Mike the Lab Rat wrote:Sorry, but Obama doesn't get a pass on this one. He claimed that blue-collar white folks cling to guns, Jesus, and xenophobia out of anger. That's precisely the kind of divisive, simple-minded, elitist, holier-than-thou bullshit that Obama was allegedly above.
A pass? You mean like Obama is Tessio begging the voters playing Tom Hagen for a "pass"? You know, for old times sake?
I prefer to look at the whole picture. Each candidate has a public life and record that stretches back for years. This gaffe, like everything else that has been said, gets put into the mental hopper for later use.
Attributing the religious beliefs of blue-collar whites to anger and frustration is frigging despicable.
Despicable? As despicable as Karl Rove putting anti gay marriage bills of the ballot in battleground states?
It belittles the devotion and faith of a whole set of people. It was wrong, and all Obama's backpeddaling consisted of was a "well, if how I said it offended you, then I'm sorry." That's not an apology. That's a sidestep. An actual apology would have involved apologizing for the CONTENT of what he said, not the style in which he said it.
I'm pretty sure that Obama did apologize for the content of what he said. I wouldn't have. But I guess that's why I'm not running for office. He also attempted to clarify what he MEANT to convey with his comments. Obviously, that clarification has fallen on your deaf ears.
BSmack wrote:The double standard used by Obama's supporters is ridiculous. Dom Imus got shitcanned after the firestorm from the black community over three words. Three frigging tasteless words. Reverend Wright's supporters (including Obama) have tried to dismiss his paranoid, hateful rhetoric (which was far more than three words) as being culled from three decades of preaching. White radio jock says three words - ignore the decades of the rest of his work and fire his ass. Black preacher says and writes hateful material - eh, it's just a few words.
Don Imus has a history of bigoted and hateful speech throughout his career. He was Howard Stern before Howard completely tarded up the radio. What is ridiculous is you comparing Imus to Rev Wright.
I also found it laughable (and disturbing) that the Rochester D&C had preachers snagging op-ed space to DEFEND Wright's comments - placing them "in context of the culture," and other ivory tower horseshit.
The correct argument would be to explain very simply that it is just about impossible for a black man to be in an all black church and not be exposed to the kind of speech Rev Wright is currently being pilloried for.
Furthermore, they should be calling for the unification of black and white churches. I still find it sad that during 13 years of attending my local Lutheran church that I can't recall a single non white member. My exposure to black churches came when I was working on political races in the city of Rochester.
So, not only are some of Obama's supporters pooh-poohing the connection to Wright, but there are folks out there ready to DEFEND Wright. Hell, I even found one site in which paranoid freaks tried claiming that the article by Wright referenced by Joe was a hoax perpetrated by Hillary's supporters (the proof? the offending article was quietly removed from "The Trumpet"''s website).
I guess that explains why Joe did not offer a link to the article. I mean there's no such thing as search engines or web crawlers that do things like say... index web pages.
That last sentence is utter bullshit. If my priest ever said racist and seditious statements from the pulpit, I would seek to have him censured, and if that were not possible (or if the bulk of the congregation actually agreed with him), I'd frigging leave.
Obama cannot have it both ways - claiming that Wright was his spiritual advisor and friend for two decades...and then claiming that he was unaware of the paranoid shit that Wright believed and preached.
Yes, we've all had experiences in which a friend or associate has made remarks that is antithetical to our own views. Unlike Obama, many of us (myself included) dissociate ourselves from them.
I have a friend who is as racist as a klansman. He's a veritable mvscal here in Western NY. As a matter of fact, I have several friends who one could describe in those terms. I don't endorse their views, but I will also not repudiate their friendship. What about that is hard to understand?
Joe's blues band is "The Dynamics." Sometimes he has the horn section with him, and then he goes by "The Dynamics and the Horns of Redemption." He even tossed some CCR and Van Morrison into the playlist just for Michelle & I.
OK, I see the Dynamics are booked there for May 9th. Drop me a line if you're coming up for it.
On top of having the two bands (the blues one and the rock/R&B one), the books, and all that...dude just got a Fullbright Fellowship and will be teaching in Prague from January to June.
Dude is one talented mo-fo.
On that there is no doubt.
Really? Is Wright's idiotic claim that AIDS is a government plot any less insane than the nutty shit that Mohamed taught?
Whacky as it might be, anything Rev Wright has said pales in comparison to the outright insanity that Mohamed preached every day of his life. Scientology looks normal compared to the Nation of Islam. And Mormons look downright sane.
Really? The Catholics got all over McCain for the anti-Catholic comments of one of the preachers (my folks mentioned that one to me), and the fact remains that NONE of the preachers that have offered support to McCain have been lovingly, deeply held up as his "spiritual advisors."
Did you catch McCain's act with Hagee? He not only courted Hagee's endorsement, he appeared with Hagee to receive Hagee's blessing
And McCain did call Rev Parsley a "spiritual guide."
http://www.outsidethebeltway.com/archiv ... ith_islam/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Obama and Wright were thick as thieves for two frigging decades.
You mean other than the last 10 years when Obama has been living in Springfield and Washington, DC?
BSmack wrote:Actually, his wife get's analyzed nicely in the latest "National Review" ("Mrs. Obama's America"). Before you discount the story by condemning the source, READ it. Michelle Obama is a race-baiter who STILL tries to somehow turn her Princeton degree and successful career into some sort of burden to overcome.
Obama himself may not be a race-baiter, but, as the NR article points out, it's damned troubling that his "spiritual advisor" and wife delve into that tired horseshit.
I don't subscribe to the NR. So this is all of the article I get to read.
http://nrd.nationalreview.com/article/? ... kzZjRjODc=" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
REAL subtle code words there trying to compare Obama to Kim Jong Ill.

"Once upon a time, dinosaurs didn't have families. They lived in the woods and ate their children. It was a golden age."
—Earl Sinclair
"I do have respect for authority even though I throw jelly dicks at them.
- Antonio Brown