It turns out there was no formal ban, but the signs were posted by the president of our HOA just because he thought it would be a good idea.
Below is the stir up from the 4th
Compaint from Resident addressed to President of HOA wrote:I have an serious issue. Tonight people at 7102 undisclosed Dr decided to set off fireworks in the cul-de-sac and the remnants of the fireworks hit several vehicles including mine and nearly hit children that were playing in the yards nearby. I called Pct 4 to see if a Deputy would come by and speak to them but the dispatcher told me that fireworks were not illegal in anyway. When I stated that fireworks were banded in the subdivision she stated that I would need to take this up with the home owners association. So here is my request to the homeowners association and board members. Although a deputy did come by the area, my issue is this wouldn't have been so bad should it have been Friday night but Sunday night at 10:00 pm when neighbors have to goto work is ridiculous. What can be done??
Response from President of HOA:
Jackass HOA Faggot wrote:The Board hears you, but unfortunately, there is not alot we can do to help you!
I have been yelling about this for several years, and the fact is, unless somebody is bothered by this, they do not have alot of interest in "rocking the boat".
I am the one responsible for the posted signs, which by the way someone runs behind me and steals the signs or paints over the word "not" in the sentence "Fireworks are not allowed". I have been persistent though and quickly replace the sign, when I am in town. To the perpetrator... I hope you are a child and not one of our homeowners!!! If you are an adult, I pity you and your family!
This past weekend (Friday night), I drove the neighborhood and counted 23 different people shooting fireworks. Maybe I missed a few, so let's say 35-40 homes out of 907 were making noise. Most of the 907 would probably not care one way or the other.... UNLESS you are one of the unfortunate ones that live near one of the 23 homes making the noise! And we get several complaints just like yours every year! This past New Years, I looked out my front window and saw to my horror, kids shooting roman candles at each other. Worst, they were hiding behind my neighbor's car and the other kid was shooting the candle at the car and HOUSE! My friend was in the house unaware of what was happening and the impending potential for damage and DANGER outside. When I went to the offending neighbor to stop their kids, she said, "Why are you getting so excited?" As if I was at fault! I was excited because I feared for my neighbor that was probably inside trying to sleep! Had his house or car caught fire, it would have been tragic!
I write to my state representative every year and inform him that fireworks are getting bigger and more dangerous every year! They should be outlawed in neighborhood subdivisions like ours! We are entitled to "peace and quiet" and the people that set these fireworks off have no regard for their neighbors! I too wonder why someone has to make this noise at 11:30PM on the Fourth of July (or 10PM on Sunday night)? Where are my/your rights?? Pct. 4 also told me the same thing last year, and I mentioned "Disturbing the peace" to the dispatcher. She talked to her supervisor and they sent out an officer who asked the neighbors to stop!
I will speak to Sgt. (name) with Harris County Pct. 4 and we will also discuss this issue again at our next meeting now scheduled for July 24th. Hopefully you will attend and if you cannot, you will let me know that you support our efforts and help us to come up with some sort of solution. One solution is to issue fines to people that break the deed restrictions. Before we do that though, I would prefer a 75 percent positive vote of the community to support that action. That means we would have to have at least 680 votes in support of some sort of action.
Thanks for writing and I'll let you know where we stand after the July meeting!.
My response to the HOA President...
Rumps response to the HOA President Faggot Fuckface wrote: I read your response to the neighbor who was complaining and I am sure there were/are more complaints from where that came from. I appreciate what you and the other board members do for our community, but the bottom line is, you posting those signs at the neighborhood entrances probably did more harm than good. Your signs were probably stolen and defaced by teenagers AND homeowners because there was no formal due diligence and approval for said signs to be posted in the first place. Well, I take that back, it sounds like you’ve done a lot of due diligence in the past and nothing could be done, so you took it upon yourself to post the ban sign anyways. Obviously, some people told you not in so many words what they thought of your sign and the message that was printed on it.
It’s called backlash, Mr. (name).
I also see that you spent part of your July 4th evening surveying the use of fireworks in the neighborhood. You said you counted 23 homes “making the noise”. And you assumed there were probably 15 more homes making noise as well. I’m not sure what you mean by “making noise”. I think you’re missing the bigger picture here. That “making noise” is a representation of celebrating our country’s birth. Some would consider this as a disappointment for only 35 out of the 907 homes celebrating the 4th of July with the long standing tradition of shooting fireworks. When I was a kid, the street was filled with kids and parents shooting fireworks and now we don’t see that so much. I’m just pointing out a little perspective for you and the other complaining residents.
I agree with you that if the fireworks are handled improperly, then the parents need to step in and educate their children on the dangers of misuse of fireworks. I was a kid once and I was guilty of such dangerous activities. I was lucky in not getting seriously hurt, but I did learn my lesson and would never allow my children to handle fireworks improperly. But at the same time, I want them to experience the same things I did when I was a kid. I want to grill some burgers and hot dogs and celebrate the 4th with neighbors and their children by safely shooting fireworks.
Your haste for banning such activities makes it difficult to side with you on this one, Mr. (name). For me, I think its outlandish behavior to ban an American tradition that has been going on since the Revolutionary War. Oh, and for the record, I happen to live on a cul de sac where people shoot fireworks. I applaud their spirit, but also hope they are conscious and respectful of the surrounding area. But at the same time, we are talking about two times out of the year that this is a “problem” for you and a few others. Is that so bad?
Unfortunately, I wish my voice could be heard at the July 24th meeting, but I attend school at night and will not be able to make it. I do, however, hope that our neighborhood doesn’t fall into a reclusive state due to what you and a few others define as a correct standard of community living. That is just my opinion. Thanks.
Am I wrong?