Dinsdale wrote:BSmack wrote:But you certainly have to take the proliferation of weapons capable of high rates of fire into account when asking why there are so many mass shootings relative to say 1808.
I suppose you do, if you're a nanny-state liberal.
You don't have to be a nanny stater to recognize that PART of the reason we have more mass shootings today is because we have better weaponry.
How about we consider that Big Brother wasn't such a factor in previous generations, and there were more people with sidearms than today. More guns = more deterrent.
Or perhaps the population wasn't as dense back in the day? Fewer people, fewer targets.
Or maybe we don't have appropriate outlets for ALL the homicidal maniacs in our society? Back in the day, you could join the calvary and kill Indians and be a fucking hero. Nowadays, there's that pesky Geneva Convention.
Perhaps the fact that we're loathe to institutionalize crazy people has something to do with it?
Or maybe the proliferation of instant mass media and the attendant hype makes the possibility of getting your 15 minutes by shooting up a classroom attractive to the mentally imbalanced?
And before you spew some more left wing whacko, anti-Constitution, nanny-state mistruths, educate yourself. In the United States, the counties with the highest rates of gun ownership have the lowest crime rates. Period. It's not some vague trend, it's a carved-in-stone fact.
Go fuck yourself if you think I'm for banning guns. Seriously, do you even bother to READ before you reply?
Your "faster rate of fire" line is complete bullshit, and can be disproven with facts (which btw was spoken like a person who is truly ignorant about firearms and their history). Whereas my point is fully supported by facts/statistics.
None of which you ever take the time to cite.
But that's OK, I'm sure an AK-47 and a Colt Peacemaker stack up about evenly.
BTW - "mass shootings" are a phenomenon that's only proliferated in the last 20-30 years, save for very rare examples. So, would you care to fill me in on all the technological advances and major breakthroughs in firearm technology since then?
I'll save you the trouble -- there hasn't been any. Guns haven't changed in decades. But people's ability to arm and protect themselves has decreased over that period. Leave it to Big Brother to unleash a flood of unintended consequences when he tries to micromanage peoples' lives.
My compact, concealable .32 Auto was first made in 1929. It's rate of fire is no different from any pistol you can buy today. My .45 Auto was first designed and built in 1911. Guess what? It fires the exact same ammunition at the same rate as the .45's you buy today.
, nuance is lost on you. Allow me to refresh your obviously deficient memory.
BSmack wrote:Well, for starters, it has only been in the last 80 or so years that the average person has been able to amass the kind of firepower needed to execute a good solid school shooting. Or McDonalds. Or Luby's. There have always been crazy people. They're just better armed than any time in our history.
A smart person would have assumed that I was leaving room for other factors of causation.
You may commence spell checking.
"Once upon a time, dinosaurs didn't have families. They lived in the woods and ate their children. It was a golden age."
—Earl Sinclair
"I do have respect for authority even though I throw jelly dicks at them.
- Antonio Brown