The exit from 94 heading into downtown - Trumball Ave - A legendary street name, notable because that's where old Tiger Stadium can be found. In the background there is the football stadium for Wayne State University.

The drive on Woodward Ave heading toward downtown and the stadium.

The Fox Theatre

Here's the Garden Bowl, America's oldest active bowling alley, and recent inductee into the National Register of Historic Places. Upstairs is the Magic Stick, which is where I've seen a lot of stellar shows. To the left is the Majestic Theater, where I've probably seen more shows, but couldn't get a good snap of that one.

Some nice Detroit urban squalor for your viewing pleasure.

An important man. He's got places to go and people to see.

Hockeytown Cafe - right next to The Fox, and always thumping before and after games.

Walking toward the park.

Sitting down in my seat now. Beer - check. Peanuts - check. Let's do this.

Gary Sheffield at bat, blowing nads as usual.

Here's the view from our seats. They're actually not bad, all things considered. These are scalper tickets. All seats are sold out for EVERY home game, so I have no other choice but to roll up on scalpers and get the best seats I can for a reasonable price. Usually I get jammed with upper deckers along the 1st or 3rd base side, but these were pretty much right behind the plate, so I wasn't complaining.

Rumplewife in attendance, heading for her third hot-n-ready pizza.

Look toward the back, and above the brick wall. All those standing up make up a part of the "Standing Room Only" seats, which are the only tickets available for purchase at any given home game. Yyyyyeah, no thanks.

Upper deck, to the right of us.

To the left.

I was about a half second too late on this shot. The scoreboard displayed the afternoon's attendance - about 42K, which was the 2nd highest attendance since Comerica Park opened.

Screw_Michigan's favorite feature of the ballpark.

Mgo, with identity protection, in front of the growling tiger.