No he hasn't... He has NEVER posted where he works, You search his posts and find it mmkay? Otherwise be the irrevelant cunt as per the norm. Your choice. Now why would I have doubts about the Admins here?AP has, on many occasions, offered the board descriptive narratives detailing his various and sundry employment scenarios. The suggestion that a deer troll posted personal information is patently laughable.
You are a fucking Bitch
Obviously this Board ISN'T about shits and giggles and the rules are subject to interpretation.
This is the deal.... You ban the poster or I will log in with various trolls from multiple IP's and drop info on everyone
Sounds like fun doesn't it.
Truth is I won't or never will, but you are one pathetic tool.
Fuck You and anyone who thinks taking Smack to a level that can get someone fired from a job is OK.