Uh, maybe you could use your admin rights to change the configuration setting? Nah, probably to much to ask from a Packer fan in Oklahoma. I took care of it for you.RadioFan wrote:Headhunter wrote:RadioFan's sig wrote: I don't know why the media is having such a hard time figuring out who Tony Romo is dating, when it is quite obvious that Brett Favre is his new bitch. I have to hand it to Brett though, of all the things he has accomplished, being a Cougar to the Dallas Cowboys seems to be in his nature. He takes to his fucking quite naturally. I know all this because I'm like Perez Hilton and shit, except not nearly as heterosexual.Damm it. PM me and tell me how to get around this bullshit, por favor.phpBB wrote:No more than 400 characters
As to the rest of your tripe...
Don't go all Tuck rule on a PI on 2nd down. The Cowboys scored on their first 5 possessions. And were having no problems scoring. The call did not affect the outcome of the game. But keep grasping at your Tuck rule straw in think that running up into a player and tripping him while not llok back for the ball and grasping a jersey is somehow acceptable defense of a pass.
As for OU fans? Why the fuck would I care about mouth breathing Oklahomans? Because they are Cowboys fans? I couldn't give less of a shit about who they root for.
And it was also a nice job slipping in the Packers team motto... "But if the game was at Lambeau..." You want to talk about sniveling cunts? Bring back 90's Cheesehead who did nothing but cry about how they'd win if only the game was in Lambeau. I'm surprised the didn't have shirts printed to display their douchebaggery.
Face it Packer fans, You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting. Step up your game and maybe you'll see us in February!