and turn yourself around. Why not evern just offer up a sincere apology to me also?
Or we can just keep this up. I'll be contacting my local cyber crimes director for updates this week. Many of you can regret your comments on this thread even though I did warn you that you are being watched in here by the F.B.I.
We can see how it is when the F.B.I. shows up at your home takes your computer to examine and you end up on the evening news. Those of you making the sad comments have sad history on your computers too. I'm a master of human nature. So before your personal tragedy takes place you can take inventory of yourself and turn yourself around. Why not evern just offer up a sincere apology to me also?
Or we can just keep this up. I'll be contacting my local cyber crimes director for updates this week. Many of you can regret your comments on this thread even though I did warn you that you are being watched in here by the F.B.I.
If you only knew how things really worked - you'd be laughing like me.Dan Vogel wrote:Many of you think you're cute and funny but you're sick sad and perverted. You people run umock here while I bet most of the decent humans have chosen not to participate at all. Congratulations. I'm a good person and yet all you've done since I joined this site is verbally abuse me, degrade me, and threaten pedophile actions with my children. And I bet a lot of you who are into this kind of talk have family and children of your own. But thats fine because what comes around goes around too.
We can see how it is when the F.B.I. shows up at your home takes your computer to examine and you end up on the evening news. Those of you making the sad comments have sad history on your computers too. I'm a master of human nature. So before your personal tragedy takes place you can take inventory of yourself and turn yourself around. Why not evern just offer up a sincere apology to me also?
Or we can just keep this up. I'll be contacting my local cyber crimes director for updates this week. Many of you can regret your comments on this thread even though I did warn you that you are being watched in here by the F.B.I.
Continue on with the troll job. This thread has been mildly entertaining and I don't want to ruin other's fun.
- SunCoastSooner
- Reported Bible Thumper
- Posts: 6318
- Joined: Sun Jan 16, 2005 1:07 am
- Location: Destin, Florida
Rack Fu wrote:That was unofficial. I guess it's now official. :Dmvscal wrote:I thought Agent Fu was already keeping an eye on us?

BSmack wrote:I can certainly infer from that blurb alone that you are self righteous, bible believing, likely a Baptist or Presbyterian...
Miryam wrote:but other than that, it's cool, man. you're a christer.
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Okay, Sunny, yer cards are on table as a flat-out Christer.
- SunCoastSooner
- Reported Bible Thumper
- Posts: 6318
- Joined: Sun Jan 16, 2005 1:07 am
- Location: Destin, Florida
That's why we post here...Dan Vogel wrote:Many of you think you're cute and funny but you're sick sad and perverted.
Decent human beings? Have you seen the boards we moved from? We are the decent human beings who post from this sordid group.You people run umock here while I bet most of the decent humans have chosen not to participate at all.
Nobody demmanded nudes of your wife? Guys you're slippin' I may have to return the Cul De Smack if you don't pick up the slack.Congratulations. I'm a good person and yet all you've done since I joined this site is verbally abuse me, degrade me, and threaten pedophile actions with my children.
I do. I also have a large acreage, a shotgun, and Florida has a make my day law. Try me...And I bet a lot of you who are into this kind of talk have family and children of your own. But thats fine because what comes around goes around too.
Damn the new OUESPN board might discover I am the texass troll...We can see how it is when the F.B.I. shows up at your home takes your computer to examine and you end up on the evening news.
Is trolling a federal offense Fu or will I get State time?
[Loudspeaker]Paging Blueblood and Jone paging blueblood and Jon.[/loudspeaker]Those of you making the sad comments have sad history on your computers too. I'm a master of human nature.
On behalf of the T1B welcoming comittee I would like to publicly appologize for the plunger found this morning in your backside.So before your personal tragedy takes place you can take inventory of yourself and turn yourself around. Why not evern just offer up a sincere apology to me also?
Fear the Fu...Or we can just keep this up. I'll be contacting my local cyber crimes director for updates this week. Many of you can regret your comments on this thread even though I did warn you that you are being watched in here by the F.B.I.
BSmack wrote:I can certainly infer from that blurb alone that you are self righteous, bible believing, likely a Baptist or Presbyterian...
Miryam wrote:but other than that, it's cool, man. you're a christer.
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Okay, Sunny, yer cards are on table as a flat-out Christer.
Umm, Danny boy....
I've just got one thing that I'm a little unclear on here, so maybe you could enlighten us on this one:
Why do you have to call and give updates to the "local cyber crimes director" about what is going on in here, when you've supposedly already had the FBI place an agent (FU???) here to monitor the beatdown you're currently taking....err.....illegal activity happening on this board???
DAMMIT SON, You've got to focus better if you want to troll this place; don't you know there are spreadsheet makers lurking around every corner here, logging the shit you spew, and just waiting to catch even the slightest mis-step you make??? An obvious faux pas such as this just won't cut it.
Concentrate grasshopper.....only then will you be able to snatch the pebble from my hand.
I've just got one thing that I'm a little unclear on here, so maybe you could enlighten us on this one:
Why do you have to call and give updates to the "local cyber crimes director" about what is going on in here, when you've supposedly already had the FBI place an agent (FU???) here to monitor the beatdown you're currently taking....err.....illegal activity happening on this board???
DAMMIT SON, You've got to focus better if you want to troll this place; don't you know there are spreadsheet makers lurking around every corner here, logging the shit you spew, and just waiting to catch even the slightest mis-step you make??? An obvious faux pas such as this just won't cut it.
Concentrate grasshopper.....only then will you be able to snatch the pebble from my hand.
Winston Wolf:
If I'm curt with you it's because time is a factor. I think fast, I talk fast and I need you guys to act fast if you wanna get out of this. So, pretty please... with sugar on top. Clean the fucking car!
If I'm curt with you it's because time is a factor. I think fast, I talk fast and I need you guys to act fast if you wanna get out of this. So, pretty please... with sugar on top. Clean the fucking car!
Did mvscal remember the popcorn balls? I heard you like those shoved up your ass.Dan Vogel wrote:Many of you think you're cute and funny but you're sick sad and perverted. You people run umock here while I bet most of the decent humans have chosen not to participate at all. Congratulations. I'm a good person and yet all you've done since I joined this site is verbally abuse me, degrade me, and threaten pedophile actions with my children. And I bet a lot of you who are into this kind of talk have family and children of your own. But thats fine because what comes around goes around too.
Van wrote:It's like rimming an unbathed fat chick from Missouri. It's highly distinctive, miserably unforgettable and completely wrong.
Shoalzie wrote:You've got to have thick skin when you post on a message board like this. It's pretty much unfiltered and uncensored...anything goes. I think most won't "cross the line" but I think a lot of it is all said in jest or said with the idea that the other person might take those words too seriously and procede to meltdown in glorious fashion.
I've got my little running joke trailing me for almost two years now but I don't care. In fact, I laugh at more and more because I brought it on myself and I know it was stupid of me to bring it up in the first place. It's not anyone's fault here other than my own for revealing something that probably didn't need to be mentioned.
Rarely is it wise to reference friends and family in an anonymous setting like this because those people because incident victims of jokes. Make fun of me but don't make fun of my family or friends...they don't reflect what I do here. From that standpoint I can understand Dan's beef but to bring in the feds? You're going a little too far.
Nice discalimer.
Very nice.
wolfman wrote:I also remember seeing all the old people dying in the streets because they did not have medicare. Good times.
Pssssst, he was being facetious. Dumbass.XXXL wrote:Run for the hills dumbass.......MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:Fuck. I knew this day was coming.
I'm going into hiding. Someone send me a PM when everything has passed over.
Van wrote:It's like rimming an unbathed fat chick from Missouri. It's highly distinctive, miserably unforgettable and completely wrong.
- Eternal Scobode
- Posts: 21259
- Joined: Wed Jan 19, 2005 2:35 pm
Nice south swell starting to show on south facing beaches, dumbass.......RadioFan wrote:Pssssst, he was being facetious. Dumbass.XXXL wrote:Run for the hills dumbass.......MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:Fuck. I knew this day was coming.
I'm going into hiding. Someone send me a PM when everything has passed over.
- Mister Bushice
- Drinking all the beer Luther left behind
- Posts: 9490
- Joined: Fri Jan 14, 2005 2:39 pm
After checking some of your posts, I think we overlooked the evil that is within you, Danny.Dan Vogel wrote:Many of you think you're cute and funny but you're sick sad and perverted. You people run umock here while I bet most of the decent humans have chosen not to participate at all. Congratulations. I'm a good person and yet all you've done since I joined this site is verbally abuse me, degrade me, and threaten pedophile actions with my children. And I bet a lot of you who are into this kind of talk have family and children of your own. But thats fine because what comes around goes around too.
We can see how it is when the F.B.I. shows up at your home takes your computer to examine and you end up on the evening news. Those of you making the sad comments have sad history on your computers too. I'm a master of human nature. So before your personal tragedy takes place you can take inventory of yourself and turn yourself around. Why not evern just offer up a sincere apology to me also?
Or we can just keep this up. I'll be contacting my local cyber crimes director for updates this week. Many of you can regret your comments on this thread even though I did warn you that you are being watched in here by the F.B.I.
Check out these quotes from several of your posts:
No subtle sadism going on there now, is there? Is it inflicting the pain or the age group that you like the most?this child is in high school but if he's under 18 he should be physically corrected. And best if it's by his father.
Are you trying to tell us all something here, Danny?Who are they? Young college fans. Ok, I have to pack it in for tonight.
Then there's the work environment. What WOULD Happen if they dusted your computer hard drive for vomit, Danny?
What exactly were you doing at your desk that day, Danny?Wouldn't like anyone to look over my shoulder and see that.
I'm a bit tight today. Might not get on again. Maybe. I don't know how it will shake out.
Then we get into a little afternoon delight:
I agreed I would visit Tony's teacher after school
I tried using wood I guess I'm not that good at it. I hope I can rest later. Earn your jerk I guess

That one pretty much stands on its own.
And finally, that not so subtle message to anyone from NAMBLA who might be lurking:
Had to drag Tony off the computer but I think he took an appreciation to it in the end.
You know, danny, We might have to call upon Dick Fucking Tracy to find out where you are so we can contact the local child protective services agency and let them know they just might have a real pervo in their area.
You'd better be careful Danny...Pretending you're a goody goody won't fly very long, around here.
The world needs ditch diggers, but Prisoners need their "girlfriends", too.
- RevLimiter
- Count Chunkula
- Posts: 2211
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- Location: Heartland Of America
So ummm Dan.....WHY exactly do you post here anyway if it offends you and your "family" so much?
T1B- THE place to be for fun, informative sports talk....or NOT:
Wet-Brained Fucktard wrote:I know we here like to talk shit and we do tend to get, how you say, immature at times. At some points, the banter on a board like this can be somewhat childish. It happens.
I joined this site because it seemed like a cool message board. Lots of forums and interests. But I found out that it has been overtaken by strange sick perverted and even criminal people. Is that what you want? People should be free to post at an internet board without that kind of sickness and criminall harassment. So I took matters into my own hands. If everyone would step to the plate and do their part we could makethe kind of civilized society that all decent people want to have. Don't you want that? Or would you rather wallow around with low thugs and pedophiles? Do you have children?
Some people persist in digging their own grave by their posts in this thread even though they have been aware that they are being watched. After this board has been cleaned up I might start to post more often. I was going to suggest an outdoor forum and volunteer to moderate it before I learned of the creeps that position themeselves here to attack and threaten everyone. But right now I'll sit aside and let the law and authorities take its run of course.
Have a good week!
Some people persist in digging their own grave by their posts in this thread even though they have been aware that they are being watched. After this board has been cleaned up I might start to post more often. I was going to suggest an outdoor forum and volunteer to moderate it before I learned of the creeps that position themeselves here to attack and threaten everyone. But right now I'll sit aside and let the law and authorities take its run of course.
Have a good week!
- Mister Bushice
- Drinking all the beer Luther left behind
- Posts: 9490
- Joined: Fri Jan 14, 2005 2:39 pm
"Overtaken by"? You meant "started up by", right?Dan Vogel wrote:I joined this site because it seemed like a cool message board. Lots of forums and interests. But I found out that it has been overtaken by strange sick perverted and even criminal people.
Which will come back to bite you, dumbass, when it's discovered that you post here, too.Is that what you want? People should be free to post at an internet board without that kind of sickness and criminall harassment. So I took matters into my own hands.
I'm not aware I'm being watched, but if you shake the bushes when you're out there, I'll make it worth your while, pervy.Some people persist in digging their own grave by their posts in this thread even though they have been aware that they are being watched.
After this board has been cleaned up I might start to post more often.
Luckily for the rest of us, that won't happen any time soon.
You mean like a nature hike? Will you be touching penises like the camp counselors do?I was going to suggest an outdoor forum and volunteer to moderate it
nice troll job btw, whoever. :)
- SunCoastSooner
- Reported Bible Thumper
- Posts: 6318
- Joined: Sun Jan 16, 2005 1:07 am
- Location: Destin, Florida
Thank God the van got impounded on the last journey to Pittsburgh then...Douchebag wrote:god i'm feeling the RAGE again
BSmack wrote:I can certainly infer from that blurb alone that you are self righteous, bible believing, likely a Baptist or Presbyterian...
Miryam wrote:but other than that, it's cool, man. you're a christer.
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Okay, Sunny, yer cards are on table as a flat-out Christer.
That was one hell of a summer tour you had, Douchebag. Better not start out with PGH this time around. diT made a special trip up to humiliate you - he can probably do the same in the Castro or wherever you are right now.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.