KC Scott wrote:Dinsdale wrote:
If they dump $700,000,000,000 into the economy, it decreases the buying power of the dollar (and the value of everything you fucking own, you moron).
Not exactly Dins.
They are not printing 700 Billion and putting it into circulation - they are loaning 700 Billion vs. future tax revenues.
When they sell Treasury bills at auction to finance the debt? Same thing
We will pay interest to the holders of the T-Bills
Yes, I understand the concept.
It still involves putting 700 billion mythical bucks into the economy, does it not?
So, see if I got this right...
Americans had an "economic party" by essentially borrowing money that didn't exist, so they could buy a SUV with their equity. Average Joe's credit was extended beyond what could ever be paid back, since the money never actually existed (for all intents and purposes).
This caused some problems with the financial institutions that were loaning out this money
that they didn't actually have.
So, the genius solution to this problem of starry-eyed, rampant greed that had so many people borrowing money they didn't have...
Is to cover these outstanding debts of mythical dollars...
more mythical dollars?
Are these assclowns serious?
Maybe we, as a nation, should sign our names to one of those unsolicited credit cards that shows up in the mailbox, and use it to pay off our other credit cards. I mean, so what if the letter that comes with the new Visa doesn't exactly detail the terms and conditions in detail... who the fuck reads that shit anyway? We could even finance this massive communist debt with an ARM, since it seems like that's a great way to go for a few months.
OH, WAIT... that's EXACTLY what the asshats in charge are talking about doing.
And some of the reallyreallyreally stupid people are buying into it. Ponderous.
Gee, I wonder if this benefits the Federal Reserve Mafia, and no one else in the country? HMMMMM........