Tennessee Bloodhound wrote:Risa wrote: frankly Katy looks like she's cried often.
That's just the way my face looks. Are you saying I'm ugly???
No, that's not what I'm saying at all, about Katy. But I do think this is an ugly thing for you to do, using a troll.
She has the eyes of Blodeuedd. At least that was my first impression (because, again, I'm a dork). Katy doesn't act like Blodeuedd at all; but I don't know Katy on that point. Maybe she is. I don't know. That is strictly a physical impression of a physical characteristic. I think it's the way her eyelashes drape first, the color of her lashes, and the angle of the photo second, to be frank again. And I watched LadyHawke this weekend, triple depth subconsciousness reference.
What I mean by she's cried often (which is what I was originally speaking of) is that, the photo gives off an immediate psychic punch like this is a person whose suffering is of the heart, and the soul has been taught to try not to drown (sea, mist, tears); instead of hardening (lava, stone, calculation).
And here's to an ass-kicking to both of us for treating another poster as if they were an object to be examined on Antiques Roadhouse. Cheers.
on a short leash, apparently.