so far I love the thing. i love the record function, and have recorded lots of satilite broadcasts. the one downside is the 2gb memory for mp3's but i plan on getting a microSD card which will help with the memory issue.
Nice! My Xmas present of choice was the TomTom Go 720 GPS. Its fairly awesome, been playing a little with it every day. Seems to do fairly well, although it helps to know your general surroundings to make sure it doesn't take you to your destination in a round about way. The other thing I like is that you can get an SD card and play music and it has Bluetooth for hands free phone operation. The issue of course is the Microphone which doesn't seem to pick up very clearly. I'll have to play with placement of the device to see if I can improve that.
i dont get lost all that much.. i want a GPS but I dont think ill use it other than attempting to get into an accident fucking with it.. too many distractions for me..
I think, as with all new toys, the first few times its kind of a distraction, however it becomes a lot less one after a week or two. I like mine because it is an mp3 player, a hands free phone and gps, so it can basically take over for my radio, I sit in the car, turn on the gps, set my destination if I need it and start the music. My phone can automatically connect after I turn on the bluetooth and I'm ready (it doesn't take more then 30 seconds to do all this. Anyway, the music plays until the gps has to give me directions. If there is a phone call, the music turns off and it can auto answer or it can let me push a 'button' on the screen to answer and then you have a hands free solution. Again, its much safer then having to turn down the radio, then find your phone, see who it is, hit answer....While on the phone, the GPS stays quiet, except for beeps when it wants to draw my attention to the screen to make a turn or something. Finally, once I hang up, the music comes back automatically. To make it even nicer, the Tomtom Go 720 actually transfers the call lists/contacts/recent calls and even text messages so I can trully just leave my phone in my pocket once the connection is made.
They could improve the microphone a little but besides that the thing works awesome. Also the battery life with the bluetooth enabled is only about 4 hours instead of the advertised 6.