How did that taste, AGAIN, bitch?
You have, without a doubt, the most overpriced, prissy, overrated "team" this side of Earth, motherfucking wannabe pedophile.
Let's talk about that for a moment, shall we?
Your Yankees have been all about that for, oh say, the last 12 FUCKING YEARS, and what has it gotten you? Of course, I'm sure you and your mom had a swell time, with that gun very near her head (and yours), during those first four years of Yankee Glory. Ah, those were the days, weren't they? The days of jacking off into the toilet, when you didn't have the guts to seduce your mother (hey, we're all young and naive).
But let's face it, since you've started thinking about having your own place, despite how attractive your mom has become, your team sucks.
In the last 7 years, no championships, and over the last FOUR years, your overpaid, over-hyped "team" didn't even make it out of the first round.

Have I neglected to mention that the Yankees are primed to win the World Series, next year?

Todd, make good on your one-time promise and eat a bullet. Now's the time for change.
Your Friend,