The Good: Fucking Vince hasnt lost a thing on his voice, and hit every high note with ease. They all sounded great, and brought the house down harder than I thought a bunch of mid 40 year old cats were capable of. Tommy did a rave drum solo segment that was just sikk as fuck.
The Bad: It was fucking raining, which meant a severe lack of titties and blunts being passed. Fuck the rain. Rack my soaking wet GF for not complaining once, and instead being fired up and into the show the entire set.
The Ugly: Mullets, Thier new shit being beyond unlistenable, 40+ year old leather funbags being shown here and there, and Motleys fucking clothes-Somebody needs to tell these cats that wearing a painting suit with a cop hat (Nikki) and a fucking indiana jones hat (Mick) are the stuff jokes are made of. Props to Vince for coming correct with a sleeveless denim jacket and matching pants-with a fucking hankerchief tied around his leg.

Overall, it was fun as hell. Paul, did Tommy break out the titty cam and go girls gone wild for the entire crowd when you went?
Funny shiot hearing him act and laugh like a little kid when all the different young pieces of ass were lifting up thier shirts and licking themselves......Rack the 2 hot Lebanons who were rolling around on the ground, in the rain, kissing each other as well.
If you can catch these guys in your city, DO IT-ive been to too many concerts to count over the years, and can honestly say these guys were worth every penny my girl spent on the tix.