What the fukk is going on in my country?

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What the fukk is going on in my country?

Post by General Peters »

Sometimes in the AM before heading off to work my epic Chrysler Concorde, I take a little stroll up a couple blocks to the c-store to get a pack of smokes or a Slim Fast. There's this chick who lives in the neighborhood and sometimes in the AM she will be walking/running with her dog. Probably late 30s, looks kind of like this:


Married, probably stays at home and gets antsy for cakk, real perky and chipper and I've yapped with a couple times before. So the other day I was walking up the street and it was pretty nice out, cool and sunny, with the feeling of spring in the air. I saw her stopped with her dog talking to some dude. As usual, she had the tight black workout spandex on to show off her hittable AYSE.

As I got closer to her the "what the fukk" alarm went off in my head. She was talking to some scraggly-looking nog with a scruffy beard, mangly roughed-up lettuce, and he was wearing clothes that looked like they came from a shelter home. I swear, dudes, it looked like somebody had deep-fried Charles Oakley in a Detroit ghetto.

I was thinking it was some panhandler who caught her off-guard at first, but she stood there smiling and nodding her head and CHATTING with this filthy fukk!

I walked past and nodded my head and she gave a quick wave. What the fukk? I hit the c-store, pick up some Slim Fast and head back, and guess what? She is STILL talking to this dude. He had this shit-eating grin on his face while talking to her like "you's a gonna gets raped" and her grill was lit up like a Christmas tree as she nodded and talked.

What in great Caesar's FUKK? :?

So, this morning, I am on my way up to the C-store on a beauteeful C-Ville Friday morning, sporting my epic shades, freshly shaved grill, my Peter Glenn casual tan slacks and Ping golf shirt. There she comes with her fukken dog, doing a "power walk."

As I approach her she goes "Hey!" I nodded and said, "Morning! Hey, who was that homeless guy you were talking to out here the other day?"

"What???" "You know, that homeless dude. You don't see many of those around here."

She looked offended and upset and said "You mean LARON!? He's not HOMELESS" Her brow furrowed some and even her dog looked pissed. :lol:

I adjusted my expensive leather belt buckle and said "Looked like something Hurrican Katrina puked into the Superdome" and smiled obnoxiously.

She never said how she'd met him or who exactly he was, but she say "You're an ASS" and started to storm off. I cracked, "I'll be hitting golf balls at Meadowcreek course later this afternoon if you need me! No nogs out there! Just clean-cut All-American gentlemen like myself!" You don't want to be called out by normal American citizens, then you shouldn't have even spoken to that fukker in the first place. Associate with your own kind, bitch. What the FUKK is wrong with these brainwashed women today? You're a blonde female walking down the street in the AM and you see some gold-toothed neegroid BUM coming your way, your first reaction should be to avoid that animal at ANY cost. Seriously, who brain-fukked the white women in this nation? Unfukkenbelievable.


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Re: What the fukk is going on in my country?

Post by Smackie Chan »

G-Pete - even though you're a dick, this blast is entirely rackable:
it looked like somebody had deep-fried Charles Oakley in a Detroit ghetto.
Gotta give props where they're due. Good one, mang.
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Re: What the fukk is going on in my country?

Post by Goober McTuber »

Nice to see that General Peckerhead still has a very rich fantasy life going. A place where he actually has the balls to say the things he claims to have said on messageboards. Fuck off, loser.
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Re: What the fukk is going on in my country?

Post by RevLimiter »

General Peters wrote:she said "You're an ASS" and started to storm off.
In reality, that was before you could even get a word in edgewise.
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Wet-Brained Fucktard wrote:I know we here like to talk shit and we do tend to get, how you say, immature at times. At some points, the banter on a board like this can be somewhat childish. It happens.
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Re: What the fukk is going on in my country?

Post by Dan Vogel »

Was that real? I'd say you're a strange man Peters. Why is it your business who is talking to who? And why do you make it into a sexual context? People talk every day. You sound pretty arrogant anyway and racist. I don't honestly think many women would feel great about taking you home to meet mother. I'm not trying to be negative to you but I'm just saying you might want a new approach.
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Re: What the fukk is going on in my country?

Post by smackaholic »

So, dan. Has mvs been introduced to mother yet?

One other thing, dumbass. It's who is talking to whom.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: What the fukk is going on in my country?

Post by General Peters »

The Big Pickle wrote:
I believe the only salvation for the White race is the extremination or explusion of bleeding heart liberals and coal burning White cunts.
Yep. Fukken SAD that there are people in this thread who are, like you said, bleeding heart liberals. Why else would they be sticking up for the homeless looking baboon and saying that the woman "has every right to talk to him" :? What the fukk? Excuse US for CARING about the safety and well-being of our women. Great job defusing what could have been a horrific situation at that party. You stepped in like a good soldier and did what anyone who loves this country would do. All of us need to do our part to save our race and let these women who have FUKKED UP or are about to FUKK UP ....let them know that they will be Hester Prynne'd in this society. Liberals look the other way or walk up to their mullatos and go "what a BEAUTIFUL BABY!" like the pussies they are. Whenever I see a single white woman at the g-store with her scarlet niglet (and no dad in sight of course) I always make sure I give them the "glare" every time to remind them how much they fukked up. It's for their own good. Or even if I see a normal white woman walking with some baggy-pants'd, panty-hose-on-the-dome 'groid with Sam Perkins eyelids, I ALWAYS look straight at the woman and shake my head in disappointment and watch as she fumes with a guilty conscience. A little bit of chastising goes a long way. Next time I see that in the g-store I should hurl a watermelon at the dude and shake my head at the woman. Fukken SAD what's happening to my once-proud nation.
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Re: What the fukk is going on in my country?

Post by PSUFAN »

Jesus, you guys make me want to become a fukkin Canadian.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: What the fukk is going on in my country?

Post by fix »

PSUFAN wrote:Jesus, you guys make me want to become a fukkin Canadian.
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Re: What the fukk is going on in my country?

Post by PSUFAN »

Oh, you'd take me. You'd take me and love it. I'd just dress up like an Asian...and you fuckers would be paying me to live there.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: What the fukk is going on in my country?

Post by Rollins »

where da white women at?

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Re: What the fukk is going on in my country?

Post by The Seer »

General Peters wrote: You're a blonde female walking down the street in the AM and you see some gold-toothed neegroid BUM coming your way, your first reaction should be to avoid that animal at ANY cost. Seriously, who brain-fukked the white women in this nation? Unfukkenbelievable.

Ya think?

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Re: What the fukk is going on in my country?

Post by Goober McTuber »

General Peters wrote:Or even if I see a normal white woman walking with some baggy-pants'd, panty-hose-on-the-dome 'groid with Sam Perkins eyelids, I ALWAYS look straight at the woman and shake my head in disappointment and watch as she fumes with a guilty conscience. A little bit of chastising goes a long way. Next time I see that in the g-store I should hurl a watermelon at the dude and shake my head at the woman.
Yes, you should. Be sure to bring along a buddy with a video camera so we can all log on to YouTube and watch you gargling your teeth, you candy-assed fuckpuppet.
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Re: What the fukk is going on in my country?

Post by Diogenes »

So G-Pete is still a gameless virgin?

Not surprised.
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Re: What the fukk is going on in my country?

Post by Cicero »

Rack the General.
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Re: What the fukk is going on in my country?

Post by Mister Bushice »

Dan Vogel wrote:You sound pretty arrogant anyway and racist. I don't honestly think many women would feel great about taking you home to meet mother.
That's it. I've had it with your threats and accusations. I'm calling the FBI.

You'd better get your last shots in with mvscal and the young boy today, Danny. Fu will be knocking down your door in the morning.
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Re: What the fukk is going on in my country?

Post by Uncle Fester »

G-Pete's frightened fantasies used to end with him racing home to jerk off after he'd accidentally touched a girl.

Now they end with him becoming The Klansman, savior of white women, giver of stern looks.

What the fukk is going on indeed?
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Re: What the fukk is going on in my country?

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

Enough with this. There is only one general.

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Re: What the fukk is going on in my country?

Post by Uncle Fester »

The Big Pickle wrote: White people are being pushed to their limits. It's about fukkken time somebody took a stand.
Why don't you just move to Iceland or something?
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Re: What the fukk is going on in my country?

Post by PSUFAN »

Uncle Fester wrote:
The Big Pickle wrote: White people are being pushed to their limits. It's about fukkken time somebody took a stand.
Why don't you just move to Iceland or something?

Jeez, man...leave those good folks alone! What did they do to deserve a visit from this kind of vermin?
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: What the fukk is going on in my country?

Post by fix »

The Big Pickle wrote:Why don't the people that are responsible for destroying this nation just willingly go back to their natural jungle habitat where they can happily swing from trees and eat banana leaves.
Because they like living here, picking up white women and tormenting you.

Besides they wouldn't want to go back, there'd be no white women there for them to swing with.
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Re: What the fukk is going on in my country?

Post by General Peters »

MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:Enough with this. There is only one general.

And who can forget the epic evening when I was at the G-station and some ingrate fat white bitch who had adopted a fake black accent and had a mullato with her was fuming with bitterness for getting fukked and chukked by a babboon? I took the last danish and she whined, thinking her daughter was entitled to it. I offered to buy it and split it with her, and the fat mudshark said "She don't wunt no HALF donut."

As I was walking out I lowered my head like this
and did the Bobby Knight BUMP, brushing her back like Knight did to an official one time when he got ejected from a game.

You know what's fukken SAD? All these pussies I've been talking about are showing up in this very thread. People who sit back with the libby "they have the right to associate with whoever they want" attitude. The illegitamacy rate is OVERWHELMINGLY nignoggle, fukkers. We HAVE to do our part to not let this continue, and to those who have already fukked up, lay the guilt on them with glares and headshakes. Even speed up with your car like you are going to hit them if they don't get out of your sight like I did once to a white woman holding hands and walking across the street with some nog. Once you go black, we don't want you back! Eternally fukked scarred with nobody to blame but yourself. Rack my good friend The Big Pickle for having the testicular fortitude to take a stand unlike the majority of you spineless fukkers!
well kiss my ass and call it rosy
KC Scott

Re: What the fukk is going on in my country?

Post by KC Scott »

You dumbfucks really want to get pissed about something?

Try getting pissed that our country is attempting to bail out ignorance by printing money at a rate unseen in our lifetimes.

Get pissed they are trying to save individuals who bought houses they couldn't afford, and the banks and investment houses that hold the notes.

Get pissed that the middle class taxpayers will end up footing the bill while your 401K has already turned into a 301 and may be a 201 by the time all is said and done.

Get pissed that our $ keeps dropping against the rest of the world's currency and get really pissed if you don't understand why that's a bad thing (hint hint - the answer is not "it's great cuz it makes our exports cheaper")

Get Pissed if you owned stock in Bear Stearns which a month ago was worth $90 and tomorrow will be worth $2

Get pissed if you didn't take the time to learn how the markets really work, how to sell short or if you blindly bought into the snake oil of the bullshit artists on CNBC.

Get Pissed at $4.00 milk and $2 a loaf bread beacuse some idiots thought if we turned all our grain into Fuel it would lessen our dependence on Oil. And then get pissed your still paying $4.00 per gallon at the pump.

Yea - lotta shit going on in the good old USA to get pissed about - but blacks ain't one of 'em.
But you simpletons will still figure out a way to blame them anyway.
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Re: What the fukk is going on in my country?

Post by poptart »

Ron Paul would not be pissed at your post.
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Re: What the fukk is going on in my country?

Post by War Wagon »

General Peters wrote: We HAVE to do our part...
Ok, here's my part.

Get lost.
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Re: What the fukk is going on in my country?

Post by Zyclone »

Rack G-Pete and Pickle for opening a fully furnished apartment inside all the haters heads!
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Re: What the fukk is going on in my country?

Post by Y2K »

KC Scott wrote:You dumbfucks really want to get pissed about something?

Try getting pissed that our country is attempting to bail out ignorance by printing money at a rate unseen in our lifetimes.

Get pissed they are trying to save individuals who bought houses they couldn't afford, and the banks and investment houses that hold the notes.

Get pissed that the middle class taxpayers will end up footing the bill while your 401K has already turned into a 301 and may be a 201 by the time all is said and done.

Get pissed that our $ keeps dropping against the rest of the world's currency and get really pissed if you don't understand why that's a bad thing (hint hint - the answer is not "it's great cuz it makes our exports cheaper")

Get Pissed if you owned stock in Bear Stearns which a month ago was worth $90 and tomorrow will be worth $2

Get pissed if you didn't take the time to learn how the markets really work, how to sell short or if you blindly bought into the snake oil of the bullshit artists on CNBC.

Get Pissed at $4.00 milk and $2 a loaf bread beacuse some idiots thought if we turned all our grain into Fuel it would lessen our dependence on Oil. And then get pissed your still paying $4.00 per gallon at the pump.

Yea - lotta shit going on in the good old USA to get pissed about - but blacks ain't one of 'em.
But you simpletons will still figure out a way to blame them anyway.

Fucking RACK the fuck outta this post.

Shit is NOT at all good right now....

Recession my ass..........

wakey .... wakey.......
KC Scott

Re: What the fukk is going on in my country?

Post by KC Scott »

Y2K wrote:
wakey .... wakey.......
At 9:30 AM tomorrow Wall Street and the dow will wakey wakey down 300 pts. -

It could set a one day record drop or not

The Fed is set to drop more free money out of the helicopters Tuesday afternoon, the call is another full point drop which then makes our treasuries worth slightly less than the paper it takes to print them.

All this while we have supposedly flat inflation (see aforementioned $4 milk, $2 Bread, $109 Oil and $1,021 per once gold)

Oh well, the market should get back to where it was in October......... sometime around the end of Obabba's first term.

(Gee how are Pete, Pickle & Rush gonna deal wit dat?)
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Re: What the fukk is going on in my country?

Post by BSmack »

KC Scott wrote:The Fed is set to drop more free money out of the helicopters Tuesday afternoon, the call is another full point drop which then makes our treasuries worth slightly less than the paper it takes to print them.
Damn! I might just have to do a refi after all. And here I was thinking with the 6.25 rate I was carrying that rates would never drop low enough to make a refi worthwhile.
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Re: What the fukk is going on in my country?

Post by Degenerate »

You really expect a MILF to give the time of day to someone...
General Peters wrote:sporting my epic shades, freshly shaved grill, my Peter Glenn casual tan slacks and Ping golf shirt.
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Re: What the fukk is going on in my country?

Post by Uncle Fester »

No, he's not retarded!
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Re: What the fukk is going on in my country?

Post by Nishlord »

As I approach her she goes "Hey!"
This is the part where my suspension of disbelief went South.
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Re: What the fukk is going on in my country?

Post by Charles De Mar »

The Big Pickle wrote:
KC Scott wrote:
Get pissed they are trying to save individuals who bought houses they couldn't afford, and the banks and investment houses that hold the notes.

You mean the nigs with no jobs and bad credit that felt banks were discriminating against them and their American dream to own a home? Yeah, those motherfukkkers! Once again it was the bleeding hearts and the political correct motherfukkkers that forced banks to make subprime loans to these subhumans because they felt there was some sort of injustice in the world.

Fukk you PC Fukkkers!
Fukk you NAACP!
Fukk you bleeding hearts!
Fukk You!
Fukk You!
Fukk You!

WTF is the point of this motherfuckers membership^
yumyumsaladbar wrote:Hey Pickle. I think we're going to be friends
Do you know when you have a wank in the tub and the spunk gets all rubbery and floats to the surface? - thats pretty much like your posts on this forum. You seem to me like like some sort of rubberized jism ....floating on a sea of soapy piss water
KC Scott

Re: What the fukk is going on in my country?

Post by KC Scott »

BSmack wrote:
KC Scott wrote:The Fed is set to drop more free money out of the helicopters Tuesday afternoon, the call is another full point drop which then makes our treasuries worth slightly less than the paper it takes to print them.
Damn! I might just have to do a refi after all. And here I was thinking with the 6.25 rate I was carrying that rates would never drop low enough to make a refi worthwhile.

Market is now pricing in 1.5% discount for tomorrow.

You do realize that the Prime is not the basis for mortgage rates, right?

And good luck finding mortgage lender that will do your Refi -
That's the problem, they are almost all cash flow negative right now.
If you do find one, expect to pay a couple points to get it.
Contrary to popular belief, credit isn't cheap
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Re: What the fukk is going on in my country?

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

GPete and Pickle,

If you two assbuckets had even an ounce of "game" the black man wouldn't even be on your radar of concern.

Stop dressing and acting like a bunch of tool-dicked chaunces and your ability to woo just might have a chance.

GAP - It's all about confidence, my man. For some reason, you can't even approach a woman without Fresno-ing right down your leg.

You've got a step up on Pickle, it seems. The guy can't even get himself in the general vicinity of a woman. There isn't a photo in his entire fucking album that has him within 100 yards of a female without a crank. Practicing on the Frodo Brothers and teenage hermaphrodites aren't proper warm-ups for the real thing.
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Re: What the fukk is going on in my country?

Post by Goober McTuber »

KC Scott wrote:
BSmack wrote:
KC Scott wrote:The Fed is set to drop more free money out of the helicopters Tuesday afternoon, the call is another full point drop which then makes our treasuries worth slightly less than the paper it takes to print them.
Damn! I might just have to do a refi after all. And here I was thinking with the 6.25 rate I was carrying that rates would never drop low enough to make a refi worthwhile.

Market is now pricing in 1.5% discount for tomorrow.

You do realize that the Prime is not the basis for mortgage rates, right?

And good luck finding mortgage lender that will do your Refi -
That's the problem, they are almost all cash flow negative right now.
If you do find one, expect to pay a couple points to get it.
Contrary to popular belief, credit isn't cheap
I refinanced mine last month at 5.5% with no points. I believe my banker mentioned that starting March 1 they were mandated to add .25% to each loan to help fund the mitigation of the sub-prime mortgage fiasco. Yeah, you knew who was gonna pay for that all along.

Edit to add: My mortgage is also guaranteed to be serviced by my bank and not sold.
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Re: What the fukk is going on in my country?

Post by Charles De Mar »

The Big Pickle wrote:My middle name is Rastus

yumyumsaladbar wrote:Hey Pickle. I think we're going to be friends
Do you know when you have a wank in the tub and the spunk gets all rubbery and floats to the surface? - thats pretty much like your posts on this forum. You seem to me like like some sort of rubberized jism ....floating on a sea of soapy piss water
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Re: What the fukk is going on in my country?

Post by Charles De Mar »

The Big Pickle wrote:[www.davidduke.com[/i

So there you have it, 37,000 White Women raped by savage negro bucks PER YEAR! That doesn't even include robbery, assault, murder and other violent crimes committed by these beasts.

If we removed the negro from our society, America would become one of the safest countries in the world.


Look. We can all accept that you are the empirical evidence that your mother was part of that statistical sampling and the fact is, if we removed the negroe from our society, you'd miss out on possibly finding your poppa someday.

Good luck Pickles....

PS, have you ever picked up a basketball for no good reason or had a hankering for fried chicken late at night?
yumyumsaladbar wrote:Hey Pickle. I think we're going to be friends
Do you know when you have a wank in the tub and the spunk gets all rubbery and floats to the surface? - thats pretty much like your posts on this forum. You seem to me like like some sort of rubberized jism ....floating on a sea of soapy piss water
KC Scott

Re: What the fukk is going on in my country?

Post by KC Scott »

Goober McTuber wrote:
I refinanced mine last month at 5.5% with no points. I believe my banker mentioned that starting March 1 they were mandated to add .25% to each loan to help fund the mitigation of the sub-prime mortgage fiasco. Yeah, you knew who was gonna pay for that all along.

Edit to add: My mortgage is also guaranteed to be serviced by my bank and not sold.
Nice - I'll assume that's a 15 year note?

I've got a 5.5%/15 on my rental house - and a 5.75/30 on this house - both of these originated in 2003.
I didn't think we'd ever see the rates drop to that again.
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Re: What the fukk is going on in my country?

Post by smackaholic »

back around 03 I refied my 6% 15 year to a 4 5/8 15 year. If I had to do it over, I might have been better off just putting these fees into the principal and seeing if I could have gotten my mortgage company to drop down to somewhere in the mid 5s.

This was on a pretty small mortgage (95K, I think it was).

I like it when assholes call me to tell how they can lower my rate. I tell them what I have. They usually just say, oh, that's pretty good. Bye.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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