Here's all the shit I bought, most importantly, two cases of Molson Canadian. We ended up going through five cases of beer on the night.

Six pounds of GR's finest kielbasa.

The veggie tray I assembled (whooptie fucking doo, I know), it was a hit.

Boiling the kielbasa before throwing it on the grill. There's an IRIE reset here somewhere.

A little bavarian kraut and onions for the sausages.

Some sauteed white onions for the kielbasa.

Veggie tray and plate of pistachios.

These are some hot beef sticks (another IRIE reset) that I bought at a different market on the NE side by where I first grew up. Outstanding as well.

The kielbasa after it has been boiled and prepared for the grill.

Throwing those bitches on.

Those bitches are done.

Ready to fucking eat with spicy brown mustard, bavarian kraut and assorted veggies. Was too hammered to do a PET of the burgers.