Cytheria is a squirter of EPIC proportions...shoots it 15 feet easy...
IS IT PISS...???
Or is it something different...?
Moderator: Jesus H Christ
Main Entry: ef·flu·vi·um
Pronunciation: e-'flü-vE-&m
Variant(s): also ef·flu·via /-vE-&/
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -via or -vi·ums
Etymology: Latin effluvium act of flowing out, from effluere
1 : an invisible emanation; especially : an offensive exhalation or smell
2 : a by-product especially in the form of waste
so why invite them in the first place?Rack Fu wrote:Anyone listen to Howard Stern yesterday? They had some chicks from the site http://www.fuckingmachines.com (! implied) and a couple were squirters. Gary took some shrapnel in the eye and Artie got some on his arm. They were both freaked out by it for obvious health hazard reasons.
off topic, i hate you. whatever vibes you've been sending out to little meadow soprano, now she's all anorexic looking. :(Rack Fu wrote:Because it made for great radio. Why else?
So if it's that big a deal, next time, pretend it's a Gallagher gig and wear ponchos. Jeez.Rack Fu wrote:Anyone listen to Howard Stern yesterday? They had some chicks from the site http://www.fuckingmachines.com (! implied) and a couple were squirters. Gary took some shrapnel in the eye and Artie got some on his arm. They were both freaked out by it for obvious health hazard reasons.
imagine the scene if this were a national spelling bee chosen word....Uncle Fester wrote:Well I did the proverbial Google search. Bleah.
Main Entry: ef·flu·vi·um
Pronunciation: e-'flü-vE-&m
Variant(s): also ef·flu·via /-vE-&/
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -via or -vi·ums
Etymology: Latin effluvium act of flowing out, from effluere
1 : an invisible emanation; especially : an offensive exhalation or smell
2 : a by-product especially in the form of waste
Dinsdale wrote: In summary, it said that it depends on the chick. In some, it's straight effluviate, in others, it's a pee/effluvium mix.
Considering that throughout my life, literally gallons of that stuff heas ended up in my mouth, I could have gone a lifetime without knowing.
yumyumsaladbar wrote:Hey Pickle. I think we're going to be friends
Do you know when you have a wank in the tub and the spunk gets all rubbery and floats to the surface? - thats pretty much like your posts on this forum. You seem to me like like some sort of rubberized jism ....floating on a sea of soapy piss water
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
PSUFAN wrote:Thanks for reminding us that better folks than you used to post here, Chuck of the Sea - and I'm not talking about Annie of the Desert.
yumyumsaladbar wrote:Hey Pickle. I think we're going to be friends
Do you know when you have a wank in the tub and the spunk gets all rubbery and floats to the surface? - thats pretty much like your posts on this forum. You seem to me like like some sort of rubberized jism ....floating on a sea of soapy piss water
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
smackaholic wrote:geeze chuck. digging kinda deep for some ammo against dims, ain't cha?
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
Dude, you're simply wrong on three counts.WolverineSteve wrote:More proof (as if needed) that Dinsie poo is full of shit.
Squirters are very fucking rare. In the real world (not the porn you jerk yourself to) squirters do not know when they are going to do so, it just occurs. Again, very fucking rare. It has absolutely nothing to do with the voracity of your "technique". It just happens, and it doesn't "squirt" it just flows. It is most prevelant with "g" spot stimulation and most certainly does not occur with every orgasm. You internet jerkoholics fall for every niche of porn created. Woman do not, nor should they, shoot fluid across the room.....Sorry you (liars) had to find out this way.
Ken wrote:Dude, you're simply wrong on three counts.
-Squirters aren't rare. Not the majority either, for sure though. But, I've experienced just enough of 'em that I can unequivocally say they aren't 'rare' (my current GF is one). On the other hand, maybe I've just been lucky or something.
-They fucking squirt. Don't even begin to tell me they don't. Yes, some kind of just 'pour' but make no mistake, some flat out go super soaker. It ain't bullshit.
-It has a LOT to do with technique. 'G' spot stimulation would be a 'technique' would it not? W/my current gf, I know eggfuckingzactly how to make her go 'Old Faithful Geyser', every single time.
yumyumsaladbar wrote:Hey Pickle. I think we're going to be friends
Do you know when you have a wank in the tub and the spunk gets all rubbery and floats to the surface? - thats pretty much like your posts on this forum. You seem to me like like some sort of rubberized jism ....floating on a sea of soapy piss water
Maybe you just have a stack of laundomat coupons.maybe I've just been lucky or something.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
yumyumsaladbar wrote:Hey Pickle. I think we're going to be friends
Do you know when you have a wank in the tub and the spunk gets all rubbery and floats to the surface? - thats pretty much like your posts on this forum. You seem to me like like some sort of rubberized jism ....floating on a sea of soapy piss water
Same way you did with your wife. Introduce her to a large black fellow.Ken wrote:It has a LOT to do with technique. 'G' spot stimulation would be a 'technique' would it not? W/my current gf, I know eggfuckingzactly how to make her go 'Old Faithful Geyser', every single time.
Yup. There may be a little vag lube mixed in, but for the most part, what is being squirted on (and in) y'all is 100% pee-pee.Charles De Mar wrote:Not to go internet bb gyneo on you but, vaginal secretory glands really function no differently than surface epithelial (skin) sweat glands. They have the same ectodermal development and are no different in functionality other than the mucoid product they secret that can range from a watery to fully viscous mucous.
There is no component to the vagina that can 'squirt' other than urethral contractions.
These women are pissing on you stupid fuckers.
Looks like those days of swilling cheap beer aren't wasted then. It tastes better than Milwaulkee's Best ever did.Smackie Chan wrote: Yup. There may be a little vag lube mixed in, but for the most part, what is being squirted on (and in) y'all is 100% pee-pee.
OK, I laughed.These women are pissing on you stupid fuckers.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
That hung in everybody's sweet spot for a loooong time. Don't say I never gave you guys anything.PSUFAN wrote:
Maybe you just have a stack of laundromat coupons.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.