Another Nick Frisco abortion, commenting about Bill Maher

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Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Goddamn, you pussies are SO fucking boring!!
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Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Jsc810 wrote:Goddamn, how can you believe something so implausible?
What's implausible? That Maher is a total tool? How can he ignore the bizarre collapse of Building 7 issue--if only for an attempted joke? He doesn't acknowledge it at all? Who's he kidding? You?

As for the attack on the Pentagon, where's any evidence a plane hit that building? Gee, not a single scrap of an entire airliner. Seen the video?

I say it's implausible to suggest that a jet airliner is hitting that building. And this is a video released by the government.

Examine these details while you're at it ... re=related

Post by Bennish »

I saw a slow-mo of a plane hitting the Pentagon on A&E 2 years ago. Where have you been?

I guess you missed the interview with Muhammad Atta's family where they were shocked he would do such a thing.
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Post by LTS TRN 2 »

You saw it ? Where is it? How the fuck did Building 7 fall down?
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Post by velocet »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:You saw it ? Where is it? How the fuck did Building 7 fall down?


"An "opinion" implies an actual "take," which means one has some knowledge of the subject, an ability to express a position on the subject that someone else with similar knowledge will recognize as coherent and related. "

You know who wrote that? YOU did 6 fukking years ago... you know, back in the day when you had a lot more going on with your posts than the never ending rant along a Bush-Israel axis.

Well, ok, I do have to give you credit for trying to do better with one fairly recent post:
"Yeah, 'cept that besides Ayn Rand, no one in the past two hundred years has taken Aristotle seriously. His scientific method remains, but his philosophic basis has long been discredited...except by total jokes like Ayn Rand"

... but that notion, Ayn Rand notwithstanding, is exactly backwards.

This is ridiculous. Restore to an earlier point and get back to your old skool paradigm. The board could use it.

KC Scott

Post by KC Scott »

Hey Velo - good to see you back.

I was just in DC Thurs and Friday (actually Manassas.

Flew into DCA Thurs night and had to go all the way up GW and back down 495 beacuse 66 is all HOV after 4:00PM?

How the hell do you deal with that shit out there?
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Post by Y2K »

How the fuck did Building 7 fall down?

There WAS that 10 story chunk missing that took out those support columns

and the fire

and it was built on top of a Electrical Substation

or maybe massive ground movement because of failing Slurry Walls

or Bush, Cheney and the NeoCon Elite sent a 30 Man Demo Team into Ground Zero and not one person saw anything.

I'll go with a Chenron Conspiracy myself...........
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Post by Dr_Phibes »

velocet wrote:
You know who wrote that? YOU did 6 fukking years ago...

Why do you have Nick Frisco posts from six years ago?


Post by Screw_Michigan »

KC Scott wrote:How the hell do you deal with that shit out there?
you don't drive. but i can see how that's so fucking simple that you'd be completely oblivious to it.
Moving Sale

Post by Moving Sale »

Jsc810 wrote:Goddamn, how can you believe something so implausible?
Appeal to Ridicule. Nice going.

Read book on Logic and get back to me.
Moving Sale

Post by Moving Sale »

Jsc810 wrote:I and others relied upon and accept the oficial version of events, something like the 9/11 Commission issued a report.
Because you are lazy and can't think for yourself. The Government explaining why the Government is not lying to you. That is funny!
You nit-picked on minutia,
I call then the facts of your 'case.'
and failed to offer a plausable explanation of events.
You mean like one that doesn’t rely on the suspension of the Law of Physics like yours does?
This is not like the government charging your client with a crime, where the government must prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt.
Says who?
So under the circumstances, ridicule is appropriate.
Your tactic is to avoid the situation by relying on others to do your thinking for you and by refusing to actually debate the merits of the case by saying it is ridiculous. No worries that is your prerogative, but don't think for a moment that it actually proves anything.

How far off the ground where the lamp-posts again? That's what I thought.

Post by Bennish »

Perhaps you should go expand on your Jewish conspiracy theory at They love retarded mongoloids over there.
Moving Sale

Post by Moving Sale »

Bush stuck a pole up your ass. I thought you knew.
Moving Sale

Post by Moving Sale »

A New Pearl Harbor. Where have YOU been for the last 6 years?

Bush cooked the books on Iraq getting more people killed than where killed on 9-11 and you have the nerve to ridicule the idea that your wack assed conspiracy theory that 19 people pulled off 9-11 MIGHT be a crock of shit. What flavor was the Kool-Aid?

Post by Bennish »

There's no point in even getting back into 9-11 itself at this point... just tell us why the entire media agreed to pretend Barbara Olson is dead. Thousands of people would have had to be in on this with the fake funeral and everything and not one of them has cracked. What was their motive?

And explain why radical Muzzies in England are in on the Zionist Conspiracy too.

Image ... .ukposter/
Moving Sale

Post by Moving Sale »

I missed the one where the 757 hit a building. You were just getting ready to post that one right?
Moving Sale

Post by Moving Sale »

Jsc810 wrote:What happened on 9/11?
You: A 757 hit the pentagon.
Me: But the hole is too small.
You: Then what hit it?

So you agree the hole was too small?

Post by Bennish »

Where the fuck is Barbara Olson then?
Moving Sale

Post by Moving Sale »

Bennish wrote:What was their motive?
Good God. They told you their motive years before 9-11.
Stick to posting pics of AP in your underwear you stupid twat.
Moving Sale

Post by Moving Sale »

Bennish wrote:Where the fuck is Barbara Olson then?
You mean the lady that called her husband collect from a phone that doesn't make collect calls? That BO? Get back to me when her name shows up on the SS index.

How did she make a cc on a phone that doesn't make cc?
Moving Sale

Post by Moving Sale »

Jsc810 wrote:
Moving Sale wrote:So you agree the hole was too small?
How is it not too small? If it is the right size why waste time looking for dead people who (according to you) have already been found? How is it not too small?
Moving Sale

Post by Moving Sale »

According to you a plane hit a building and made a hole smaller than itself. That's what happened… according to you. How silly you must feel. All you have to hold onto is repeating a fallacy… over and over. How silly you must feel.
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Post by The Seer »

Moving Sale wrote:
Bennish wrote:Where the fuck is Barbara Olson then?
You mean the lady that called her husband collect from a phone that doesn't make collect calls? That BO? Get back to me when her name shows up on the SS index.

How did she make a cc on a phone that doesn't make cc?

How does your tiny brain remember to breathe periodically....and why bother with that?
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Post by Mikey »

¿Por que no te callas?
Moving Sale

Post by Moving Sale »

Jsc810 wrote:A simple and direct question, yet you continue to avoid answering it.

What happened on 9/11?
I just told you a plane hit a building and left a mark smaller than itself. Try and follow along.
Moving Sale

Post by Moving Sale »

The Seer wrote:How does your tiny brain remember to breathe periodically....and why bother with that?
So you can tell me how a phone that can't make a cc made a cc? This should be good.

Post by Bennish »

Moving Sale wrote:
Bennish wrote:Where the fuck is Barbara Olson then?
You mean the lady that called her husband collect from a phone that doesn't make collect calls? That BO? Get back to me when her name shows up on the SS index.

How did she make a cc on a phone that doesn't make cc?
But the phones you speak of are on planes. I thought you said it wasn't a plane.

What was the motive to pretend Barbara Olson is dead? Why add that in to the conspiracy?
Moving Sale

Post by Moving Sale »

Bennish wrote:But the phones you speak of are on planes. I thought you said it wasn't a plane.
No one has ever accused you of being smart huh?
Why add that in to the conspiracy?
God you are dumb. It wasn't ADDING to the conspiracy it was the launching of the conspiracy. It was Ted who started the whole hijack story. At least TRY and ACT like you know something about 9-11 if you are going to be all high and mighty about your point of view.


Post by Bennish »

Why her? And where the fuck is she? Why haven't one of your minions found her and exposed the Illuminati?
Moving Sale

Post by Moving Sale »

Bennish wrote:Why her?
We start with a Burden of Proof fallacy.
And where the fuck is she?
And again.
Why haven't one of your minions found her and exposed the Illuminati?
And we round it out with Appeal to Ridicule/Strawman.

Four fallacies in three "tries." Your teachers must be proud.

Post by Bennish »

Attempting to apply logic to your preposterous claims is a fallacy in itself.

No, the hole isn't too small. It's 75 feet wide. That's pretty big. Take a model airplane in your hand look down on it and imagine it crashing into the wall. Do you really think the wings are going to slice through the reinforced concrete walls of the Pentagon? Ram it into your drywall right now and see what happens, moron.
Last edited by Bennish on Mon Nov 19, 2007 12:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Moving Sale

Post by Moving Sale »

Bennish wrote:Attempting to apply logic to your preposterous claims is a fallacy in itself.
Deny it all you want but the phone didn't make cc.
No, the hole isn't too small. It's 18 feet wide.
Good God. The space between the powerplants is more than that. What happened to them?
Moving Sale

Post by Moving Sale »

88 wrote:MS must be a great lawyer. To make this case, he has to...
And all you have to do is get them to believe in a suspension of the Laws of Physics.

Post by Bennish » ... tml?page=1

Read the whole thing, moron - this was almost 3 years ago and people who actually know about this shit were consulted, not or another one of your agenda driven conspiracy sites.

I guess the Illuminati got to Popular Mechanics too, huh?
Last edited by Bennish on Mon Nov 19, 2007 10:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post by Bennish »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:As for the attack on the Pentagon, where's any evidence a plane hit that building? Gee, not a single scrap of an entire airliner.

That looks like an airliner scrap to me.
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Post by RadioFan »

Don't mind him Bennish, he's our resident psycho. Seriously.

LTS votes for this guy:


In every election. That guy and the poor, deprived, innocent Palestinians, of course.
Van wrote:It's like rimming an unbathed fat chick from Missouri. It's highly distinctive, miserably unforgettable and completely wrong.

Post by Bennish »

Are LTS and Moving Sale the same moron?
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Post by PSUFAN »

I think Moving Sale's role was addressed years ago by Euroclone, thanks. He does a bang up job there.
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Post by RadioFan »

Ben, generally, no. Though, they tend to both want to fly off with UFOs when it comes to 9/11 -- MS on the Mother Ship named "Irrational Conspiracy" and LTS on the great big UFO tanker called "it's Israel's fault."
Van wrote:It's like rimming an unbathed fat chick from Missouri. It's highly distinctive, miserably unforgettable and completely wrong.
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Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Well, Js, do YOU believe the Warren Commission Report? Think that was a complete investigation? Or a coverup?

Check out these vids and sites, and tell me you honestly believe a 757 hit the pentagon.

As for the sheer duplicity of this (unelected cabal) administration, is there really any question as to its utterly amoral nature and method? Even Scott McClellan, as lock-step a toady as ever spewed an administration's daily bile, has confessed that lies and smears were directly forthcoming from the inner circle of the cabal. As for the PNAC, well, what do you think they meant by "another Pearl Harbor"?

As for the witnesses of Flight 77 hitting the pentagon, we notice that they are few and far between, that a galling lack of video exists for one of the most security-camera infested areas of the world, and despite a few (very few) chunks of apparent fuselage, there's nothing whatever to suggest a 757 was in any way involved in that explosion. Go ahead, explain why the FBI or whoever seized ALL of the local security-camera videos and has kept them sealed.

As for Building 7 of the WTC, what is this boatload of total bullshit to the effect that it just somehow fell down? I suppose the ludicrous scenarios quickly proposed (10-floors just fell off!...a huge fire was accidentally and continuously pumped with diesel fuel for hours!!...stuff was showering upon it from the other towers!!!) is supposed to satisfy the huddled simple folk who seek the calming "hand holding" of network anchormen during times of crisis. But it's utterly preposterous and, moreover, a drastic crime at the center of a genuine coup.

Fuck Bill Maher!!
Last edited by LTS TRN 2 on Wed Nov 21, 2007 9:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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