Fuck Notre Dame
Moderators: 88BuckeyeGrad, Left Seater, buckeye_in_sc
- Killian
- Good crossing pattern target
- Posts: 6414
- Joined: Fri Jan 14, 2005 2:37 pm
- Location: At the end of the pub with head in arms
Fuck Notre Dame
More specifically, fuck their police and Bill Kirk. Over the past few years, Kirk and his minions (on direct orders from former president Monk Malloy) have turned tailgating at ND into a high school party. You know, the kind of high school party you went to, had a few beers and hoped to God no one called the cops. Now students, fans, alumni and just about anyone has to worry about some asshole rent a cop with a power trip throwing them on the concrete because they "appear" to be intoxicated.
There are a few long threads on http://www.ndnation.com where people have shared their stories. They make me want to fucking spit bullets. The gestapo like treatment of innocent people, especially the injured veteran in the story below, make me want to puke.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Tailgating Gestapo Gone Bonkers
Reports from the font lines on the wacky crackdowns on tailgating and seeming abuse of Notre Dame fans inside the stadium. Have the authorities lost their minds?
This picture was taken by one of our posters.
Could they look any more ridiculous?
I propose we video tape them back. All students and alumni should have their cell phone cameras and video cameras out next week on the Barney Fifes run amuck, send them to us and we'll edit them together and youtube it for all of NDNation to see and judge. It'll be popular around the country, we know that. To be clear, only the top story relates to this picture, but this is just nuts and out of hand. Someone has to bring reason and perspective back.
"They had the video cameras out yesterday for some reason, perhaps to try to affect retrospective disciplinary action? I'm not sure. When he asked why I was taking a picture of them as they were filming our tailgate's license plate, I replied that it was only because they were filming us. They left shortly thereafter, but they may have been done wasting taxpayer money in that particular area, anyway."
Read this story:
"I am going to speak with an attorney on monday, but right now the situation is the result of me mocking the fact we have mounted tailgating horses. That basically then resulted in a "what did you say to me?" type of situation, in which the mounted cop charged me with his horse, knocking me to the ground. I get up with a resounding "WTF?" and from that point on I was "in the system." Get on the ground, NDSP called in, st joe drunk tank, and well see what comes next."
And this one:
"My buddy's girlfriend tailgated with us before the game. Was drinking diet coke up until about 1PM. Had some beers after that - but nothing crazy. She tripped walking into the stadium and the ushers asked her and her boyfriend if they had been drinking. They replied that they had been, but were not intoxicated. The usher said they could stay if security could determine they were not intoxicated. My buddy kept asking what would determine sobriety and the ushers continually responded that they couldn't tell him that - i.e. no breathalizer result would guarantee they wouldn't get in trouble. My buddy and his girlfriend went to the security office and his girlfriend ended up spending the night in jail.
My buddy said they could have left the stadium and not went to the security office but wanted to stay and watch the game so they agreed to go. After failing whatever test security provided they weren't asked to leave, instead they threw the girl in jail. There are always two sides to every story but she was not publicly intoxicated. This is very scary because it appears that ND could selectively enforce this and probably arrest 40,000 every game if they wanted to.
Unbelieveable - the University needs to take a look in the mirror and stop acting like this."
And this one from in the game:
"early-ish in the game, a friend (a graduate student who doesn't drink anything beyond wine transubstantiated into the Blood of Christ) was standing in the student section and lost his balance on the impossibly-narrow benches. He had to step backwards onto the concrete in the row behind ... just as probably every student does several times every week. Unfortunately for him, he happened to be on the outside of a row just as an usher was walking down it.
The usher, seeing his uncoordinated step, approached him and demanded his ticket book. Confused, the guy complied, and was asked if he'd been drinking. When he answered (rather incredulously, and apparently without bowing first) "no, I just lost my balance" the response was "bullshit" and he was taken down to the security office.
He was run through several sobriety tests (just like you'd see when a cop pulls over a potentially drunk driver), and then was breathalyzed. Seeing as he was telling the truth that he hadn't been drinking, he blew a .000. Frustrated at having been harassed he asked the security people for the usher's name, and was told to mind his own business and "get your ass back to your seat before we throw you out anyway" (that's an exact quote of his words, I can't swear whether it's a direct quotation or a paraphrase).
He got back just in time for halftime ... having missed almost the entire first half."
Obviously, these are not isolated incidents, but part of an orchestrated campaign. The number of stories pouring in is disturbing, but this story is really sad.
Someone with power and guts needs to step up and do something and quick.
If those weren't bad enough, this one is awful:
I never mentioned it, because I believed it was just a fluke instance of usher and police stupidity, but after reading here for the last day or so, it appears my experience is becoming the norm at Notre Dame.
For clarity, and those who don't know, I was wounded severely by a grenade blast in the invasion of Fallujah, Iraq. The right rear base of my skull ruptured internally, and I was left (after surgeries) with around 19 bone fragments in the lower parts of my brain, which are responsible for horrible vertigo and headaches most all of the time.
Anyway, twice since 2005 I've been able to get my doctors to clear me to go visit Notre Dame to see a football game. I got to see the green jersey ND / Army game in '06 and the Duke game last year. (On a completely irrelevant note, I've seen 12 ND games in person in my life. We're 12-0 in those games. You're welcome.)
I had one of my former soldiers from Iraq in town visiting, and managed to get tickets last minute to take him to the Duke game.
We got stuck in traffic, and missed tailgaiting completely, getting into the stadium with little time to spare. I'm not medically allowed to drink, and my buddy didn't have any time to do so, so we were stone sober. I did, however, have my prescribed vertigo pills in their official medical container from the VA in my coat pocket, and I had checked with the Usher at my gate to ensure it was ok as I was entering. I had explained my condition, and the need for the medication, and was thanked for my service, and told it was perfectly ok.
Fast forward to middle of the third quarter on a drizzly cold night, and probably getting a bit too excited about Robert Hughes' big game, and ND actually looking competant, and my vertigo issues flared up, and I was swooning a bit just as an Usher and a policeman were correcting some folks behind us about pushups in the stands. The policeman notices that I'm "intoxicated", and grabs me from behind by the neck (not real forcefully)and spins me around to face him. Couple things here. First, my neck is seriously screwy from the impact against the concrete wall in Iraq, so it hurt badly. Secondly, vertigo and being spun do not mix well, and I proceeded to vomit on his shoes.
He was not pleased, and hauled me physically into the concourse, where the pills took a dive out of my pocket, and the guy started accusing me of drug use. I was still busy throwing up, so I wasn't able to explain anything different.
My former soldier was furious about the way I was being treated, and lost his temper trying to explain my condition to the officer. The ND usher made a radio call sometime in this, and three more officers came and detained him.
I was finally able to speak as the officer moved to handcuff me, and told the initial officer to check the label of my medication, that I was a disabled veteran, and that my condition was flaring up, and I needed my medication to prevent it, and that he had made it worse by jostling me all over the stadium. He seemed to act as if I was full of shit, but the ND usher called it in over the radio, and apparently my gate usher spoke up that I had showed the pills at the gate, and my ID matched the label, ect.
The usher and the police walked off and had a huddle, and when they came back, the bad cop riff was replaced with falling all over themselves niceness and respect. My friend was released, and the ushers offered to take us down and find us a spot in the gold seats for the misunderstanding.
But by that time, I was horrendously sick, and my friend was no longer in the mood to be anywhere near Notre Dame, so we left the campus.
The story isn't probably any help to anybody, since I was too ill, and my friend was too hot-headed to even think about badge numbers or tunic numbers or anything to identify anyone or help the cause, but I wanted to share it now, since it's relevant to the discussion in some way.
This time of year, I'm usually pestering the doctors about allowing me to go back to ND to see the Irish play. Not this year, nor probably any year in the future if my wife has anything to say about it. She constantly reminds me that the officer could have dropped me on my head and killed me.
She's not much of an Irish fan anymore. She dimed ND out to my doctor as well, so I probably wouldn't ever get medically cleared to go again if I did try. I still thank God every time I think about it that she wasn't with me that day. She'd have probably clawed out an officer's eyes or something in defense of me, and done hard time for it.
Ah well, enough of that. I'm rooting for you guys to crush this bullshit from the bottom of my heart.
So while I will continue to root for Notre Dame's football team, until shit like this is stopped I won't support the university by spending one penny on any merchandise or attend a single game. Fuck this bullshit. This isn't what college football, or Notre Dame, is all about.
There are a few long threads on http://www.ndnation.com where people have shared their stories. They make me want to fucking spit bullets. The gestapo like treatment of innocent people, especially the injured veteran in the story below, make me want to puke.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Tailgating Gestapo Gone Bonkers
Reports from the font lines on the wacky crackdowns on tailgating and seeming abuse of Notre Dame fans inside the stadium. Have the authorities lost their minds?
This picture was taken by one of our posters.
Could they look any more ridiculous?
I propose we video tape them back. All students and alumni should have their cell phone cameras and video cameras out next week on the Barney Fifes run amuck, send them to us and we'll edit them together and youtube it for all of NDNation to see and judge. It'll be popular around the country, we know that. To be clear, only the top story relates to this picture, but this is just nuts and out of hand. Someone has to bring reason and perspective back.
"They had the video cameras out yesterday for some reason, perhaps to try to affect retrospective disciplinary action? I'm not sure. When he asked why I was taking a picture of them as they were filming our tailgate's license plate, I replied that it was only because they were filming us. They left shortly thereafter, but they may have been done wasting taxpayer money in that particular area, anyway."
Read this story:
"I am going to speak with an attorney on monday, but right now the situation is the result of me mocking the fact we have mounted tailgating horses. That basically then resulted in a "what did you say to me?" type of situation, in which the mounted cop charged me with his horse, knocking me to the ground. I get up with a resounding "WTF?" and from that point on I was "in the system." Get on the ground, NDSP called in, st joe drunk tank, and well see what comes next."
And this one:
"My buddy's girlfriend tailgated with us before the game. Was drinking diet coke up until about 1PM. Had some beers after that - but nothing crazy. She tripped walking into the stadium and the ushers asked her and her boyfriend if they had been drinking. They replied that they had been, but were not intoxicated. The usher said they could stay if security could determine they were not intoxicated. My buddy kept asking what would determine sobriety and the ushers continually responded that they couldn't tell him that - i.e. no breathalizer result would guarantee they wouldn't get in trouble. My buddy and his girlfriend went to the security office and his girlfriend ended up spending the night in jail.
My buddy said they could have left the stadium and not went to the security office but wanted to stay and watch the game so they agreed to go. After failing whatever test security provided they weren't asked to leave, instead they threw the girl in jail. There are always two sides to every story but she was not publicly intoxicated. This is very scary because it appears that ND could selectively enforce this and probably arrest 40,000 every game if they wanted to.
Unbelieveable - the University needs to take a look in the mirror and stop acting like this."
And this one from in the game:
"early-ish in the game, a friend (a graduate student who doesn't drink anything beyond wine transubstantiated into the Blood of Christ) was standing in the student section and lost his balance on the impossibly-narrow benches. He had to step backwards onto the concrete in the row behind ... just as probably every student does several times every week. Unfortunately for him, he happened to be on the outside of a row just as an usher was walking down it.
The usher, seeing his uncoordinated step, approached him and demanded his ticket book. Confused, the guy complied, and was asked if he'd been drinking. When he answered (rather incredulously, and apparently without bowing first) "no, I just lost my balance" the response was "bullshit" and he was taken down to the security office.
He was run through several sobriety tests (just like you'd see when a cop pulls over a potentially drunk driver), and then was breathalyzed. Seeing as he was telling the truth that he hadn't been drinking, he blew a .000. Frustrated at having been harassed he asked the security people for the usher's name, and was told to mind his own business and "get your ass back to your seat before we throw you out anyway" (that's an exact quote of his words, I can't swear whether it's a direct quotation or a paraphrase).
He got back just in time for halftime ... having missed almost the entire first half."
Obviously, these are not isolated incidents, but part of an orchestrated campaign. The number of stories pouring in is disturbing, but this story is really sad.
Someone with power and guts needs to step up and do something and quick.
If those weren't bad enough, this one is awful:
I never mentioned it, because I believed it was just a fluke instance of usher and police stupidity, but after reading here for the last day or so, it appears my experience is becoming the norm at Notre Dame.
For clarity, and those who don't know, I was wounded severely by a grenade blast in the invasion of Fallujah, Iraq. The right rear base of my skull ruptured internally, and I was left (after surgeries) with around 19 bone fragments in the lower parts of my brain, which are responsible for horrible vertigo and headaches most all of the time.
Anyway, twice since 2005 I've been able to get my doctors to clear me to go visit Notre Dame to see a football game. I got to see the green jersey ND / Army game in '06 and the Duke game last year. (On a completely irrelevant note, I've seen 12 ND games in person in my life. We're 12-0 in those games. You're welcome.)
I had one of my former soldiers from Iraq in town visiting, and managed to get tickets last minute to take him to the Duke game.
We got stuck in traffic, and missed tailgaiting completely, getting into the stadium with little time to spare. I'm not medically allowed to drink, and my buddy didn't have any time to do so, so we were stone sober. I did, however, have my prescribed vertigo pills in their official medical container from the VA in my coat pocket, and I had checked with the Usher at my gate to ensure it was ok as I was entering. I had explained my condition, and the need for the medication, and was thanked for my service, and told it was perfectly ok.
Fast forward to middle of the third quarter on a drizzly cold night, and probably getting a bit too excited about Robert Hughes' big game, and ND actually looking competant, and my vertigo issues flared up, and I was swooning a bit just as an Usher and a policeman were correcting some folks behind us about pushups in the stands. The policeman notices that I'm "intoxicated", and grabs me from behind by the neck (not real forcefully)and spins me around to face him. Couple things here. First, my neck is seriously screwy from the impact against the concrete wall in Iraq, so it hurt badly. Secondly, vertigo and being spun do not mix well, and I proceeded to vomit on his shoes.
He was not pleased, and hauled me physically into the concourse, where the pills took a dive out of my pocket, and the guy started accusing me of drug use. I was still busy throwing up, so I wasn't able to explain anything different.
My former soldier was furious about the way I was being treated, and lost his temper trying to explain my condition to the officer. The ND usher made a radio call sometime in this, and three more officers came and detained him.
I was finally able to speak as the officer moved to handcuff me, and told the initial officer to check the label of my medication, that I was a disabled veteran, and that my condition was flaring up, and I needed my medication to prevent it, and that he had made it worse by jostling me all over the stadium. He seemed to act as if I was full of shit, but the ND usher called it in over the radio, and apparently my gate usher spoke up that I had showed the pills at the gate, and my ID matched the label, ect.
The usher and the police walked off and had a huddle, and when they came back, the bad cop riff was replaced with falling all over themselves niceness and respect. My friend was released, and the ushers offered to take us down and find us a spot in the gold seats for the misunderstanding.
But by that time, I was horrendously sick, and my friend was no longer in the mood to be anywhere near Notre Dame, so we left the campus.
The story isn't probably any help to anybody, since I was too ill, and my friend was too hot-headed to even think about badge numbers or tunic numbers or anything to identify anyone or help the cause, but I wanted to share it now, since it's relevant to the discussion in some way.
This time of year, I'm usually pestering the doctors about allowing me to go back to ND to see the Irish play. Not this year, nor probably any year in the future if my wife has anything to say about it. She constantly reminds me that the officer could have dropped me on my head and killed me.
She's not much of an Irish fan anymore. She dimed ND out to my doctor as well, so I probably wouldn't ever get medically cleared to go again if I did try. I still thank God every time I think about it that she wasn't with me that day. She'd have probably clawed out an officer's eyes or something in defense of me, and done hard time for it.
Ah well, enough of that. I'm rooting for you guys to crush this bullshit from the bottom of my heart.
So while I will continue to root for Notre Dame's football team, until shit like this is stopped I won't support the university by spending one penny on any merchandise or attend a single game. Fuck this bullshit. This isn't what college football, or Notre Dame, is all about.
"Well, my wife assassinated my sexual identity, and my children are eating my dreams." -Louis CK
Re: Fuck Notre Dame
i believe the catholic church has solved the abuse cases, so now it's on to abusing tailgaters.
Re: Fuck Notre Dame
it's just deserts for having a bad phootball team that'll probably be 8-3 because they don't play anyone [least of all michigan].
Re: Fuck Notre Dame
Killian, looks like the only appropriate inebriation is if you are in one of the $$$ university-sponsored tailgate clubs over by the Joyce Center.
This isn't football, but had quite a few experiences with power-tripping ushers at ND hockey games over the past two years. I've known the hockey SID since I first started covering games at WMU and when I was in Elkhart, he'd give me a season media pass, even though our paper never regularly covered games, if at all, so I could get into games for free. Usually, I'd take the pass, bring my digital camera and stand on the goal line in the corner to snap photos for PETs here. A couple times, especially since I didn't have a big, expensive professional camera, and even though I was usually the only one in the corner, he'd come up and give me shit, even though I just minded my own business. Other ushers would let me get access near the locker room and overall just be cool about everything, but this prick was one of those assholes who wanted to get kudos from the brass and head of security. During the last game I attended, he decided to get smart and say to me "Aren't you supposed to have a better camera than that if you're working?" Really wanted to tell him to go fuck himself, but smartly held off.
And RACK MClub for the balst. The cynic in me says this is nothing but a bunch of rich, Jimmy Medallions-like ND tards crying over the fact someone is spoiling their party, but I'm pretty sure it's not the case.
This isn't football, but had quite a few experiences with power-tripping ushers at ND hockey games over the past two years. I've known the hockey SID since I first started covering games at WMU and when I was in Elkhart, he'd give me a season media pass, even though our paper never regularly covered games, if at all, so I could get into games for free. Usually, I'd take the pass, bring my digital camera and stand on the goal line in the corner to snap photos for PETs here. A couple times, especially since I didn't have a big, expensive professional camera, and even though I was usually the only one in the corner, he'd come up and give me shit, even though I just minded my own business. Other ushers would let me get access near the locker room and overall just be cool about everything, but this prick was one of those assholes who wanted to get kudos from the brass and head of security. During the last game I attended, he decided to get smart and say to me "Aren't you supposed to have a better camera than that if you're working?" Really wanted to tell him to go fuck himself, but smartly held off.
And RACK MClub for the balst. The cynic in me says this is nothing but a bunch of rich, Jimmy Medallions-like ND tards crying over the fact someone is spoiling their party, but I'm pretty sure it's not the case.
- Felix
- 2012 JAFFL Champ
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Re: Fuck Notre Dame
that's what you get for having a former president named "Monk Malloy"
that's a name better suited for the strong-arm henchman of the Paddy O'Flannigan gang
that's a name better suited for the strong-arm henchman of the Paddy O'Flannigan gang
get out, get out while there's still time
- Killian
- Good crossing pattern target
- Posts: 6414
- Joined: Fri Jan 14, 2005 2:37 pm
- Location: At the end of the pub with head in arms
Re: Fuck Notre Dame
I completely agree about the treatment of the vet. As to your second point, the sad thing is that they are acting this way because of the result of a lawsuit filed against ND by someone who was drunk and injured at the game.Sudden Sam wrote:That's awful. In particular, that vet's treatment really pisses me off.
Those power-mad ushers are going to get ND in some nasty legal messes if they're not admonished and re-trained.
The best part of all of this is that Bill Kirk has them sign a notice that bans them from campus for life. Total bullshit.
On an unrelated not, aren't you happy that Alabama is dead, Sam? I mean, they could never hire a high profile coach and will never come back.

"Well, my wife assassinated my sexual identity, and my children are eating my dreams." -Louis CK
- Q, West Coast Style
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Re: Fuck Notre Dame
BTW K, what kind of MUTANTS are running around South Bend these days. Yikes!
http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/ye ... rish1.html

http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/ye ... rish1.html

- SunCoastSooner
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Re: Fuck Notre Dame
Their QB looks like a shaven version of the Geico Caveman and you had to ask that question?Q, West Coast Style wrote:BTW K, what kind of MUTANTS are running around South Bend these days. Yikes!
BSmack wrote:I can certainly infer from that blurb alone that you are self righteous, bible believing, likely a Baptist or Presbyterian...
Miryam wrote:but other than that, it's cool, man. you're a christer.
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Okay, Sunny, yer cards are on table as a flat-out Christer.
- Killian
- Good crossing pattern target
- Posts: 6414
- Joined: Fri Jan 14, 2005 2:37 pm
- Location: At the end of the pub with head in arms
Re: Fuck Notre Dame
It was the house of a bunch of lacross chicks, you do the math. I love the people who are smiling/smirking in their picture because they know it's a load of bullshit.
Oh and Suncoast, Gruden don't have nothing on Clausen when it comes to looking like Chucky.
Oh and Suncoast, Gruden don't have nothing on Clausen when it comes to looking like Chucky.
"Well, my wife assassinated my sexual identity, and my children are eating my dreams." -Louis CK
Re: Fuck Notre Dame
Notre Dame is world famous for having a campus full of absolutely ugly chicks.
Re: Fuck Notre Dame
Dude. Was that really necessary? :?SunCoastSooner wrote:Their QB looks like a shaven version of the Geico Caveman and you had to ask that question?Q, West Coast Style wrote:BTW K, what kind of MUTANTS are running around South Bend these days. Yikes!
- Terry in Crapchester
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Re: Fuck Notre Dame
In my day, it wasn't exactly a "campus full" of chicks. There were 3 guys for every chick.Flea wrote:Notre Dame is world famous for having a campus full of absolutely ugly chicks.
But the chicks were all ugly.
Notre Dame, where men are men, and women are too.
War Wagon wrote:The first time I click on one of your youtube links will be the first time.