I’m not a big fan of ambers, but I usually keep a sixer of Bell’s Amber in the fridge for a friend that drops by from time to time. He’s a Bud drinker, but I got him to try the Bell’s and he really liked it.MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:Actually, I prefer microbrews as well, but was trying to make a point.
I know you like Bells. Ever had the Amber? That's about all I buy at the G-Store lately. It's just perfect.
I prefer ales. Fester got me to try Summit’s Extra Pale Ale. I liked it enough that I convinced my local watering hole to put it on tap. I’ve had Bell’s Two Hearted Ale, Pale Ale and Oberon Ale, and all were good. My absolute favorite is brewed locally at the Great Dane, but availability in bottles is limited to growlers.