now if he takes back the entire iraq war and the warrantless wiretaps and searches, and the war on drugs for good measure, i might be able to call it good. if he wiped out charlotte de mar, that's be fan-fucking-tastic.
rack bush!

Moderator: Jesus H Christ
Van wrote:It's like rimming an unbathed fat chick from Missouri. It's highly distinctive, miserably unforgettable and completely wrong.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
9/27/22“Left Seater” wrote:So charges are around the corner?
So give your rebate to your kids, or send it back, or stfu and quit looking a gift horse in the mouth.smackaholic wrote:This election year bribe is among the stupidest things he's done. Nice fukking yob saying to our kids, "thanks for the loan".
Nobody's giving me shit. It's not charity. That's my money, and I'll gladly accept it.In it, he basically says that any society that attains the ability to give itself shit for free, is doomed. I think that fukker was right.
I racked him shortly after 9/11 when he gave his 'speech'. Definitely worthy of a rack. But yeah, other than that... uhhhhh, slim pickins.Screw_Michigan wrote:it's the ONLY time i've racked him and it will probably be the ONLY time i rack him.
this has nothing to do with what you paid in. There are folks out there that didn't pay a fukking penny in income taxes, but, they'll get the same rebate as you and I. It is bullshit.War Wagon wrote:So give your rebate to your kids, or send it back, or stfu and quit looking a gift horse in the mouth.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
Yeah, people who earn less than $3,000 a year and people getting Social Security or veterans disability benefits and are just barely scraping by. I don't begrudge them one dime of it and neither should anyone else.smackaholic wrote: There are folks out there that didn't pay a fukking penny in income taxes, but, they'll get the same rebate as you and I. It is bullshit.
Free munnay? Dair any udda kine?War Wagon wrote: Other than that, anybody who wants to bitch about *free money* is just a chronic complainer who likes to bitch about stuff.
Goober McTuber wrote:One last post...
War Wagon wrote:There's only one drawback to this rebate, and that's because you'll have to claim it on next years 1040. Other than that, anybody who wants to bitch about *free money* is just a chronic complainer who likes to bitch about stuff.
And while we’re addressing the genius that is Whitey Wagon, this isn’t *free money*. Considering our current deficits and national debt, this is a loan from your grandkids that have two mommies.IRS web page wrote:Q. Is my stimulus payment taxable?
A. No. You will not owe tax on your payment when you file your 2008 federal income tax return. But you should keep a copy of the IRS letter you receive later this year listing the amount of your payment.
I chuckled. Whitey, is there anything you don't "chronically complain" about? Hell, you're in this thread complaining about complainers.War Wagon wrote:Other than that, anybody who wants to bitch about *free money* is just a chronic complainer who likes to bitch about stuff.
Today's day in age, that's a lot of help. Gas ain't cheap today and it's going to get more expensive. Caught some "expert" on the tube last night saying we might see $7.00 per gallon very soon. Then listing all the "dogs and cats living together" chaos that would ensue.atomicdad wrote:Maybe it will cover gas for me and wifey for a couple of weeks.
I guess the meaning of those asterisks were too difficult for a moron to decipher.Goober McTuber wrote: ...this isn’t *free money*.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
Correction: You'll take your own money.PSUFAN wrote:FUCK chimpy - but I'll take his money.
Your keyboard doesn't have quote marks? Is that another one of those Kansas City *quirks*?War Wagon wrote:I guess the meaning of those asterisks were too difficult for a moron to decipher.Goober McTuber wrote: ...this isn’t *free money*.
Like I could have said,Irony
Another important use of quotation marks is to indicate or call attention to ironic or apologetic words. Ironic quotation marks can also be called scare, sneer, shock, or distance quotes. Ironic quotation marks are sometimes gestured in oral speech using air quotes.
Emphasis (incorrect usage)
Quotes are sometimes used incorrectly for emphasis in lieu of underlining or italics, most commonly on signs or placards. This usage can be confused with ironic or altered-usage quotation, sometimes with unintended humor. For example, For sale: “fresh” fish, “fresh” oysters, could be construed to imply that fresh is not used with its everyday meaning, or indeed to indicate that the fish or oysters are anything but fresh. And again, Teller lines open until noon for your “convenience” might mean that the convenience was for the bank employees, not the customers.
Do you really equate getting beaten over the head with your own stupidity to having your nutsack drooled over? Do you still believe that the only drawback to this rebate is that you'll have to claim it on next years 1040? Do you not understand your kids and grandkids will probably spend a good portion of their working lives paying for the idiocy of the Bush presidency?The “genius” that is Whitey Wagon.
No, since according to your link, it doesn't have to be claimed as income in 2008 like a normal refund does. So, there is no drawback as far I'm concerned. But by all means, feel free to send yours back. Send 'em a nice little note enclosed saying "Thanks, but no thanks. I'm doing this for my kids and grandkids".Goober McTuber wrote:Do you still believe that the only drawback to this rebate is that you'll have to claim it on next years 1040?
Never based on requests from the White House, right? Exactly whose idea was this rebate? I realize that Congress bears some responsibility for signing off on this shit, but whose idea was it to invade Iraq?mvscal wrote:Last time I checked, revenue bills originate in Congress not the White House.Goober McTuber wrote: Do you not understand your kids and grandkids will probably spend a good portion of their working lives paying for the idiocy of the Bush presidency?
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
That fucker :twisted:PSUFAN wrote:It's ok to admit it now, Tom...blaming Bush is the RIGHT THING TO DO.
The National Debt has continued to increase an average of
$1.46 billion per day since September 29, 2006!
Concerned? Then tell Congress and the White House!
Whore Wagon? You're calling my daughter a whore? Time to take the gloves off. Them's fighting wordsMgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:Grandkids?
The first time little Whore Wagon said, "Daddy, I want to sign up for softball!" should've been the moment Whitey realized grandkids wouldn't be in the plans.
Goobs = 20/20 hindsight and a hearty "I told you so".Goober McTuber wrote: I disagree that invading Iraq was ever the right thing to do.
No. No, it wouldn't. In fact, not at all.War Wagon wrote:To begin with, if she were a whore, wouldn't that contradict your statement that "grandkids wouldn't be in the plans".
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
Strike two.MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:No. No, it wouldn't. In fact, not at all.War Wagon wrote:To begin with, if she were a whore, wouldn't that contradict your statement that "grandkids wouldn't be in the plans".
Wrong. As usual, tuff guy.War Wagon wrote:Goobs = 20/20 hindsight and a hearty "I told you so".Goober McTuber wrote: I disagree that invading Iraq was ever the right thing to do.
OK then, douchebag. Why stop at 600/head. Let's make it 10 grand a head. That'll be some serious stimulatin' right there. Even wolfman could get it up with that level of stimulation.mvscal wrote:You're a fucking moron. Any amount of tax dollars that the government returns to taxpayers is a good thing.smackaholic wrote:this has nothing to do with what you paid in. There are folks out there that didn't pay a fukking penny in income taxes, but, they'll get the same rebate as you and I. It is bullshit.War Wagon wrote:So give your rebate to your kids, or send it back, or stfu and quit looking a gift horse in the mouth.
If they said "we're taxng to much and will rebate a percentage of what you paid in, I'd be cool with it. But, that ain't what it is. It is typical "progressive" redistribution thievery.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
Reality and common sense are at loggerheads with this proposition.smackaholic wrote: Why stop at 600/head. Let's make it 10 grand a head.