both sides are extremely weak. who is the lesser of evil?Mikey wrote:Anybody whose vote is swayed either way by this debate has no business voting.
That being said, I don't think I've ever seen a more vacuous cunt on public display in my life. She may as well have been reading from cue cards for the amount of depth in her answers. When the question didn't match one of her canned answers, she just picked any of her memorized riffs that came first to mind. Wags must have been fixated on those luscious lips the whole time, imagining them locked around his pencil-like organ. He obviously didn't actually hear any of the answers. Those winks were pretty cute, though, I'll have to admit.
Sarah kicks ass
Moderator: Jesus H Christ
Re: Sarah kicks ass
Re: Sarah kicks ass
No matter how much of a "maverick" McCain claims to be his agenda and his administration would be about 96% identical to what we have now. I'm not particularly excited by Obama but I think we need a complete housecleaning in the executive branch. We need one in the legislative branch too, but the White House is the place to start right now.Adelpiero wrote:both sides are extremely weak. who is the lesser of evil?Mikey wrote:Anybody whose vote is swayed either way by this debate has no business voting.
That being said, I don't think I've ever seen a more vacuous cunt on public display in my life. She may as well have been reading from cue cards for the amount of depth in her answers. When the question didn't match one of her canned answers, she just picked any of her memorized riffs that came first to mind. Wags must have been fixated on those luscious lips the whole time, imagining them locked around his pencil-like organ. He obviously didn't actually hear any of the answers. Those winks were pretty cute, though, I'll have to admit.
Re: Sarah kicks ass
Actually he probably just took Derron's strategy for watching politics on television to heart tonight.Mikey wrote:Wags must have been fixated on those luscious lips the whole time
- Felix
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Re: Sarah kicks ass
trying losing a wife and a child in a car wreck then come back and you can tell us all how it's not that tough...if you want to see the brief moment he choked up, here it isAdelpiero wrote:i was on, and they had a picture of Biden, and it mentioned that he started crying during the Debate? Was his vagina sore? ... tional.cnn
that'd take all the fun of being an asshatRadioFan wrote:He didn't cry, dumbfuck.
Try actually watching next time.
actually, I thought that particular moment was the most sincere I've seen anybody (presidential candidates included) during the course of these debates
get out, get out while there's still time
Re: Sarah kicks ass
The recent Palin tv interviews, and media obsession with destroying her, HAD given the proverbial 'momentum' over to B.O.
But tonight will shift that proverbial ... MO' ... back over to McLame, imo.
Not that Palin was all that great.
She wasn't.
But she was ... ok, and that contrasts very strongly with the ... "she's HORRIBLE" ... declaration the voting electorate has had jammed down their throat the past couple o' weeks.
They've been assured now that she's just sort of ... ok.
Good enough.
This debate was a wash, and that translates into a GAIN for McCain.
my .02
But tonight will shift that proverbial ... MO' ... back over to McLame, imo.
Not that Palin was all that great.
She wasn't.
But she was ... ok, and that contrasts very strongly with the ... "she's HORRIBLE" ... declaration the voting electorate has had jammed down their throat the past couple o' weeks.
They've been assured now that she's just sort of ... ok.
Good enough.
This debate was a wash, and that translates into a GAIN for McCain.
my .02
Last edited by poptart on Fri Oct 03, 2008 5:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Sarah kicks ass
pop, yep. Just don't tell Wags.
Re: Sarah kicks ass
Btw, I may as well give Wagon something to prematurely ejaculate over.
It's MY prediction that in the next week-or-so we'll see either tv ads or 'GOP folks' coming out AGGRESSIVELY questioning (at least) B.O.'s pattern of associating himself with 'strange' characters over the years.
We've yet to really see this (except for the Rev. Wrong dealie), and it IS now October, no?
They'll bring it all out of the woodwork now and force B.O. to play defense for a couple of critical weeks.
my .04
It's MY prediction that in the next week-or-so we'll see either tv ads or 'GOP folks' coming out AGGRESSIVELY questioning (at least) B.O.'s pattern of associating himself with 'strange' characters over the years.
We've yet to really see this (except for the Rev. Wrong dealie), and it IS now October, no?
They'll bring it all out of the woodwork now and force B.O. to play defense for a couple of critical weeks.
my .04
Re: Sarah kicks ass
I missed the debate live because I taught a night class til 10:00 pm, but watched it all on on line video.
And I came around with a much better impression of both Biden and Palin. And I do think it comes down to what anyone wants to see. They both showed strengths, Biden with his history of the mechanics of the Senate and his history there, and Palin with her executive experience. As "folksy" as she portrays herself, the governor of a state like Alaska has been on the front line of many challenges that relate to our country, and she has done it well, and related it well in the debate to a point. She could have expanded a few things better.
Like how an income of 250k is not a wealthy person if the person with the income is a small business owner. She made that point well briefly, but didn't expand on it...and didn't get a chance, but should have made the chance. There are a lot of people who are sole proprietors of business who fall within those individual income limits who hire people and fund the engine of the base of the economy who will be hurt by tax increases. Should those folks incorporate? Probably so, but let's include that idea before we tax small businesses out of existence.
And for energy policy, we are in a bad thing there, and both sides of the aisle are at fault. The only person that brought up natural gas and increased drilling as a transition on that tonight was Palin. Biden did the "drill more doesn't solve it" argument, but he had no solution to the transition, only that it will take ten years for oil to get here. Hello folks, oil will be part of the transition. It's not like we can do this overnight, or have clean coal overnight. We need to get more dependent on ourselves in the transition, and ten years is a fraction of a minute in government terms. The quicker transition to natural gas (Pickens plan) and working with the folks from Honda who already have a hydrogen vehicle is something that neither party is addressing.
As for the back shots, Ithink it was a blessing to Biden that everyone was looking at Palin's ass...they missed looking at how bad his hair looks from the backside.
And I came around with a much better impression of both Biden and Palin. And I do think it comes down to what anyone wants to see. They both showed strengths, Biden with his history of the mechanics of the Senate and his history there, and Palin with her executive experience. As "folksy" as she portrays herself, the governor of a state like Alaska has been on the front line of many challenges that relate to our country, and she has done it well, and related it well in the debate to a point. She could have expanded a few things better.
Like how an income of 250k is not a wealthy person if the person with the income is a small business owner. She made that point well briefly, but didn't expand on it...and didn't get a chance, but should have made the chance. There are a lot of people who are sole proprietors of business who fall within those individual income limits who hire people and fund the engine of the base of the economy who will be hurt by tax increases. Should those folks incorporate? Probably so, but let's include that idea before we tax small businesses out of existence.
And for energy policy, we are in a bad thing there, and both sides of the aisle are at fault. The only person that brought up natural gas and increased drilling as a transition on that tonight was Palin. Biden did the "drill more doesn't solve it" argument, but he had no solution to the transition, only that it will take ten years for oil to get here. Hello folks, oil will be part of the transition. It's not like we can do this overnight, or have clean coal overnight. We need to get more dependent on ourselves in the transition, and ten years is a fraction of a minute in government terms. The quicker transition to natural gas (Pickens plan) and working with the folks from Honda who already have a hydrogen vehicle is something that neither party is addressing.
As for the back shots, Ithink it was a blessing to Biden that everyone was looking at Palin's ass...they missed looking at how bad his hair looks from the backside.
Re: Sarah kicks ass
Probably. But was she wearing panties?Ang wrote:As for the back shots, Ithink it was a blessing to Biden that everyone was looking at Palin's ass..
This is what's important.
RACK the post, Ang.
Re: Sarah kicks ass
sup my long lost friend.... its getting close to our betting season isnt it? i have a friendly wager on my horns v. your polks.... u in? i cant accept points tho... lol u will understand
- Mister Bushice
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Re: Sarah kicks ass
STFU, Kettle.War Wagon wrote: You believe in global warming?
No, change that. You're more "Pot".
PALIN: Said Alaska is "building a nearly $40 billion natural gas pipeline, which is North America's largest and most expensive infrastructure project ever to flow those sources of energy into hungry markets."
THE FACTS: Not quite. Construction is at least six years away. So far the state has only awarded a license to Trans Canada Corp., that comes with $500 million in seed money in exchange for commitments toward a lengthy and costly process to getting a federal certificate. At an August news conference after the state Legislature approved the license, Palin said, "It's not a done deal."
What? No way!!!!
Face reality, Whitey.
They are a bunch of fucking lying assholes who will sell our asses to their rich pals tomorrow in a majority vote and then pat each other on their own greasy backs before they hold a press conference to tell us it's what's best for us.
Looks like you're covered, Whitey. The next time you trip over your own tongue (make it Friday), your type of mental illness is now covered under the group plan provided by the Forklift Union (FU)The bailout bill was sweetened by tax breaks, which include:
#1 A repeal of the .39 cent tax on Wooden Arrows designed for use by children. FINALLY!!!!! I can afford to have my 7 year old resume stalking squirrels when some of that tax break is passed on to us arrow buyers by the manufacturer, then I can shoot myself up the ass before congress gets the chance to do it - again.
#2.A tax break for those who import Virgin Island and Puerto Rican Rum - FUCKING AWESOME!!! The residents Don't pay federal taxes in PR or the VI, and now they don't have to pay import taxes for us Alkies either!!!! Cheaper Rum, Mon!!!! It's a win win.
And, This little gem:
Tucked away in the tax chapter is a virtual bill onto itself: landmark mental health parity legislation that bars group plans from imposing stricter limits on mental health patients than individuals under the same plans who suffer from physical illnesses demanding surgery and hospitalization.
The bill has lingered for months while lawmakers argue over offsets to pay for its estimated $3.8 billion in five years costs. But in the current climate, all budget discipline has collapsed and it is simply added to the tax cut package
You're welcome.
You. and Us.
Dumb. Fuck.
Re: Sarah kicks ass
So nice to see you here. As you remember, we have never had a point bet. It's win or lose, football and basketball. Glad you are still in for it :).
So nice to see you here. As you remember, we have never had a point bet. It's win or lose, football and basketball. Glad you are still in for it :).
Re: Sarah kicks ass
Oh, so now that your overpaid, overhyped team is suddenly out of the playoffs, you're suddenly interested in politics?Tarddowen wrote:The statement I was wondering over was Biden's claim of Barack warning of a looming Fannie/Freddy crisis two years ago. :?
I'm then thinking..."Who did he warn?"
And then it came up again. Biden said something like "In a letter two years ago, Barack Obama said that the mortgage industry is heading for a calamity."
In a letter? To whom? Is this a dated postmarked letter, BTW?
What in the fuck was that all about?
OTST. Seriously.
Re: Sarah kicks ass
Don't kid yourself, beyond the expected annoying talking points of jargon and platitudes from Brood Mare, the real chilling detail was revealed in her brief and bizarre exposition on the function of the vice-presidency. She explicitly stated her intent to EXPAND the already unconstitutional parameters illegally established by Cheney. That is, the total bullshit claim of the vice-presidency NOT being of the executive branch, but of the legislative.
Her Orwellian double-speak on taxes and "change," etc., was typical, and her felching of "Israel" was disgusting (his too), but her Cheney-like vision, revealed if only in her carefully memorized and drilled response, should settle any questions on whether she's just a moronic rube chosen for her fuck-quotient, or whether, like McBush, she's genuinely evil.
Her Orwellian double-speak on taxes and "change," etc., was typical, and her felching of "Israel" was disgusting (his too), but her Cheney-like vision, revealed if only in her carefully memorized and drilled response, should settle any questions on whether she's just a moronic rube chosen for her fuck-quotient, or whether, like McBush, she's genuinely evil.
Before God was, I am
Re: Sarah kicks ass
Nailed it!LTS TRN 2 wrote:and her felching of "Israel" was disgusting (his too), but her Cheney-like vision, revealed if only in her carefully memorized and drilled response, should settle any questions on whether she's just a moronic rube chosen for her fuck-quotient, or whether, like McBush, she's genuinely evil.

Re: Sarah kicks ass
OK, now that's funny.Toddowen wrote:And for your info, there probably is a another team in the history of sports than can claim having the most politically knowledgable fans than the NY Yankees.
Arrogant douche much?
Actually, you're pretty disappointing in your so-called threats to kill yourself. Get with the program, would-be motherfucking pedophile.
Re: Sarah kicks ass

Sweet ride.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
- Eternal Scobode
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Re: Sarah kicks ass
Bwaa. Yer gosh darn tootin' we're gonna get this thing turned around, don'tchyaknow?She sounded like a female Jerry Lundegaard.
Biden wiped the floor with her, btw.
- Mississippi Neck
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Re: Sarah kicks ass
If we use the same barometer from the last debate, where by holding his own, Obama won the first Pres debate, then we can give the slight edge to Palin on this one. She exceeded the low expectations and held her own against Joe Twelve Pack. If McCain would be as aggressive as her, he might have a shot at staying with Obama in the next two debates, but my guess is he will play the "bipartisan" card and get his ass kicked. Shame that one who has built his reputation as a fighter would go down whimpering. And by the way..maverick. maverick. maverick. 8 years of George Bush. 8 years of George Bush. 8 years of George Bush. I think we all have to include those words at least three times in every post untile election day. Thanks.
maverick. maverick. maverick. 8 yrs of Bush. 8 yrs of Bush. 8 yrs of Bush.
- MuchoBulls
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Re: Sarah kicks ass
After witnessing the debacle of our game I would have rather been watching the debate.Adelpiero wrote:seriously, people are watching the debate over College Football?
Dreams......Temporary Madness
- MuchoBulls
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Re: Sarah kicks ass
I don't think it's that since we were in the Top 10 for a month last season. It's just we always play 1 or 2 games a year where we are so undisciplined and it kills us. I expect we'll lose 2 to 3 mor games this year for that reason alone.Sudden Sam wrote:Mucho,
Y'all just can't deal with being ranked in the top ten. If you can get the Bulls to a point where they hover around #12-15, they should be okay. :wink: I was flippin' between y'all's game, baseball and the "debate". Didn't enjoy any of 'em.
Dreams......Temporary Madness
- Mississippi Neck
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Re: Sarah kicks ass
Sudden Sam wrote:. Her "homey", regular guy, "Joe Six Pack" (ugh), fakey persona won't fly down here.
What flies there? The Ive League intellectual with the Bostonian accent? Just asking..
maverick. maverick. maverick. 8 yrs of Bush. 8 yrs of Bush. 8 yrs of Bush.
Re: Sarah kicks ass
Women are fake, most women are anyway. They have to be, it's part of the self-defense toolkit built into their genetics. It is of course a useful tool to protect the holiest of holies.
Men are fake too, but not as smooth or as shrewd as a woman's natural ability to transistion between different personas. Men that develop that in themselves are usually politicians, lawyers, salesmen, con artists in general.
Men are fake too, but not as smooth or as shrewd as a woman's natural ability to transistion between different personas. Men that develop that in themselves are usually politicians, lawyers, salesmen, con artists in general.
Re: Sarah kicks ass
Still can't believe that outcome.MuchoBulls wrote:After witnessing the debacle of our game I would have rather been watching the debate.Adelpiero wrote:seriously, people are watching the debate over College Football?
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
Re: Sarah kicks ass
I couldn't believe I watched the whole thing but I did. The Dodgers-Cubs game wasn't all that eventful so I didn't have a problem just flipping over every 15 minutes to check the score and then flip back.
Palin seems like a lovely woman and all but I can't take anymore of the folksy everyman/woman talk. Biden sounded like a politician in the debate but frankly, that's what I want more in veep. I don't want a veep that will keep a jar of jelly beans on her desk and wants to tell you how her kids are doing. She's just not what I'd like to see in the White House. Maybe she should move into congress after this is over...that sounds more like something she's suited for.
Just curious, did she used to work in Alaska or something? She seems to reference that a lot...
Palin seems like a lovely woman and all but I can't take anymore of the folksy everyman/woman talk. Biden sounded like a politician in the debate but frankly, that's what I want more in veep. I don't want a veep that will keep a jar of jelly beans on her desk and wants to tell you how her kids are doing. She's just not what I'd like to see in the White House. Maybe she should move into congress after this is over...that sounds more like something she's suited for.
Just curious, did she used to work in Alaska or something? She seems to reference that a lot...
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Re: Sarah kicks ass
She's a multimillionaire who lives in a half million dollar house. She's as average as any other Washington politician. Good on you for seeing through the BS.Sudden Sam wrote:What won't work is her manner of speaking as much as the constant attempts to reinforce her folksy image. Okay, lady, we know you're from a small town in Alaska. You can stop with the soccer/hockey mom shit as well as the Joe Six pack crap (whatever the hell image that's intended to evoke).
We southerners have a highly-developed ability to sense fake folks. All those years of carpetbagging bastards, I guess.
"Once upon a time, dinosaurs didn't have families. They lived in the woods and ate their children. It was a golden age."
—Earl Sinclair
"I do have respect for authority even though I throw jelly dicks at them.
- Antonio Brown
—Earl Sinclair
"I do have respect for authority even though I throw jelly dicks at them.
- Antonio Brown
- Eternal Scobode
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Re: Sarah kicks ass
That's pretty cool that southerners have some sort of innate 6th sense that allows them to recognize fake politicians. You guys are really ahead of the curve.
- Mississippi Neck
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Re: Sarah kicks ass
You know..I didnt know I had that ability. Can I be on Heroes now? Or perhaps have my own comic book? Must've skipped a few generations, you know, with that whole Jeff Davis thing.
maverick. maverick. maverick. 8 yrs of Bush. 8 yrs of Bush. 8 yrs of Bush.
Re: Sarah kicks ass
More likely its all the years ya all been fucking your sisters....Sudden Sam wrote: We southerners have a highly-developed ability to sense fake folks. All those years of carpetbagging bastards, I guess.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Democrats are the REAL racists.
Softball Bat wrote: Is your anus quivering?
Re: Sarah kicks ass
ETFY-NCSudden Sam wrote:Not enamored with Obama at all.
Our ability to detect BS is what has enabled us to elect such stalwartly honest politicians as Huey Long, George Wallace, Edwin Edwards, Lester Maddox, Jim Folsom, David Vitter, David Duke, etc.
“It is usually futile to try to talk facts and analysis to people who are enjoying a sense of moral superiority in their ignorance.”
Re: Sarah kicks ass

Joe was right about Cheney.
Re: Sarah kicks ass
She didn't drool down her blouse. Well done, Republicans. You did a great job.
“Culture. Sophistication. Genius. A little bit more than a hot dog, know what I mean?”
Re: Sarah kicks ass
yeah, they were all real honestSudden Sam wrote: Our ability to detect BS is what has enabled us to elect such stalwartly honest politicians as Huey Long, George Wallace, Edwin Edwards, Lester Maddox, Jim Folsom, David Vitter, etc.

WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
Re: Sarah kicks ass
WHSCuda wrote:yeah, they were all real honestSudden Sam wrote: Our ability to detect BS is what has enabled us to elect such stalwartly honest politicians as Huey Long, George Wallace, Edwin Edwards, Lester Maddox, Jim Folsom, David Vitter, etc.![]()

- Uncle Fester
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Re: Sarah kicks ass
My favorite moment was when Palin promised that if elected, she would send over one of her sons -- Snowshoe, Waterski, (whatever) -- to personally help each and every American teenager with their math homework.
Another favorite pledge:
"And if yer havin' troubles with yer snow machine, my husband, Tahd, will be glad ta come to yer house and turn a wrench so we can get that snow machine back ta-runnin, and by golly, get Americah back ta workin' again!"
-Sarah "Tits" Palin
Another favorite pledge:
"And if yer havin' troubles with yer snow machine, my husband, Tahd, will be glad ta come to yer house and turn a wrench so we can get that snow machine back ta-runnin, and by golly, get Americah back ta workin' again!"
-Sarah "Tits" Palin
Re: Sarah kicks ass
Most Bullshit moment of the fake debate: Queen Latifah the (mouse) moderater asks Biden a clear question: "What about Dick Cheney"? And Biden strokes a double off the wall: "He's the most dangerous vice-president ever"! And then NO question to Brood Mare about her take on Lord of Darkness. Absolute bullshit.
Most Chilling Moment (that no one seemed to notice): In her acceptance speech at the GOP convention, Brood Mare quickly and clearly--proudly--sought to identify herself with "another small-town vice-president"--Harry Fucking Truman!! Okay, forget that Harry was a demo who would've repudiated her ever point of policy. Rather, let's remember that Harry stepped over the (quickly) dead body of FDR to begin the most incompetent handling of the executive office until the Chimp. She's thinking president all the way!!
This lil' nightmare ends in November.
(President Palin Addressing the UN
Most Chilling Moment (that no one seemed to notice): In her acceptance speech at the GOP convention, Brood Mare quickly and clearly--proudly--sought to identify herself with "another small-town vice-president"--Harry Fucking Truman!! Okay, forget that Harry was a demo who would've repudiated her ever point of policy. Rather, let's remember that Harry stepped over the (quickly) dead body of FDR to begin the most incompetent handling of the executive office until the Chimp. She's thinking president all the way!!
This lil' nightmare ends in November.
(President Palin Addressing the UN

Before God was, I am
Re: Sarah kicks ass
I watched it - hoping to see some Tina Fey material, but she didn't trip over her clit. Props to her.
Neither of the candidates has really said much of substance to impress, and the winner will inherit a mess.
Good times.
Neither of the candidates has really said much of substance to impress, and the winner will inherit a mess.
Good times.
Re: Sarah kicks ass
Vice-president Palin calls quorum while presiding over the senate

Before God was, I am