I hereby confess that I’m a fat fuckin’ slob. According to that bullshit BMI index, at 6 feet and 240 I’m almost 20 pounds into the obese range, at least I was two Sundays ago. The thing is that 25 years ago when I was working construction at my fighting weight of about 195 with almost no fat I was still almost 10 pounds “overweight”.
I’ve decided (once again) that it’s time to seriously try to take off some major lbs. I figure if I chart it here maybe I’ll be more inclined to stick to it. I want to see if I can get back down to around 200, and then I’ll see where I go from there. I’ll update this chart every few days or so.
I’m not gonna starve myself. And I'm not setting up any unrealistic goals. I’ve already taken off almost 9 lb in the past 11 days. Yeah, it’s prolly mostly water but it’s still weight and my belt is noticeably looser. I just gonna keep on doing this until I think I've had enough and then make an effort to maintain.

Here’s what I’m doing:
Cutting out sugar, starches (bread, potatoes, pasta, rice, etc.), most fruit and beer. Not completely though. I did have a beer last Friday and some bread, a banana and some and pie when we went camping over the weekend. I’ll allow myself a little leeway on the weekends.
Like I said I’m not starving myself. My regular breakfast is three scrambled eggs with crumbled bacon and salsa. Last night I had about a 10 oz ground sirloin patty and a huge Caesar salad and about ½ bottle of a deece red wine. Night before a 12 oz filet mignon, artichoke with mayo and more wine. My lunches are basically a large salad with tomatoes, cheese and some kind of protein like tuna or ham. I eat until I’m full and snack on a handful of almonds a few times a day. Oh yeah, about 4 tablespoons of psyllium fiber mixed with water with my dinner every night.
I’m gonna sticky this thread at least for a while. Any comments, ideas, advice, questions, discussion or just plain smack are welcome. Have at it. Or not. I don’t GARA, this is for me not you.
PS Fataholic, you might want to play along here. You're well on your way to a premature death by heart attack or suffocating in your own gut.