Pope comes to America

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Re: Pope comes to America

Post by Mike the Lab Rat »

Dinsdale wrote:So, if every last catholic withdrew their support, and quit giving any money while making it clear that tey would find a new church until their demands to weed out every last pedo and make amends with their victims, it wouldn't have any æffect?
My God but you are a dimwit.

Do you honestly think that getting "every last Catholic" to withdraw their support is POSSIBLE? They're the single largest Christian denomination on Earth - how in the hell are you going to get them all, from North America, Central and South America, Africa, etc. to ALL buy into your dumbass plan?

I realize that spouting off about topics in which you have no knowledge is your thing on this board, but this time you may have topped yourself.

First, you try to argue that each and every Roman Catholic who drops cash into the collection basket is somehow complicit in pedophilia, and now you're putting forth the idea that somehow the worldwide laity can somehow organize itself to boycott the Church and change their policies? Are you fucking deluded? You do realize that you're talking about a Church that refuses to allow its priests to marry or to ordain women despite the huge drop in folks taking holy orders, that STILL persists in outlawing artificial contraception (or artificial conception) despite the refusal of its laity to obey, and that has weathered the bad press of the Reformation, Inquisitions, and Crusades?

Has it occurred to you and PSU that the reason that folks may not ever do the boycott thing is that they honestly believe that it is not their CHURCH that is corrupt, but a few of the men running it? The average Joe or Jane in the pews may be pissed and embarrassed at what is going on, but they somehow believe that a church that has withstood a couple of thousand years of ups and downs will weather this and that the bad folks will be purged by the good. I disagree with them, and it's one of the many reasons I left. Despite no longer being one of 'em, I at least understand how their church is organized, how it runs, and what the laity can and cannot realistically do...which gives me more of a clue than the usual gaggle of messageboard "experts" in this thread.
Dinsdale wrote:You'd be well-advised to be careful tossing that "frigging moron" label around, Glass House.
Right, like you're anyone to be dispensing advice to other posters, Dinshypocrite. I do believe that you demanded that Roman Catholics either boycott their Church, leave their Church, or loudly and publicly demand a change in Church policy in order to not be complicit in the Church's crimes.

Well, Dins, considering the laundry list of crimes committed by agents of our nation over the last 200+ years, why don't you put up or shut up? C'mon big man, come out from behind your keyboard and either refuse to pay your taxes, organize huge public protests, or frigging emigrate. Yeah, I know, not paying your taxes could land you in jail, but what's that to a TRUE noble guy of principles like you? Or how about just throwing away your allegiance to this taintedcountry and moving to some country that has an unblemished history (good luck with THAT search, btw...)?

Of course, no one here actually expects you to sack up and practice what you preach. Nope, we all know that you're a huge holier-than-thou, Cliff Claven, end-of-the-bar loudmouth who's big on dispensing judgement on what OTHER folk should be doing, without even thinking about the inconsistencies and hypocrisy of not following your own advice.
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Re: Pope comes to America

Post by Dinsdale »

Mike the Lab Rat wrote:C'mon big man, come out from behind your keyboard and either refuse to pay your taxes, organize huge public protests

Uhm, Mike the Dumb Ass...

What makes you so sure I haven't done exactly that?

As for the rest of your tripe -- it's not worth responding to. Your complete inability to separate logistics from principle maeks it impossible. You're supporting sheep/mob mentality, I'm supporting right vs. wrong. When you're able to make decisions for yourself rather than following the sheep in front of you (academic types don't understand this concept, and for this I truly pity you), you might understand.
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Re: Pope comes to America

Post by Mike the Lab Rat »

Dinsdale wrote:
Mike the Lab Rat wrote:C'mon big man, come out from behind your keyboard and either refuse to pay your taxes, organize huge public protests

Uhm, Mike the Dumb Ass...

What makes you so sure I haven't done exactly that?
Because you would have made DAMNED sure to publicize your actions right here on this old board and anyplace else that would give you a freaking forum. Terms like "humility," "modesty," and "unassuming" aren't exactly ones ever used to describe you. Ever.

If you're now going to try and claim that you've somehow been quietly and without any fanfare doing what you demanded of others, I'll come right out and say you're a fucking liar.
Dinsdale wrote:As for the rest of your tripe -- it's not worth responding to.
Translation: "LabRat caught me being a flipping hypocrite and I can't find a way to spin myself out of it..."

Until such time as we hear or read that you've been jailed for non-payment of taxes based on political beliefs or that you've renounced your U.S. citizenship and emigrated, basically get used to being known as a hypocrite.
Dinsdale wrote:Your complete inability to separate logistics from principle maeks it impossible. You're supporting sheep/mob mentality, I'm supporting right vs. wrong.
I work in the real world. You deal with bonghit-fueled rhetoric that is long on sounding great while in a patchouli-doused bongo circle but short on reality.
Dinsdale wrote:When you're able to make decisions for yourself rather than following the sheep in front of you
You mean...like when I LEFT the Roman Catholic Church years ago?

Damn, on top of being a hypocrite you're also suffering from short-term memory issues?
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Re: Pope comes to America

Post by Goober McTuber »

The Big Pickle wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote:
PSUFAN wrote:the pedo industry
Where do I sign up?



I've NEVER seen Toddownen advocate fukkking little kids. What the fukkk is up with you loser cokkksukkkers with all your lies and false accusations?
We’ve gone over this before. Whenever there’s been a high profile case involving a pedophile, Tardowen has been quick to point out that the sex may have been consensual. Even when the victim was six years old. Just stick another of those black pacifiers in your mouth and shut the fuck up.
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Re: Pope comes to America

Post by PSUFAN »

Has it occurred to you and PSU that the reason that folks may not ever do the boycott thing is that they honestly believe that it is not their CHURCH that is corrupt, but a few of the men running it?
I hope that makes them feel better as they underwrite the pedo industry.

Seriously, of course I realize that. I don't see how that changes anything about what I wrote above. Common catholics probably aren't down with a lot of what the RC organization spits down to them, but either they are too weak to make a break with the church, or they are in the habit of picking and choosing what part of the church they choose to associate themselves with. If you're only browsing the teachings of your church, then it might be a good sign that there are other organizations that you might be better suited to belong to.

Ultimately, the American Catholic chooses to do what he/she wants to do - nothing more, nothing less. It's easier to cut a check than it is to ask too many questions...which suits the pedo-protectors to a perfect T. The money comes in, and the prowlers go out...same as it ever was.
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Re: Pope comes to America

Post by Dinsdale »

Mike the Lab Rat wrote:Because you would have made DAMNED sure to publicize your actions right here on this old board and anyplace else that would give you a freaking forum.


I've always found you to be quite the fucking retard, but I didn't realize it was this bad.

What a sad, sad man you must be.

Actually, when I do such things, this forum is about the last place I'd publicize it.

What's just mind-boggling to me, is that you can't separate what's essentially a troll who brags about nailing fat chicks and being in some way party to the invention of every major breakthrough in Western Civilization from an actual human.

This is because you're a fucking moron. It's evident from the idea you think they throw working-class people in jail for nonpayment of taxes (they don't dipshit... might wanna brush up on facts before you spout them).

The problem here isn't me being a liar or a hypocrite -- I'm neither. The problem lies with you, and your lack of ability to see the dynamic between internet and "real life"... something you academic-types are absolutely famous for.

You can't prove any allegations you've made against me are true, but I can prove beyond any shdow of doubt that they are indeed false (but I won't).

Let's just agree that you should shut the fuck up, since you've now shown ignorance on so many levels, you've become like KC Paul with fancier verbs.

And the fact you're using liesto try and paint someone else as a "liar" is pretty laughable. But hypocrisy is an area where you've proven to shine again and again.
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Re: Pope comes to America

Post by Mike the Lab Rat »

Dinsdale wrote: A tired line of overwrought crap meant to tug the heartstrings....
Geez, you're not gonna cry now are ya?
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Re: Pope comes to America

Post by Goober McTuber »

Dinsdale wrote:you've become like KC Paul with fancier verbs.
Dinsdale wrote:But hypocrisy is an area where you've proven to shine again and again.
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Re: Pope comes to America

Post by Mike the Lab Rat »

PSUFAN wrote:Ultimately, the American Catholic chooses to do what he/she wants to do - nothing more, nothing less. It's easier to cut a check than it is to ask too many questions...which suits the pedo-protectors to a perfect T.
Yep. It's really hard for a lot of people who were born and raised in the faith to ever CONCEIVE of leaving the Church. The RCC is very good at brainwashing their flocks into the belief that it is far better to be a "bad" Catholic than a "good" Protestant. Most Roman Catholics are baffled how their neighbors can switch churches and/or denominations seemingly with ease. It's not just a denomination for a lot of folks, it's part of their culture and a deep part of their heritage. One of the most difficult decisions I ever made was to officially jump ship to a Protestant church - it is still "the topic we do not discuss" in my parents' house. My younger brother ditched a promising career in chemistry (he was months from finishing his PhD and had job offers all lined up) to become a Carmelite monk. Now he teaches at a Catholic school in NYC, for nothing but room and board. I still don't get it.

I'm glad I left.
THE BIBLE - Because all the works of all the science cannot equal the wisdom of cattle-sacrificing primitives who thought every animal species in the world lived within walking distance of Noah's house.
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Re: Pope comes to America

Post by War Wagon »

Mike the Lab Rat wrote: It's really hard for a lot of people who were born and raised in the faith to ever CONCEIVE of leaving the Church.
Wasn't hard for me.

When I got old enough that I could no longer be forced into going to church by my parents, that was all there was to it. I'm sure that there are/were many others like me who couldn't frigging stand having it shoved down their throats and rebelled when they became adults.
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Re: Pope comes to America

Post by fix »

War Wagon wrote:
Mike the Lab Rat wrote: It's really hard for a lot of people who were born and raised in the faith to ever CONCEIVE of leaving the Church.
Wasn't hard for me.

When I got old enough that I could no longer be forced into going to church by my parents, that was all there was to it. I'm sure that there are/were many others like me who couldn't frigging stand having it shoved down their throats and rebelled when they became adults.
So you were an altar boy eh?

My condolences.
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Re: Pope comes to America

Post by fix »

mvscal wrote:3 BILLION!!! SCHWEET!! I'll have one of these, two of those over there and you can wrap this one up and put him in the limo.

Oh sweet jesus... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Post of the week for sure...
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Re: Pope comes to America

Post by .m2 »


" Helloooo....Let me help you save yourselves, you god damn sinners! I bet you all didn't know that Jesus graduated from Upstate New York's School of Engineering!"
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Re: Pope comes to America

Post by Mister Bushice »

The Big Pickle wrote:
JaysFan wrote:
mvscal wrote:3 BILLION!!! SCHWEET!! I'll have one of these, two of those over there and you can wrap this one up and put him in the limo.

Oh sweet jesus... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Post of the week for sure...

What is so great about it? Because you are a cokkk sukkking jew or because mvscal is an avowed atheist? Either way, you are probably just another dumbfukk that can go fukkk itself.
So on top of all the other mind numbing crap your parents saddled you with, you've got religion too?

Please consider neutering yourself before you poison the gene pool.
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Re: Pope comes to America

Post by .m2 »

The Big Pickle wrote:

When the culture war starts, can I come up and legally kill you? Please?

I know you say your civil...but..
"Oh, jeeves, where is the grey poupon!"

"...but...dude, there is just something about you that isn't so civil.....I
can't put my hand on it....but then again....maybe I don't want to touch it........"
poptart wrote:Oakland is a shithole.
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Re: Pope comes to America

Post by Mikey »

If you're gonna go see the Pope, avoid the unholy traffic and use mass transit.

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Re: Pope comes to America

Post by Mikey »

If you're worried that your daily self-abuse while bathing might be sinful, you can sanctify your shower with "Pope-on-a-Rope".

You might even try using it instead of the Jergens.

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Re: Pope comes to America

Post by SoCalTrjn »

mvscal wrote:
Mike the Lab Rat wrote:Ratzinger was a freaking stormtrooper
Yep. Old Nazi leather boys never die, they just become Pope and dress up like Fat Elvis on a week long amphetamine bender.
Easy on the Nazis, when you look at their track records side by side, the Nazis vs the Catholic Church, it's not really close... the Nazis were only around for a dozen or so years and they get their asses handed to them in a high hat. The Catholic Church has a far more prosperous and prestigious record of murder and torture and tyranny and oppression and nonsense not to mention the kid fucking and theyre still around and more popular than ever
Fuck the Catholics, and while youre at it Fuck the Jews, Fuck the Muslims, Fuck the Mormons, Fuck the Hindus, Fuck the Scientologists, Fuck the Lutherans and the Presbyterians and the Baptists and Fuck those watch tower cock sucking Jehovah Witnesses'... just for being a religion at all they're as complicit as the rest in the retardation of human intellectual progress
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Re: Pope comes to America

Post by Tom In VA »

SoCalTrjn wrote:Fuck the Catholics, and while youre at it Fuck the Jews, Fuck the Muslims, Fuck the Mormons, Fuck the Hindus, Fuck the Scientologists, Fuck the Lutherans and the Presbyterians and the Baptists and Fuck those watch tower cock sucking Jehovah Witnesses'... just for being a religion at all they're as complicit as the rest in the retardation of human intellectual progress
Lots of fucking in that and as the eyes move left to right, they're met with ....


It was a glorious moment, it really was. I have to say it leads one to pervert one of the all time greatest prayers ever. "...give us this day our daily head".

It was a moment, sublime in it's naughtiness.

Thank you for that.
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